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RDSAmazon-Beispiele SDK für die Verwendung von Kotlin
Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Aktionen ausführen und allgemeine Szenarien implementieren, indem Sie AWS SDK for Kotlin with Amazon RDS verwenden.
Basics sind Codebeispiele, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie die wesentlichen Operationen innerhalb eines Dienstes ausführen.
Aktionen sind Codeauszüge aus größeren Programmen und müssen im Kontext ausgeführt werden. Aktionen zeigen Ihnen zwar, wie Sie einzelne Servicefunktionen aufrufen, aber Sie können Aktionen im Kontext der zugehörigen Szenarien sehen.
Szenarien sind Codebeispiele, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie bestimmte Aufgaben ausführen, indem Sie mehrere Funktionen innerhalb eines Dienstes oder in Kombination mit anderen aufrufen AWS-Services.
Jedes Beispiel enthält einen Link zum vollständigen Quellcode, in dem Sie Anweisungen zum Einrichten und Ausführen des Codes im Kontext finden.
Wie das aussehen kann, sehen Sie am nachfolgenden Beispielcode:
Erstellen Sie eine benutzerdefinierte DB-Parametergruppe und legen Sie Parameterwerte fest.
Erstellen Sie eine DB-Instance, die zur Verwendung der Parametergruppe konfiguriert ist. Die DB-Instance enthält auch eine Datenbank.
Erstellen Sie einen Snapshot der Instance.
Löschen Sie die Instance und die Parametergruppe.
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. /** Before running this code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-kotlin/latest/developer-guide/setup.html This example requires an AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the database credentials. If you do not create a secret, this example will not work. For more details, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/integrating_how-services-use-secrets_RS.html This example performs the following tasks: 1. Returns a list of the available DB engines by invoking the DescribeDbEngineVersions method. 2. Selects an engine family and create a custom DB parameter group by invoking the createDBParameterGroup method. 3. Gets the parameter groups by invoking the DescribeDbParameterGroups method. 4. Gets parameters in the group by invoking the DescribeDbParameters method. 5. Modifies both the auto_increment_offset and auto_increment_increment parameters by invoking the modifyDbParameterGroup method. 6. Gets and displays the updated parameters. 7. Gets a list of allowed engine versions by invoking the describeDbEngineVersions method. 8. Gets a list of micro instance classes available for the selected engine. 9. Creates an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) database instance that contains a MySQL database and uses the parameter group. 10. Waits for DB instance to be ready and prints out the connection endpoint value. 11. Creates a snapshot of the DB instance. 12. Waits for the DB snapshot to be ready. 13. Deletes the DB instance. 14. Deletes the parameter group. */ var sleepTime: Long = 20 suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) { val usage = """ Usage: <dbGroupName> <dbParameterGroupFamily> <dbInstanceIdentifier> <dbName> <dbSnapshotIdentifier><secretName> Where: dbGroupName - The database group name. dbParameterGroupFamily - The database parameter group name. dbInstanceIdentifier - The database instance identifier. dbName - The database name. dbSnapshotIdentifier - The snapshot identifier. secretName - The name of the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the database credentials. """ if (args.size != 6) { println(usage) exitProcess(1) } val dbGroupName = args[0] val dbParameterGroupFamily = args[1] val dbInstanceIdentifier = args[2] val dbName = args[3] val dbSnapshotIdentifier = args[4] val secretName = args[5] val gson = Gson() val user = gson.fromJson(getSecretValues(secretName).toString(), User::class.java) val username = user.username val userPassword = user.password println("1. Return a list of the available DB engines") describeDBEngines() println("2. Create a custom parameter group") createDBParameterGroup(dbGroupName, dbParameterGroupFamily) println("3. Get the parameter groups") describeDbParameterGroups(dbGroupName) println("4. Get the parameters in the group") describeDbParameters(dbGroupName, 0) println("5. Modify the auto_increment_offset parameter") modifyDBParas(dbGroupName) println("6. Display the updated value") describeDbParameters(dbGroupName, -1) println("7. Get a list of allowed engine versions") getAllowedEngines(dbParameterGroupFamily) println("8. Get a list of micro instance classes available for the selected engine") getMicroInstances() println("9. Create an RDS database instance that contains a MySql database and uses the parameter group") val dbARN = createDatabaseInstance(dbGroupName, dbInstanceIdentifier, dbName, username, userPassword) println("The ARN of the new database is $dbARN") println("10. Wait for DB instance to be ready") waitForDbInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifier) println("11. Create