CloudWatch metrische Stream-Ausgabe im OpenTelemetry 0.7.0-Format - Amazon CloudWatch

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CloudWatch metrische Stream-Ausgabe im OpenTelemetry 0.7.0-Format

OpenTelemetry ist eine Sammlung von Tools,APIs, undSDKs. Sie können damit Telemetriedaten (Metriken, Protokolle und Traces) für Analysen instrumentieren, generieren, sammeln und exportieren. OpenTelemetry ist Teil der Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter OpenTelemetry.

Informationen zur vollständigen OpenTelemetry 0.7.0-Spezifikation finden Sie in der Version v0.7.0.

Ein Kinesis-Datensatz kann eine oder mehrere ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry Datenstrukturen enthalten. Jede Datenstruktur beginnt mit einem Header mit einem UnsignedVarInt32, das die Datensatzlänge in Byte angibt. Jede ExportMetricsServiceRequest kann Daten von mehreren Metriken gleichzeitig enthalten.

Das Folgende ist eine Zeichenkettendarstellung der Botschaft der ExportMetricsServiceRequest OpenTelemetry Datenstruktur. OpenTelemetry serialisiert das Binärprotokoll von Google Protocol Buffers, und dieses ist nicht für Menschen lesbar.

resource_metrics { resource { attributes { key: "cloud.provider" value { string_value: "aws" } } attributes { key: "" value { string_value: "2345678901" } } attributes { key: "cloud.region" value { string_value: "us-east-1" } } attributes { key: "aws.exporter.arn" value { string_value: "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-east-1:123456789012:metric-stream/MyMetricStream" } } } instrumentation_library_metrics { metrics { name: "" unit: "1" double_summary { data_points { labels { key: "Namespace" value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } labels { key: "MetricName" value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } labels { key: "TableName" value: "MyTable" } start_time_unix_nano: 1604948400000000000 time_unix_nano: 1604948460000000000 count: 1 sum: 1.0 quantile_values { quantile: 0.0 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.95 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 0.99 value: 1.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 1.0 } } data_points { labels { key: "Namespace" value: "AWS/DynamoDB" } labels { key: "MetricName" value: "ConsumedReadCapacityUnits" } labels { key: "TableName" value: "MyTable" } start_time_unix_nano: 1604948460000000000 time_unix_nano: 1604948520000000000 count: 2 sum: 5.0 quantile_values { quantile: 0.0 value: 2.0 } quantile_values { quantile: 1.0 value: 3.0 } } } } } }

Objekt der obersten Ebene zur Serialisierung von Metrikdaten OpenTelemetry

ExportMetricsServiceRequestist der Wrapper der obersten Ebene zum Serialisieren einer Export-Payload. OpenTelemetry Es enthält eine oder mehrere ResourceMetrics.

message ExportMetricsServiceRequest { // An array of ResourceMetrics. // For data coming from a single resource this array will typically contain one // element. Intermediary nodes (such as OpenTelemetry Collector) that receive // data from multiple origins typically batch the data before forwarding further and // in that case this array will contain multiple elements. repeated opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.ResourceMetrics resource_metrics = 1; }

ResourceMetricsist das Objekt der obersten Ebene zur Darstellung von Objekten. MetricData

// A collection of InstrumentationLibraryMetrics from a Resource. message ResourceMetrics { // The resource for the metrics in this message. // If this field is not set then no resource info is known. opentelemetry.proto.resource.v1.Resource resource = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from a resource. repeated InstrumentationLibraryMetrics instrumentation_library_metrics = 2; }


Ein Resource-Objekt ist ein Wertpaarobjekt, das Informationen über die Ressource enthält, die die Metriken generiert hat. Für Metriken, die erstellt wurden von AWS, die Datenstruktur enthält den Amazon-Ressourcennamen (ARN) der Ressource, die sich auf die Metrik bezieht, z. B. eine EC2 Instance oder einen S3-Bucket.

Das Resource-Objekt enthält ein Attribut namens attributes, das eine Liste von Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren speichert.

  • enthält die Konto-ID

  • cloud.region enthält die Region

  • aws.exporter.arnenthält den Metrik-Stream ARN

  • cloud.provider ist immer aws.

// Resource information. message Resource { // Set of labels that describe the resource. repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 1; // dropped_attributes_count is the number of dropped attributes. If the value is 0, // no attributes were dropped. uint32 dropped_attributes_count = 2; }

Das InstrumentationLibraryMetrics Objekt

Das Feld instrumentation_library wird nicht ausgefüllt. Wir füllen nur das Metrikfeld aus, das wir exportieren.

// A collection of Metrics produced by an InstrumentationLibrary. message InstrumentationLibraryMetrics { // The instrumentation library information for the metrics in this message. // If this field is not set then no library info is known. opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.InstrumentationLibrary instrumentation_library = 1; // A list of metrics that originate from an instrumentation library. repeated Metric metrics = 2; }


Das Metrikobjekt enthält ein DoubleSummary-Datenfeld, das eine Liste von DoubleSummaryDataPoint enthält.

message Metric { // name of the metric, including its DNS name prefix. It must be unique. string name = 1; // description of the metric, which can be used in documentation. string description = 2; // unit in which the metric value is reported. Follows the format // described by string unit = 3; oneof data { IntGauge int_gauge = 4; DoubleGauge double_gauge = 5; IntSum int_sum = 6; DoubleSum double_sum = 7; IntHistogram int_histogram = 8; DoubleHistogram double_histogram = 9; DoubleSummary double_summary = 11; } } message DoubleSummary { repeated DoubleSummaryDataPoint data_points = 1; }

Das MetricDescriptor Objekt

Das MetricDescriptor Objekt enthält Metadaten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter metrics.proto on. GitHub

Für metrische Streams MetricDescriptor hat der folgenden Inhalt:

Das DoubleSummaryDataPoint Objekt

Das DoubleSummaryDataPoint Objekt enthält den Wert eines einzelnen Datenpunkts in einer Zeitreihe in einer DoubleSummary Metrik.

// DoubleSummaryDataPoint is a single data point in a timeseries that describes the // time-varying values of a Summary metric. message DoubleSummaryDataPoint { // The set of labels that uniquely identify this timeseries. repeated opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.StringKeyValue labels = 1; // start_time_unix_nano is the last time when the aggregation value was reset // to "zero". For some metric types this is ignored, see data types for more // details. // // The aggregation value is over the time interval (start_time_unix_nano, // time_unix_nano]. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. // // Value of 0 indicates that the timestamp is unspecified. In that case the // timestamp may be decided by the backend. fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2; // time_unix_nano is the moment when this aggregation value was reported. // // Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January // 1970. fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3; // count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. fixed64 count = 4; // sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field // must be zero. double sum = 5; // Represents the value at a given quantile of a distribution. // // To record Min and Max values following conventions are used: // - The 1.0 quantile is equivalent to the maximum value observed. // - The 0.0 quantile is equivalent to the minimum value observed. message ValueAtQuantile { // The quantile of a distribution. Must be in the interval // [0.0, 1.0]. double quantile = 1; // The value at the given quantile of a distribution. double value = 2; } // (Optional) list of values at different quantiles of the distribution calculated // from the current snapshot. The quantiles must be strictly increasing. repeated ValueAtQuantile quantile_values = 6; }

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Übersetzungen im Format OpenTelemetry 0.7.0 in CloudWatch.