Cancel a stack update - AWS CloudFormation

Cancel a stack update

After a stack update has begun, you can cancel the stack update if the stack is still in the UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state. After an update has finished, you can't cancel it. You can, however, update a stack again with any previous settings.

If you cancel a stack update, the stack is rolled back to the stack configuration that existed before initiating the stack update.

To cancel a stack update by using the console

  1. From the list of stacks in the AWS CloudFormation console, select the stack that's currently being updated. Its status must be UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS.

  2. Choose Stack actions and then Cancel update stack.

  3. To continue canceling the update, choose Cancel update. Otherwise, choose Cancel to resume the update.

The stack proceeds to the UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS state. After the update cancellation is complete, the stack is set to UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.

To cancel a stack update by using the command line

Use the command cancel-update-stack to cancel an update. For more information, see Cancel a stack update.