a snapshot of the DB instance") createDbSnapshot(dbInstanceIdentifier, dbSnapshotIdentifier) println("12. Wait for DB snapshot to be ready") waitForSnapshotReady(dbInstanceIdentifier, dbSnapshotIdentifier) println("13. Delete the DB instance") deleteDbInstance(dbInstanceIdentifier) println("14. Delete the parameter group") if (dbARN != null) { deleteParaGroup(dbGroupName, dbARN) } println("The Scenario has successfully completed.") } suspend fun deleteParaGroup( dbGroupName: String, dbARN: String, ) { var isDataDel = false var didFind: Boolean var instanceARN: String RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> // Make sure that the database has been deleted. while (!isDataDel) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances() val instanceList = response.dbInstances val listSize = instanceList?.size isDataDel = false // Reset this value. didFind = false // Reset this value. var index = 1 if (instanceList != null) { for (instance in instanceList) { instanceARN = instance.dbInstanceArn.toString() if (instanceARN.compareTo(dbARN) == 0) { println("$dbARN still exists") didFind = true } if (index == listSize && !didFind) { // Went through the entire list and did not find the database name. isDataDel = true } index++ } } } // Delete the para group. val parameterGroupRequest = DeleteDbParameterGroupRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName } rdsClient.deleteDbParameterGroup(parameterGroupRequest) println("$dbGroupName was deleted.") } } suspend fun deleteDbInstance(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String) { val deleteDbInstanceRequest = DeleteDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal deleteAutomatedBackups = true skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.deleteDbInstance(deleteDbInstanceRequest) print("The status of the database is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") } } // Waits until the snapshot instance is available. suspend fun waitForSnapshotReady( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbSnapshotIdentifierVal: String?, ) { var snapshotReady = false var snapshotReadyStr: String println("Waiting for the snapshot to become available.") val snapshotsRequest = DescribeDbSnapshotsRequest { dbSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifierVal dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal } while (!snapshotReady) { RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbSnapshots(snapshotsRequest) val snapshotList: List<DbSnapshot>? = response.dbSnapshots if (snapshotList != null) { for (snapshot in snapshotList) { snapshotReadyStr = snapshot.status.toString() if (snapshotReadyStr.contains("available")) { snapshotReady = true } else { print(".") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } } println("The Snapshot is available!") } // Create an Amazon RDS snapshot. suspend fun createDbSnapshot( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbSnapshotIdentifierVal: String?, ) { val snapshotRequest = CreateDbSnapshotRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal dbSnapshotIdentifier = dbSnapshotIdentifierVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbSnapshot(snapshotRequest) print("The Snapshot id is ${response.dbSnapshot?.dbiResourceId}") } } // Waits until the database instance is available. suspend fun waitForDbInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?) { var instanceReady = false var instanceReadyStr: String println("Waiting for instance to become available.") val instanceRequest = DescribeDbInstancesRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal } var endpoint = "" while (!instanceReady) { RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances(instanceRequest) val instanceList = response.dbInstances if (instanceList != null) { for (instance in instanceList) { instanceReadyStr = instance.dbInstanceStatus.toString() if (instanceReadyStr.contains("available")) { endpoint = instance.endpoint?.address.toString() instanceReady = true } else { print(".") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } } println("Database instance is available! The connection endpoint is $endpoint") } // Create a database instance and return the ARN of the database. suspend fun createDatabaseInstance( dbGroupNameVal: String?, dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbNameVal: String?, masterUsernameVal: String?, masterUserPasswordVal: String?, ): String? { val instanceRequest = CreateDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal allocatedStorage = 100 dbName = dbNameVal dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupNameVal engine = "mysql" dbInstanceClass = "db.m4.large" engineVersion = "8.0" storageType = "standard" masterUsername = masterUsernameVal masterUserPassword = masterUserPasswordVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbInstance(instanceRequest) print("The status is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") return response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceArn } } // Get a list of micro instances. suspend fun getMicroInstances() { val dbInstanceOptionsRequest = DescribeOrderableDbInstanceOptionsRequest { engine = "mysql" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeOrderableDbInstanceOptions(dbInstanceOptionsRequest) val orderableDBInstances = response.orderableDbInstanceOptions if (orderableDBInstances != null) { for (dbInstanceOption in orderableDBInstances) { println("The engine version is ${dbInstanceOption.engineVersion}") println("The engine description is ${dbInstanceOption.engine}") } } } } // Get a list of allowed engine versions. suspend fun getAllowedEngines(dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?) { val versionsRequest = DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest { dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal engine = "mysql" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbEngineVersions(versionsRequest) val dbEngines: List<DbEngineVersion>? = response.dbEngineVersions if (dbEngines != null) { for (dbEngine in dbEngines) { println("The engine version is ${dbEngine.engineVersion}") println("The engine description is ${dbEngine.dbEngineDescription}") } } } } // Modify the auto_increment_offset parameter. suspend fun modifyDBParas(dbGroupName: String) { val parameter1 = Parameter { parameterName = "auto_increment_offset" applyMethod = ApplyMethod.Immediate parameterValue = "5" } val paraList: ArrayList<Parameter> = ArrayList() paraList.add(parameter1) val groupRequest = ModifyDbParameterGroupRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName parameters = paraList } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.modifyDbParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The parameter group ${response.dbParameterGroupName} was successfully modified") } } // Retrieve parameters in the group. suspend fun describeDbParameters( dbGroupName: String?, flag: Int, ) { val dbParameterGroupsRequest: DescribeDbParametersRequest dbParameterGroupsRequest = if (flag == 0) { DescribeDbParametersRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName } } else { DescribeDbParametersRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName source = "user" } } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbParameters(dbParameterGroupsRequest) val dbParameters: List<Parameter>? = response.parameters var paraName: String if (dbParameters != null) { for (para in dbParameters) { // Only print out information about either auto_increment_offset or auto_increment_increment. paraName = para.parameterName.toString() if (paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_offset") == 0 || paraName.compareTo("auto_increment_increment ") == 0) { println("*** The parameter name is $paraName") System.out.println("*** The parameter value is ${para.parameterValue}") System.out.println("*** The parameter data type is ${para.dataType}") System.out.println("*** The parameter description is ${para.description}") System.out.println("*** The parameter allowed values is ${para.allowedValues}") } } } } } suspend fun describeDbParameterGroups(dbGroupName: String?) { val groupsRequest = DescribeDbParameterGroupsRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName maxRecords = 20 } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbParameterGroups(groupsRequest) val groups = response.dbParameterGroups if (groups != null) { for (group in groups) { println("The group name is ${group.dbParameterGroupName}") println("The group description is ${group.description}") } } } } // Create a parameter group. suspend fun createDBParameterGroup( dbGroupName: String?, dbParameterGroupFamilyVal: String?, ) { val groupRequest = CreateDbParameterGroupRequest { dbParameterGroupName = dbGroupName dbParameterGroupFamily = dbParameterGroupFamilyVal description = "Created by using the AWS SDK for Kotlin" } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbParameterGroup(groupRequest) println("The group name is ${response.dbParameterGroup?.dbParameterGroupName}") } } // Returns a list of the available DB engines. suspend fun describeDBEngines() { val engineVersionsRequest = DescribeDbEngineVersionsRequest { defaultOnly = true engine = "mysql" maxRecords = 20 } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbEngineVersions(engineVersionsRequest) val engines: List<DbEngineVersion>? = response.dbEngineVersions // Get all DbEngineVersion objects. if (engines != null) { for (engineOb in engines) { println("The name of the DB parameter group family for the database engine is ${engineOb.dbParameterGroupFamily}.") println("The name of the database engine ${engineOb.engine}.") println("The version number of the database engine ${engineOb.engineVersion}") } } } } suspend fun getSecretValues(secretName: String?): String? { val valueRequest = GetSecretValueRequest { secretId = secretName } SecretsManagerClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { secretsClient -> val valueResponse = secretsClient.getSecretValue(valueRequest) return valueResponse.secretString } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie in AWS SDK den folgenden Themen als APIKotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungCreateDBInstance
