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AWS Marketplace APIKatalogbeispiele SDK für Python verwenden (Boto3)
Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mithilfe von AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) with AWS Marketplace Catalog Aktionen ausführen und allgemeine Szenarien implementierenAPI.
Jedes Beispiel enthält einen Link zum vollständigen Quellcode, in dem Sie Anweisungen zum Einrichten und Ausführen des Codes im Kontext finden.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einem vorhandenen AMI Produkt eine Dimension hinzufügen und die Preisbedingungen für das Angebot aktualisieren.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111", "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "m7g.8xlarge", "Description": "m7g.8xlarge", "Name": "m7g.8xlarge", "Types": [ "Metered" ], "Unit": "Hrs" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "m5.large", "Price": "0.15" }, { "DimensionKey": "m7g.4xlarge", "Price": "0.45" }, { "DimensionKey": "m7g.2xlarge", "Price": "0.45" }, { "DimensionKey": "m7g.8xlarge", "Price": "0.55" } ] } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to add a dimension to an existing AMI product and update the offer pricing terms. CAPI-23 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Add dimension for AMI product") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie eine Region hinzugefügt wird, in der ein AMI Produkt bereitgestellt wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddRegions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Regions": [ "us-east-2", "us-west-2" ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to add a region where my AMI product is deployed CAPI-25A """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Add a region where my AMI product is deployed", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder limitiertes AMI Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit stündlicher jährlicher Preisgestaltung erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Operating Systems" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddRegions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Regions": [ "us-east-1" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddInstanceTypes", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "InstanceTypes": [ "t2.micro" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Version": { "VersionTitle": "Test AMI Version1.0", "ReleaseNotes": "Test AMI Version" }, "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "AmiDeliveryOptionDetails": { "AmiSource": { "AmiId": "ami-11111111111111111", "AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/AWSMarketplaceAmiIngestion", "UserName": "ec2-user", "OperatingSystemName": "AMAZONLINUX", "OperatingSystemVersion": "10.0.14393", "ScanningPort": 22 }, "UsageInstructions": "Test AMI Version", "RecommendedInstanceType": "t2.micro", "SecurityGroups": [ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ "" ], "FromPort": 10, "ToPort": 22 } ] } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "t2.micro", "Description": "t2.micro", "Name": "t2.micro", "Types": [ "Metered" ], "Unit": "Hrs" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with hourly-annual pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.15" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P365D" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly-annual pricing and standard or custom EULA CAPI-06 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create limited AMI product and public offer with hourly-annual pricing and standard EULA", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder limitiertes AMI Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit stündlicher monatlicher Abrechnung erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Operating Systems" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddRegions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Regions": [ "us-east-1" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddInstanceTypes", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "InstanceTypes": [ "t2.micro" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Version": { "VersionTitle": "Test AMI Version1.0", "ReleaseNotes": "Test AMI Version" }, "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "AmiDeliveryOptionDetails": { "AmiSource": { "AmiId": "ami-11111111111111111", "AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/AWSMarketplaceAmiIngestion", "UserName": "ec2-user", "OperatingSystemName": "AMAZONLINUX", "OperatingSystemVersion": "10.0.14393", "ScanningPort": 22 }, "UsageInstructions": "Test AMI Version", "RecommendedInstanceType": "t2.micro", "SecurityGroups": [ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ "" ], "FromPort": 10, "ToPort": 22 } ] } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "t2.micro", "Description": "t2.micro", "Name": "t2.micro", "Types": [ "Metered" ], "Unit": "Hrs" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with hourly-monthly pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.15" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "RecurringPaymentTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "BillingPeriod": "Monthly", "Price": "15.0" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly-monthly pricing and standard or custom EULA CAPI-08 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "create limited AMI product and public offer with hourly-monthly pricing and standard EULA", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder limitiertes AMI Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit stündlicher Abrechnung erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Operating Systems" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddRegions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Regions": [ "us-east-1" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddInstanceTypes", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "InstanceTypes": [ "t2.micro" ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Version": { "VersionTitle": "Test AMI Version1.0", "ReleaseNotes": "Test AMI Version" }, "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "AmiDeliveryOptionDetails": { "AmiSource": { "AmiId": "ami-11111111111111111", "AccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/AWSMarketplaceAmiIngestion", "UserName": "ec2-user", "OperatingSystemName": "AMAZONLINUX", "OperatingSystemVersion": "10.0.14393", "ScanningPort": 22 }, "UsageInstructions": "Test AMI Version", "RecommendedInstanceType": "t2.micro", "SecurityGroups": [ { "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ "" ], "FromPort": 10, "ToPort": 22 } ] } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "t2.micro", "Description": "t2.micro", "Name": "t2.micro", "Types": [ "Metered" ], "Unit": "Hrs" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with hourly pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.15" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly pricing and standard or custom EULA CAPI-07 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create limited AMI product and public offer with hourly pricing and standard EULA", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen AMI Produktentwurf mit einem Entwurf eines öffentlichen Angebots erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier", "Name": "Test Offer" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create an AMI draft product with a draft public offer. CAPI-02 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "AMI draft product with draft public offer", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine Region einschränken, in der ein AMI Produkt bereitgestellt wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "RestrictRegions", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Regions": [ "us-west-2" ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to restrict a region where my AMI product is deployed CAPI-25B """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Add a region where my AMI product is deployed", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie die Sichtbarkeit von Produkten einschränken können.