AWS::AppSync::Resolver - AWS CloudFormation


The AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource defines the logical GraphQL resolver that you attach to fields in a schema. Request and response templates for resolvers are written in Apache Velocity Template Language (VTL) format. For more information about resolvers, see Resolver Mapping Template Reference.


When you submit an update, AWS CloudFormation updates resources based on differences between what you submit and the stack's current template. To cause this resource to be updated you must change a property value for this resource in the CloudFormation template. Changing the Amazon S3 file content without changing a property value will not result in an update operation.

See Update Behaviors of Stack Resources in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::AppSync::Resolver", "Properties" : { "ApiId" : String, "CachingConfig" : CachingConfig, "Code" : String, "CodeS3Location" : String, "DataSourceName" : String, "FieldName" : String, "Kind" : String, "MaxBatchSize" : Integer, "MetricsConfig" : String, "PipelineConfig" : PipelineConfig, "RequestMappingTemplate" : String, "RequestMappingTemplateS3Location" : String, "ResponseMappingTemplate" : String, "ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location" : String, "Runtime" : AppSyncRuntime, "SyncConfig" : SyncConfig, "TypeName" : String } }



The AWS AppSync GraphQL API to which you want to attach this resolver.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The caching configuration for the resolver.

Required: No

Type: CachingConfig

Update requires: No interruption


The resolver code that contains the request and response functions. When code is used, the runtime is required. The runtime value must be APPSYNC_JS.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The Amazon S3 endpoint.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The resolver data source name.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The GraphQL field on a type that invokes the resolver.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The resolver type.

  • UNIT: A UNIT resolver type. A UNIT resolver is the default resolver type. You can use a UNIT resolver to run a GraphQL query against a single data source.

  • PIPELINE: A PIPELINE resolver type. You can use a PIPELINE resolver to invoke a series of Function objects in a serial manner. You can use a pipeline resolver to run a GraphQL query against multiple data sources.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The maximum number of resolver request inputs that will be sent to a single AWS Lambda function in a BatchInvoke operation.

Required: No

Type: Integer

Update requires: No interruption


Enables or disables enhanced resolver metrics for specified resolvers. Note that MetricsConfig won't be used unless the resolverLevelMetricsBehavior value is set to PER_RESOLVER_METRICS. If the resolverLevelMetricsBehavior is set to FULL_REQUEST_RESOLVER_METRICS instead, MetricsConfig will be ignored. However, you can still set its value.

Required: No

Type: String

Allowed values: ENABLED | DISABLED

Update requires: No interruption


Functions linked with the pipeline resolver.

Required: No

Type: PipelineConfig

Update requires: No interruption


The request mapping template.

Request mapping templates are optional when using a Lambda data source. For all other data sources, a request mapping template is required.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The location of a request mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The response mapping template.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The location of a response mapping template in an Amazon S3 bucket. Use this if you want to provision with a template file in Amazon S3 rather than embedding it in your CloudFormation template.

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


Describes a runtime used by an AWS AppSync resolver or AWS AppSync function. Specifies the name and version of the runtime to use. Note that if a runtime is specified, code must also be specified.

Required: No

Type: AppSyncRuntime

Update requires: No interruption


The SyncConfig for a resolver attached to a versioned data source.

Required: No

Type: SyncConfig

Update requires: No interruption


The GraphQL type that invokes this resolver.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of an AWS::AppSync::Resolver resource to the intrinsic Ref function, the function returns the ARN of the Resolver, such as arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:123456789012:apis/graphqlapiid/types/typename/resolvers/resolvername.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


Fn::GetAtt returns a value for a specified attribute of this type. The following are the available attributes and sample return values.

For more information about using Fn::GetAtt, see Fn::GetAtt.


The GraphQL field on a type that invokes the resolver.


ARN of the resolver, such as arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:123456789012:apis/graphqlapiid/types/typename/resolvers/resolvername.


The GraphQL type that invokes this resolver.


Resolver Creation Example

The following example creates a resolver and associates it with an existing GraphQL API and a data source by passing the GraphQL API ID and data source name as a parameter.


Parameters: graphQlApiId: Type: String dataSourceName: Type: String fieldName: Type: String typeName: Type: String requestMappingTemplateS3LocationInput: Type: String responseMappingTemplateS3LocationInput: Type: String Resources: Resolver: Type: AWS::AppSync::Resolver Properties: ApiId: Ref: graphQlApiId TypeName: Ref: typeName FieldName: Ref: fieldName DataSourceName: Ref: dataSourceName RequestMappingTemplateS3Location: Ref: requestMappingTemplateS3LocationInput ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location: Ref: responseMappingTemplateS3LocationInput


{ "Parameters": { "graphQlApiId": { "Type": "String" }, "dataSourceName": { "Type": "String" }, "fieldName": { "Type": "String" }, "typeName": { "Type": "String" }, "requestMappingTemplateS3LocationInput": { "Type": "String" }, "responseMappingTemplateS3LocationInput": { "Type": "String" } }, "Resources": { "Resolver": { "Type": "AWS::AppSync::Resolver", "Properties": { "ApiId": { "Ref": "graphQlApiId" }, "TypeName": { "Ref": "typeName" }, "FieldName": { "Ref": "fieldName" }, "DataSourceName": { "Ref": "dataSourceName" }, "RequestMappingTemplateS3Location": { "Ref": "requestMappingTemplateS3LocationInput" }, "ResponseMappingTemplateS3Location": { "Ref": "responseMappingTemplateS3LocationInput" } } } } }

See also