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun createDatabaseInstance( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, dbNamedbVal: String?, masterUsernameVal: String?, masterUserPasswordVal: String?, ) { val instanceRequest = CreateDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal allocatedStorage = 100 dbName = dbNamedbVal engine = "mysql" dbInstanceClass = "db.m4.large" engineVersion = "8.0" storageType = "standard" masterUsername = masterUsernameVal masterUserPassword = masterUserPasswordVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.createDbInstance(instanceRequest) print("The status is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") } } // Waits until the database instance is available. suspend fun waitForInstanceReady(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?) { val sleepTime: Long = 20 var instanceReady = false var instanceReadyStr: String println("Waiting for instance to become available.") val instanceRequest = DescribeDbInstancesRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> while (!instanceReady) { val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances(instanceRequest) val instanceList = response.dbInstances if (instanceList != null) { for (instance in instanceList) { instanceReadyStr = instance.dbInstanceStatus.toString() if (instanceReadyStr.contains("available")) { instanceReady = true } else { println("...$instanceReadyStr") delay(sleepTime * 1000) } } } } println("Database instance is available!") } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter C reateDBInstance
in AWS SDKfür die API Kotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDeleteDBInstance
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun deleteDatabaseInstance(dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?) { val deleteDbInstanceRequest = DeleteDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal deleteAutomatedBackups = true skipFinalSnapshot = true } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.deleteDbInstance(deleteDbInstanceRequest) print("The status of the database is ${response.dbInstance?.dbInstanceStatus}") } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter D eleteDBInstance
in AWS SDKfür die API Kotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDescribeAccountAttributes
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun getAccountAttributes() { RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeAccountAttributes(DescribeAccountAttributesRequest {}) response.accountQuotas?.forEach { quotas -> val response = response.accountQuotas println("Name is: ${quotas.accountQuotaName}") println("Max value is ${quotas.max}") } } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie DescribeAccountAttributes
in der AWS SDKAPIKotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDescribeDBInstances
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun describeInstances() { RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val response = rdsClient.describeDbInstances(DescribeDbInstancesRequest {}) response.dbInstances?.forEach { instance -> println("Instance Identifier is ${instance.dbInstanceIdentifier}") println("The Engine is ${instance.engine}") println("Connection endpoint is ${instance.endpoint?.address}") } } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter D escribeDBInstances
in AWS SDKfür die API Kotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungModifyDBInstance
- SDKfür Kotlin
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einrichten und ausführen. suspend fun updateIntance( dbInstanceIdentifierVal: String?, masterUserPasswordVal: String?, ) { val request = ModifyDbInstanceRequest { dbInstanceIdentifier = dbInstanceIdentifierVal publiclyAccessible = true masterUserPassword = masterUserPasswordVal } RdsClient { region = "us-west-2" }.use { rdsClient -> val instanceResponse = rdsClient.modifyDbInstance(request) println("The ARN of the modified database is ${instanceResponse.dbInstance?.dbInstanceArn}") } }
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter M odifyDBInstance
in AWS SDKfür die API Kotlin-Referenz.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine Webanwendung erstellen, die Arbeitsaufgaben in einer serverlosen Amazon Aurora Aurora-Datenbank verfolgt und Amazon Simple Email Service (AmazonSES) zum Senden von Berichten verwendet.
- SDKfür Kotlin
Zeigt, wie eine Webanwendung erstellt wird, die in einer RDS Amazon-Datenbank gespeicherte Arbeitsaufgaben verfolgt und Berichte darüber erstellt.
Den vollständigen Quellcode und Anweisungen zum Einrichten eines Spring RESTAPI, der Amazon Aurora Serverless-Daten abfragt und von einer React-Anwendung verwendet werden kann, finden Sie im vollständigen Beispiel unter GitHub
. In diesem Beispiel verwendete Dienste
Amazon RDS
Amazon SES