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateVisibility", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "TargetVisibility": "Restricted" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to change a product visibility to restricted CAPI-17 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Restrict existing AMI") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie angegeben wird, ob AMI Ressourcen in neuen Regionen eingesetzt werden, die von AWS zur Unterstützung future Regionen gebaut wurden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateFutureRegionSupport", "Entity": { "Type": "AmiProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "FutureRegionSupport": { "SupportedRegions": [ "All" ] } } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to modify a product to support all future regions CAPI-26 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update future region support") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Angebote von Channel-Partnern
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen Entwurf CPPO für einen beliebigen Produkttyp erstellen, sodass Sie ihn intern überprüfen können, bevor Sie ihn für Käufer veröffentlichen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOfferUsingResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ResaleAuthorizationId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111", "Name": "Test Offer name" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create “draft” CPPO for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) that can be reviewed internally before publishing to buyers CAPI-60 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc # noqa: E402 import utils.stringify_details as sd # noqa: E402 fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Create a draft CPPO offer for a product") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie auf der Grundlage einer bestehenden Vereinbarung mit Vertragspreisen ein privates Ersatzangebot für die Genehmigung des Wiederverkaufs erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType" : "CreateReplacementOfferUsingResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth", "DetailsDocument": { "AgreementId": "agmt-1111111111111111111111111", "ResaleAuthorizationId": "resaleauthz-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test replacement offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Codes", "Description": "Test private resale replacement offer with contract pricing for SaaSProduct" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "FixedUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Price": "0.0", "Duration": "P12M", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "MaxQuantity": 2 } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementEndDate": "2024-01-30" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePaymentScheduleTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "PaymentScheduleTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Schedule": [ { "ChargeDate": "2024-01-01", "ChargeAmount": "0" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOfferResaleAuth.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a resale authorization replacement private offer from an existing agreement with contract pricing CAPI-96 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create resale authorization replacement private offer with contract pricing", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie alle von einem Channel-Partner CPPOs erstellten Dateien aufgelistet werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to list all Channel Partner Offers in an account Program executed with no arguments: ie. python3 list_all_cppo_offers.py CAPI-93 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") def get_offer_entities(): """ Returns a list of all offers in the account """ next_token = "" # nosec: B105 response_list = [] try: response = mp_client.list_entities(Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType="Offer") except ClientError as e: logging.exception(f"Couldn't list entities. {e}") raise response_list.append(response) # Results are paginated depending on number of entities returned while "NextToken" in response: next_token = response["NextToken"] try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType="Offer", NextToken=next_token, ) except ClientError as e: logging.exception(f"Couldn't list entities. {e}") raise if "NextToken" in response: response_list.append(response) return response_list def build_offer_list(response_list): """ Cleans up list_entities response list with just list of offer IDs """ offer_list = [] for response in response_list: for entity in response["EntitySummaryList"]: offer_list.append(entity["EntityId"]) return offer_list def check_offer_resaleauth(offer_id): """ Checks to see if an offer is based on a resale authorization """ offer_response = describe_entity(offer_id) offer_details = json.loads(offer_response["Details"]) if offer_details is None: offer_details = offer_response["DetailsDocument"] if "ResaleAuthorizationId" in offer_details and offer_details["ResaleAuthorizationId"] is not None: return offer_id else: return None def describe_entity(entity_id): """ General purpose describe entity call """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id, ) except ClientError as e: logging.exception(f"Couldn't describe entity. {e}") raise return response def get_resaleauth_offers(): """ Returns a list of all offers in the account that are based on a resale authorization """ resale_offer_list = [] response_list = get_offer_entities() offer_list = build_offer_list(response_list) for offer in offer_list: print ("offer id " + offer) offer_info = check_offer_resaleauth(offer) if offer_info is not None: resale_offer_list.append(offer_info) return resale_offer_list if __name__ == "__main__": print(get_resaleauth_offers())
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter ListEntitiesPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie alle geteilten Wiederverkaufsberechtigungen aufgelistet werden, die einem Vertriebspartner zur Verfügung stehen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to list all resale authorizations shared to an account Program executed with no arguments: ie. python3 list_all_resale_authorizations.py CAPI-94 """ import logging import boto3 import utils.helpers as hlp # noqa: E402 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") def get_shared_entities(): next_token = "" # nosec: B105 response_list = [] try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType="ResaleAuthorization", OwnershipType="SHARED", ) except ClientError as e: logging.exception(f"Couldn't list entities. {e}") raise response_list.append(response) # Results can be paginated depending on number of entities returned while "NextToken" in response: next_token = response["NextToken"] try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType="ResaleAuthorization", OwnershipType="SHARED", NextToken=next_token, ) except ClientError as e: logging.exception(f"Couldn't list entities. {e}") raise if "NextToken" in response: response_list.append(response) return response_list if __name__ == "__main__": response_list = get_shared_entities() hlp.pretty_print_datetime(response_list)
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter ListEntitiesPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen Käufer veröffentlichen CPPO und einen Käufer anhängen. EULA
