Amazon DataZone custom AWS service blueprints - Amazon DataZone

Amazon DataZone custom AWS service blueprints

In Amazon DataZone, custom AWS service blueprints enable you optimize resource usage and costs by configuring Amazon DataZone to use your own existing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and AWS services that you already have set up in your organization.

A blueprint with which a Amazon DataZone environment is created defines what tools and services members of the project to which the environment belongs can use as they work with assets in the Amazon DataZone catalog. In the current release of Amazon DataZone, there are the following built-in blueprints:

  • Data lake blueprint

  • Data warehouse blueprint

  • Amazon SageMaker blueprint

With Amazon DataZone custom AWS service blueprints, you can create environments and projects that are customized to any AWS services that you are currently using in your organization. With custom blueprints, you can include Amazon DataZone in your existing data pipelines by configuring it to use your existing IAM roles to enhance governance across infrastructure setup and collaborate on business initiatives.


With Amazon DataZone custom AWS service prints, you can migrate your existing Amazon SageMaker domain into Amazon DataZone. With this capability, administrators can now set up Amazon DataZone projects by importing their existing authorized users, security configurations, and policies from Amazon SageMaker domains. For more information, see Set up SageMaker Assets (administrator guide).