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Verwendung DescribeCluster
mit einem AWS SDK oder CLI
Die folgenden Code-Beispiele zeigen, wie DescribeCluster
verwendet wird.
aws emr describe-cluster --cluster-id j-XXXXXXXX
For release-label based uniform instance groups cluster: { "Cluster": { "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1436475075.199, "CreationDateTime": 1436474656.563, }, "State": "WAITING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "Waiting for steps to run" } }, "Ec2InstanceAttributes": { "ServiceAccessSecurityGroup": "sg-xxxxxxxx", "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup": "sg-xxxxxxxx", "IamInstanceProfile": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole", "Ec2KeyName": "myKey", "Ec2AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1c", "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup": "sg-yyyyyyyyy" }, "Name": "My Cluster", "ServiceRole": "EMR_DefaultRole", "Tags": [], "TerminationProtected": true, "UnhealthyNodeReplacement": true, "ReleaseLabel": "emr-4.0.0", "NormalizedInstanceHours": 96, "InstanceGroups": [ { "RequestedInstanceCount": 2, "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1436475074.245, "CreationDateTime": 1436474656.564, "EndDateTime": 1436638158.387 }, "State": "RUNNING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "", } }, "Name": "CORE", "InstanceGroupType": "CORE", "Id": "ig-YYYYYYY", "Configurations": [], "InstanceType": "m3.large", "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "RunningInstanceCount": 2 }, { "RequestedInstanceCount": 1, "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1436475074.245, "CreationDateTime": 1436474656.564, "EndDateTime": 1436638158.387 }, "State": "RUNNING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "", } }, "Name": "MASTER", "InstanceGroupType": "MASTER", "Id": "ig-XXXXXXXXX", "Configurations": [], "InstanceType": "m3.large", "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "RunningInstanceCount": 1 } ], "Applications": [ { "Name": "Hadoop" } ], "VisibleToAllUsers": true, "BootstrapActions": [], "MasterPublicDnsName": "ec2-54-147-144-78.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "AutoTerminate": false, "Id": "j-XXXXXXXX", "Configurations": [ { "Properties": { "fs.s3.consistent.retryPeriodSeconds": "20", "fs.s3.enableServerSideEncryption": "true", "fs.s3.consistent": "false", "fs.s3.consistent.retryCount": "2" }, "Classification": "emrfs-site" } ] } } For release-label based instance fleet cluster: { "Cluster": { "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1487897289.705, "CreationDateTime": 1487896933.942 }, "State": "WAITING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "Waiting for steps to run" } }, "Ec2InstanceAttributes": { "EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup": "sg-xxxxx", "RequestedEc2AvailabilityZones": [], "RequestedEc2SubnetIds": [], "IamInstanceProfile": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole", "Ec2AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a", "EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup": "sg-xxxxx" }, "Name": "My Cluster", "ServiceRole": "EMR_DefaultRole", "Tags": [], "TerminationProtected": false, "UnhealthyNodeReplacement": false, "ReleaseLabel": "emr-5.2.0", "NormalizedInstanceHours": 472, "InstanceCollectionType": "INSTANCE_FLEET", "InstanceFleets": [ { "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1487897212.74, "CreationDateTime": 1487896933.948 }, "State": "RUNNING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "" } }, "ProvisionedSpotCapacity": 1, "Name": "MASTER", "InstanceFleetType": "MASTER", "LaunchSpecifications": { "SpotSpecification": { "TimeoutDurationMinutes": 60, "TimeoutAction": "TERMINATE_CLUSTER" } }, "TargetSpotCapacity": 1, "ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity": 0, "InstanceTypeSpecifications": [ { "BidPrice": "0.5", "InstanceType": "m3.xlarge", "WeightedCapacity": 1 } ], "Id": "if-xxxxxxx", "TargetOnDemandCapacity": 0 } ], "Applications": [ { "Version": "2.7.3", "Name": "Hadoop" } ], "ScaleDownBehavior": "TERMINATE_AT_INSTANCE_HOUR", "VisibleToAllUsers": true, "BootstrapActions": [], "MasterPublicDnsName": "ec2-xxx-xx-xxx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com", "AutoTerminate": false, "Id": "j-xxxxx", "Configurations": [] } } For ami based uniform instance group cluster: { "Cluster": { "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1399400564.432, "CreationDateTime": 1399400268.62 }, "State": "WAITING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "Waiting for steps to run" } }, "Ec2InstanceAttributes": { "IamInstanceProfile": "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole", "Ec2AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1c" }, "Name": "My Cluster", "Tags": [], "TerminationProtected": true, "UnhealthyNodeReplacement": true, "RunningAmiVersion": "2.5.4", "InstanceGroups": [ { "RequestedInstanceCount": 1, "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1399400558.848, "CreationDateTime": 1399400268.621 }, "State": "RUNNING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "" } }, "Name": "Master instance group", "InstanceGroupType": "MASTER", "InstanceType": "m1.small", "Id": "ig-ABCD", "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "RunningInstanceCount": 1 }, { "RequestedInstanceCount": 2, "Status": { "Timeline": { "ReadyDateTime": 1399400564.439, "CreationDateTime": 1399400268.621 }, "State": "RUNNING", "StateChangeReason": { "Message": "" } }, "Name": "Core instance group", "InstanceGroupType": "CORE", "InstanceType": "m1.small", "Id": "ig-DEF", "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "RunningInstanceCount": 2 } ], "Applications": [ { "Version": "1.0.3", "Name": "hadoop" } ], "BootstrapActions": [], "VisibleToAllUsers": false, "RequestedAmiVersion": "2.4.2", "LogUri": "s3://myLogUri/", "AutoTerminate": false, "Id": "j-XXXXXXXX" } }
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie DescribeCluster
in der AWS CLI Befehlsreferenz.
- Python
- SDK für Python (Boto3)
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einrichten und ausführen. def describe_cluster(cluster_id, emr_client): """ Gets detailed information about a cluster. :param cluster_id: The ID of the cluster to describe. :param emr_client: The Boto3 EMR client object. :return: The retrieved cluster information. """ try: response = emr_client.describe_cluster(ClusterId=cluster_id) cluster = response["Cluster"] logger.info("Got data for cluster %s.", cluster["Name"]) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't get data for cluster %s.", cluster_id) raise else: return cluster
Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie DescribeClusterin AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.