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType" : "CreateOfferUsingResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateCPPOoffer", "DetailsDocument": { "ResaleAuthorizationId":"resaleauthz-1111111111111", "Name": "Test Offer", "Description":"Test product" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPOoffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPOoffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": ["222222222222"] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPOoffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-07-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPOoffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P450D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType":"ReleaseOffer", "Entity":{ "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPOoffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to publish CPPO for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and append buyer EULA """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Publish CPPO for any product type and append buyer EULA", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine CPPO einmalige Wiederverkaufsautorisierung für SaaS AMI - oder Container-Produkte veröffentlichen und den Preisaufschlag aktualisieren.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType" : "CreateOfferUsingResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateCPPO", "DetailsDocument": { "ResaleAuthorizationId":"resaleauthz-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test Offer name", "Description":"Test Offer description" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateMarkup", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Percentage" : "5.0" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": ["111111111111"] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType":"ReleaseOffer", "Entity":{ "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to Create CPPO using one-time resale authorization on AMI, SaaS or Container products and update price markup CAPI-63 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create CPPO using one-time resale authorization and update price markup" ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen Entwurf veröffentlichen CPPO und den Preisaufschlag aktualisieren.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType" : "CreateOfferUsingResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateCPPO", "DetailsDocument": { "ResaleAuthorizationId":"resaleauthz-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test Offer name", "Description":"Test Offer description" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateMarkup", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Percentage" : "5.0" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": ["111111111111"] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-05-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P450D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType":"ReleaseOffer", "Entity":{ "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateCPPO.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to publish “draft” CPPO for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and update price markup CAPI-72 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Publish draft CPPO for any product type adn update price markup" ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie das Ablaufdatum von a aktualisieren, CPPO um Käufern mehr Zeit zu geben, das Angebot zu bewerten und anzunehmen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2025-07-31" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update the expiry date of a CPPO offer """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Update the expiry date of a CPPO offer" ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen Entwurf eines Container-Produkts mit einem Entwurf eines öffentlichen Angebots erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog":"AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet":[ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier", "Name": "Test Offer" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create an container draft product with a draft public offer. CAPI-03 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create a draft container product with a draft public offer", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein limitiertes Containerprodukt mit einem öffentlichen Angebot, Vertragspreisen und Standardpreisen erstellenEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {}, "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange" }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "Categories": [ "Streaming solutions" ], "ProductTitle": "ContainerProduct", "AdditionalResources": [], "LongDescription": "Long description goes here", "SearchKeywords": [ "container streaming" ], "ShortDescription": "Description1", "Highlights": [ "Highlight 1", "Highlight 2" ], "SupportDescription": "No support available", "VideoUrls": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "Cores", "Description": "Cores per cluster", "Name": "Cores", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "AddRepositories", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Repositories": [ { "RepositoryName": "uniquerepositoryname", "RepositoryType": "ECR" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "ContainerProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange" }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Disallowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Disallowed" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "Cores", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "No refunds" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Some container offer Name", "Description": "Some interesting container offer description" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateRenewalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "RenewalTerm" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create limited container product with public offer, contract pricing and standard EULA CAPI-15 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create limited container product with public offer contract pricing and standard EULA", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie alle Entitäten in einem einzigen Aufruf beschrieben werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to describe for multiple entities information in the AWS Marketplace Catalog CAPI-98 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRODUCT_ID = "prod-1111111111111" OFFER_ID = "offer-1111111111111" MARKETPLACE_CATALOG = "AWSMarketplace" def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def get_entities_information(mp_client): """ Returns information about a given product Args: entity_id str: Entity to return Returns: dict: Dictionary of product information """ entity_request_list_param = [ {'EntityId': PRODUCT_ID, 'Catalog': MARKETPLACE_CATALOG}, {'EntityId': OFFER_ID, 'Catalog': MARKETPLACE_CATALOG} ] try: response = mp_client.batch_describe_entities( EntityRequestList=entity_request_list_param ) return response except ClientError as e: logger.exception("Unexpected error: %s", e) raise def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Looking for entities in the AWS Marketplace Catalog.") print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") response = get_entities_information(mp_client) print("Successful entities response -") pretty_print(response["EntityDetails"]) print("Failed entities response -") pretty_print(response["Errors"]) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter BatchDescribeEntitiesPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie