AWS managed policies for Amazon DataZone - Amazon DataZone

AWS managed policies for Amazon DataZone

An AWS managed policy is a standalone policy that is created and administered by AWS. AWS managed policies are designed to provide permissions for many common use cases so that you can start assigning permissions to users, groups, and roles.

Keep in mind that AWS managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they're available for all AWS customers to use. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases.

You cannot change the permissions defined in AWS managed policies. If AWS updates the permissions defined in an AWS managed policy, the update affects all principal identities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to. AWS is most likely to update an AWS managed policy when a new AWS service is launched or new API operations become available for existing services.

For more information, see AWS managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

Amazon DataZone updates to AWS managed policies

View details about updates to AWS managed policies for Amazon DataZone since this service began tracking these changes. For automatic alerts about changes to this page, subscribe to the RSS feed on the Amazon DataZone Document history page.

Change Description Date

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerProvisioningRolePolicy - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneSageMakerProvisioningRolePolicy - adding support for the glue:GetConnection action.

January 2nd, 2025

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneSageMakerEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary - this change adds the sagemaker:AddTags to the permission boundary to enable Amazon DataZone to succesfully call CreateUserProfile with neccessary tags.

December 3rd, 2024

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerAccess, and AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneFullAccess, AmazonDataZoneSageMakerAccess, and AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - to enable support for the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio experience.

December 3rd, 2024

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - to enable support for metadata enforcement rules for subscription requests.

November 19th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneRedshiftGlueProvisioningPolicy - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneRedshiftGlueProvisioningPolicy - to Adding iam:DeletePolicyVersion to allow users to delete policy versions for policies created with datazone*. This helps unblock users who need to update their environment user role policy.

October 22nd, 2024

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - policy updates

Policy updates to the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess- to enable support for the new APIs that are used to create and manage Amazon DataZone domain units and data products.

July 31st, 2024

AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - policy update

Policy update to the AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - Amazon DataZone is adding IAM permissions that are used for fine grained access control functionality in order to scope down the permission granting in Lake Formation.

July 2nd, 2024

AmazonDataZoneExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - policy update

Policy update to the AmazonDataZoneExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess to enable support for the data lineage and fine grained access control APIs.

June 27th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - policy update

Policy update to the AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy that adds IAM permissions required for the self-subscribe functionality in Amazon DataZone in order to scope down the permissions granting in lake formation. With the self-subscribe functionality, the lake formation permissions can only be granted to tagged resourcese.

June 14th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy - policy update

Policy update to the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy that adds new APIs to Amazon DataZone that enable users to configure actions for their Amazon DataZone environments.

June 14th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneFullAccess - policy update

Policy update to the AmazonDataZoneFullAccess that enables the Amazon DataZone management console to create secrets on user's behalf with both domain and project tags. Also including the ram:ListResourceSharePermissions action to enable administrations from the domain owner account to view the account association status of the associated accounts.

June 14th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary - new permissions boundary

New permissions boundary called AmazonDataZoneSageMakerEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary . When you create an Amazon SageMaker environment via the Amazon DataZone data portal, Amazon DataZone applies this permissions boundary to the IAM roles that are produced during environment creation. The permissions boundary limits the scope of the roles that Amazon DataZone creates and any roles that you add.

April 30th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerAccess - new policy

New policy called AmazonDataZoneSageMakerAccess gives Amazon DataZone permissions to publish Amazon SageMaker assets to the catalog. It also gives Amazon DataZone permissions to grant access or revoke access to the Amazon SageMaker published assets in the catalog.

April 30th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneFullAccess - policy update

An update to the AmazonDataZoneFullAccess policy that adds access to DescribeSecurityGroups action to improve the usability for account administrators configuring blueprints in the console and GetPolicy action to help retrieve information about the specified managed policy.

April 30th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneSageMakerProvisioningRolePolicy - new policy

New policy called AmazonDataZoneSageMakerProvisioningRolePolicy grants Amazon DataZone the permissions required to interoperate with Amazon SageMaker.

