Fragment einer Komponentenkonfiguration - Amazon CloudWatch

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Fragment einer Komponentenkonfiguration

Das folgende Beispiel zeigt ein Vorlagenfragment im JSON-Format.

{ "alarmMetrics" : [ list of alarm metrics ], "logs" : [ list of logs ], "processes" : [ list of processes ], "windowsEvents" : [ list of windows events channels configurations ], "alarms" : [ list of CloudWatch alarms ], "jmxPrometheusExporter": { JMX Prometheus Exporter configuration }, "hanaPrometheusExporter": { SAP HANA Prometheus Exporter configuration }, "haClusterPrometheusExporter": { HA Cluster Prometheus Exporter configuration }, "netWeaverPrometheusExporter": { SAP NetWeaver Prometheus Exporter configuration }, "subComponents" : [ { "subComponentType" : "AWS::EC2::Instance" ... component nested instances configuration }, { "subComponentType" : "AWS::EC2::Volume" ... component nested volumes configuration } ] }