alle mit einem Produkt verbundenen Angebote aufgelistet und beschrieben werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to retrieve all offer information related to a single product CAPI-97 """ import argparse import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from utils import helpers logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") def get_entity_information(entity_id): """ Returns information about a given entity Args: entity_id str: Entity to return Returns: dict: Dictionary of entity information """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id, ) return response except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Entity with ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) def list_entity_details(entity_type, entity_id): """ Returns details about a given entity and entity type """ entity_summary_list = [] # filter will return details for given entity_id with BuyerAccounts targeting filter_list_param = { 'OfferFilters':{ 'ProductId':{ 'ValueList':[entity_id] }, 'Targeting': { 'ValueList': ["BuyerAccounts"] } } } try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType=entity_type, EntityTypeFilters = filter_list_param, MaxResults=10 ) except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Entity ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) # add results to entity_summary_list entity_summary_list.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) # if there are more than 10 offers, paginate through the results while "NextToken" in response and response["NextToken"] is not None: try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType=entity_type, EntityTypeFilters = filter_list_param, NextToken=response["NextToken"], MaxResults=10 ) except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Entity ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) # add results to entity_summary_list entity_summary_list.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) return entity_summary_list if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--entity-id", "-eid", help="Provide Entity ID corresponding to a product to filter offers on", required=True, ) args = parser.parse_args() # Gets a offers associated with the entity_id response = list_entity_details( "Offer", entity_id=args.entity_id ) if response: # if response is not empty # list_entity_details returns a list of offers for offer in response: print("-"*128) print(f"Terms for Offer ID: {offer['EntityId']}") print("-"*128) #retrieve offer information for each offer entity_information = get_entity_information(offer["EntityId"]) helpers.pretty_print_datetime(entity_information) else: print(f"No information found for Entity ID: {args.entity_id}")
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie in der Python-Referenz (Boto3) API in AWS SDK den folgenden Themen.
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine benutzerdefinierte Dimension für ein SaaS-Produkt und ein privates Angebot erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Description": "Custom Pricing 4 w/ terms and coverage to be defined in Private Offer", "Unit": "Units", "Key": "Custom4", "Name": "Custom Pricing 4" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange" }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Private Test Offer - SaaS Contract Product", "Description": "Private Test Offer - SaaS Contract Product" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "Custom4", "Price": "300.0" } ], "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P36M" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ], "ChangeSetName": "PrivateOfferWithCustomDimension" }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a SaaS product custom dimension and private offer CAPI-91 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create a SaaS product custom dimension and private offer" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen privaten Angebotsentwurf für ein AMI oder ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen, sodass Sie es intern überprüfen können, bevor Sie es für Käufer veröffentlichen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "Test Private Offer" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create “draft” Private Offer for any AMI or SAAS product type that can be reviewed internally before publishing to buyers CAPI-30 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Private offer for AMI product") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit Vertrag und Pay-As-You-Go Preis für ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with subscription pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall", "Price": "0.15" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "150" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "300" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with contract with PAYG pricing for my SaaS product CAPI-34 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create private offer with contract with PAYG pricing for my SaaS product", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit Vertragspreisen und einem flexiblen Zahlungsplan für ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with subscription pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "FixedUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Price": "0.0", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "MaxQuantity": 1 } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P12M" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePaymentScheduleTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "PaymentScheduleTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Schedule": [ { "ChargeDate": "2024-01-01", "ChargeAmount": "200.00" }, { "ChargeDate": "2024-02-01", "ChargeAmount": "170.00" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Some kind of refund policy description" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with contract pricing and flexible payment schedule for my SaaS product CAPI-39 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create private offer with contract pricing and flexible payment schedule for my SaaS product", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit Vertragspreisen für ein Container-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for Container product using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer for Container product with contract pricing using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Disallowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Disallowed" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "ReqPerHour", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer (target buyers) for my Container product with contract pricing CAPI-36 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "publish a private offer for my Container product with contract pricing", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit Vertragspreisen für ein AMI Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with hourly annual pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "ReadOnlyUsers", "Price": "220.00" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with contract pricing for my AMI product CAPI-35 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "create private offer with contract pricing for my AMI product" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit stündlicher jährlicher Preisgestaltung und einem flexiblen Zahlungsplan für ein AMI Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with hourly annual pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.17" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "FixedUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Price": "0.0", "Duration": "P365D", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "MaxQuantity": 