AWS::Transfer::Workflow WorkflowStep - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::Transfer::Workflow WorkflowStep

The basic building block of a workflow.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



Details for a step that performs a file copy.

Consists of the following values:

  • A description

  • An Amazon S3 location for the destination of the file copy.

  • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

Required: No

Type: CopyStepDetails

Update requires: Replacement


Details for a step that invokes an AWS Lambda function.

Consists of the Lambda function's name, target, and timeout (in seconds).

Required: No

Type: CustomStepDetails

Update requires: Replacement


Details for a step that decrypts an encrypted file.

Consists of the following values:

  • A descriptive name

  • An Amazon S3 or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) location for the source file to decrypt.

  • An S3 or Amazon EFS location for the destination of the file decryption.

  • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

  • The type of encryption that's used. Currently, only PGP encryption is supported.

Required: No

Type: DecryptStepDetails

Update requires: Replacement


Details for a step that deletes the file.

Required: No

Type: DeleteStepDetails

Update requires: Replacement


Details for a step that creates one or more tags.

You specify one or more tags. Each tag contains a key-value pair.

Required: No

Type: TagStepDetails

Update requires: Replacement


Currently, the following step types are supported.

  • COPY - Copy the file to another location.

  • CUSTOM - Perform a custom step with an AWS Lambda function target.

  • DECRYPT - Decrypt a file that was encrypted before it was uploaded.

  • DELETE - Delete the file.

  • TAG - Add a tag to the file.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: COPY | CUSTOM | DECRYPT | DELETE | TAG

Update requires: Replacement