April 30th, 2024

AmazonDataZoneS3Manage-<region>-<domainId> - new role

New role called AmazonDataZoneS3Manage-<region>-<domainId> that is used when Amazon DataZone calls AWS Lake Formation to register an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location. AWS Lake Formation assumes this role when accessing the data in that location.

April 1st, 2024

AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - Policy update

Updated the AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy to enable support for permissions that allow Amazon DataZone to enable publishing and access grants to data.

April 1st, 2024

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - Policy update

Updated the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy and AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess to enable support for the CancelMetadataGenerationRun API.

March 29, 2024

AmazonDataZoneFullAccess - Policy update

Updated the AmazonDataZoneFullAccess to enable users to choose their secrets, clusters, vpc's, and subnets in the Amazon DataZone management console rather than type them in a text box.

March 13, 2024

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy - Policy update

Updated the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy to enable support for the ListEnvironmentBlueprintConfigurationSummaries API that is required for creating environment profiles by identifying which blueprints are enabled in which account and region.

February 01, 2024

AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - Policy update

Updated the AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy to enable support for the AWS Lake Formation hybrid mode.

December 14, 2023

AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess and AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy - Policy updates

Updated the AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess and the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy policies to support the generative AI-powered data descriptions functionality in Amazon DataZone.

November 28, 2023

AmazonDataZoneEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary - Policy update

Amazon DataZone made an update to the AmazonDataZoneEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary managed policy that consists of an additional athena:GetQueryResultsStream permission scoped down with the ResourceTag condition.

November 17, 2023

AmazonDataZoneRedshiftManageAccessRolePolicy - Policy update

Amazon DataZone updated the AmazonDataZoneRedshiftManageAccessRolePolicy by removing the check on organization ID for the redshift:AssociateDataShareConsumer action. This enables you to share resource across AWS organizations.

November 16, 2023

AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - Policy update

Amazon DataZone updated the AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess policy that grants full access to Amazon DataZone, but it does not allow the management of domains, users, or associated accounts.

October 02, 2023

AmazonDataZonePortalFullAccessPolicy - policy deprecated

Amazon DataZone deprecated the AmazonDataZonePortalFullAccessPolicy.

September 29, 2023

AmazonDataZonePreviewConsoleFullAccess - policy deprecated

Amazon DataZone deprecated the AmazonDataZonePreviewConsoleFullAccess.

September 29, 2023

AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy.

This is the default policy for the Amazon DataZone AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRole service role. This role is used by Amazon DataZone to catalog, discover, govern, share, and analyze data in the Amazon DataZone domain.

You can attach the AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRolePolicy policy to your AmazonDataZoneDomainExecutionRole.

September 25, 2023

AmazonDataZoneCrossAccountAdmin - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneCrossAccountAdmin that enables users to work with Amazon DataZone and its associated accounts.

September 19, 2023

AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneFullUserAccess that grants full access to Amazon DataZone, but it does not allow the management of domains, users, or associated accounts.

September 12, 2023

AmazonDataZoneRedshiftManageAccessRolePolicy - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneRedshiftManageAccessRolePolicy that grants permissions to allow Amazon DataZone to enable publishing and access grants to data.

September 12, 2023

AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneGlueManageAccessRolePolicy that grants Amazon DataZone permissions to publish AWS Glue data to the catalog. It also gives Amazon DataZone permissions to grant access or revoke access to AWS Glue published assets in the catalog.

September 12, 2023

AmazonDataZoneRedshiftGlueProvisioningPolicy - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneRedshiftGlueProvisioningPolicy that grants Amazon DataZone the permissions required to interoperate with the supported data sources.

September 12, 2023

AmazonDataZoneEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneEnvironmentRolePermissionsBoundary that limits the provisioned IAM principal to which it is attached.

September 12, 2023

AmazonDataZoneFullAccess - New policy

Amazon DataZone added a new policy called AmazonDataZoneFullAccess that provides full access to Amazon DataZone via the AWS Management Console.

September 12, 2023

Managed policy update

Updates to the AmazonDataZonePreviewConsoleFullAccess managed policy that consists of an additional iam:GetPolicy permissions.

June 13, 2023

Amazon DataZone started tracking changes

Amazon DataZone started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies.

March 20, 2023