1 } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P650D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePaymentScheduleTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "PaymentScheduleTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Schedule": [ { "ChargeDate": "2024-01-01", "ChargeAmount": "200.00" }, { "ChargeDate": "2024-02-01", "ChargeAmount": "170.00" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with hourly annual pricing and flexible payment schedule for my AMI product CAPI-XX """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create private offer with hourly annual pricing and flexible payment schedule for my AMI product", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit stündlicher jährlicher Preisgestaltung für ein AMI Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with hourly annual pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.17" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P365D" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "220.00" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P650D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with hourly annual pricing for my AMI product CAPI-31 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "create private offer with hourly annual pricing for my AMI product" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit stündlicher Preisgestaltung für ein AMI Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with hourly pricing for AmiProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2025-01-01" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "0.15" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P30D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with hourly pricing for my AMI product CAPI-32 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "create private offer with hourly pricing for my AMI product" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit Abonnementpreisen für ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with subscription pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall", "Price": "0.13" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium", "Price": "0.22" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementDuration": "P30D" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with subscription pricing for my SaaS product CAPI-33 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create private offer with subscription pricing for my SaaS product" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein privates Angebot mit gestaffelten Vertragspreisen für ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test private offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test private offer with subscription pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "120.00" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "200.00" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Disallowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Disallowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a private offer with tiered contract pricing for my SaaS product CAPI-XX """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create private offer with tiered contract pricing for my SaaS product", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches kostenloses Testangebot mit Abonnementpreisen für ein SaaS-Produkt erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public free trial offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public free trial offer with subscription pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Free", "Terms": [ { "Type": "FreeTrialPricingTerm", "Duration": "P20D", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public free trial offer with subscription pricing for SaaS product CAPI-13 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create public free trial offer with subscription pricing for SaaS product", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein privates Ersatzangebot auf der Grundlage einer bestehenden Vereinbarung mit Vertragspreisen erstellt wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType" : "CreateReplacementOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateReplacementOffer", "DetailsDocument": { "AgreementId": "agmt-1111111111111111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test replacement offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Codes", "Description": "Test private replacement offer with contract pricing for SaaSProduct" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "FixedUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Price": "0.0", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "MaxQuantity": 2 } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateValidityTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ValidityTerm", "AgreementEndDate": "2024-01-30" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePaymentScheduleTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "PaymentScheduleTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Schedule": [ { "ChargeDate": "2024-01-01", "ChargeAmount": "0" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateReplacementOffer.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a replacement private offer from an existing agreement with contract pricing CAPI-95 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create replacement private offer with contract pricing..", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein öffentliches Angebot beschrieben wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) search for offer information in the AWS Marketplace Catalog CAPI-29 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) OFFER_ID = "offer-1111111111111" def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def get_offer_information(mp_client, entity_id): """ Returns information about a given offer Args: entity_id str: Entity to return Returns: dict: Dictionary of offer information """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id, ) return response except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Offer with ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Looking for an offer in the AWS Marketplace Catalog.") print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") pretty_print(get_offer_information(mp_client, OFFER_ID)) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter DescribeEntityPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie das Ablaufdatum eines privaten Angebots auf ein Datum in der Vergangenheit festlegen, sodass Käufer das Angebot nicht mehr sehen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "Test Private Offer" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create “draft” Private Offer for any AMI or SAAS product type that can be reviewed internally before publishing to buyers CAPI-30 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Private offer for AMI product") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie alle privaten Angebote aufgelistet werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) for listing offers in the AWS Marketplace Catalog CAPI-40 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Constants MAX_RESULTS = 10 CATALOG = "AWSMarketplace" ENTITY_TYPE = "Offer" def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def list_private_offers(mp_client, return_all_private_offers): """ This method retrieves list of all Private Offers for this account. """ entity_summary_list = [] filter_list_param = { 'OfferFilters': { 'Targeting': { 'ValueList': ["BuyerAccounts"] } } } try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog=CATALOG, EntityType=ENTITY_TYPE, EntityTypeFilters=filter_list_param, MaxResults=MAX_RESULTS ) except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not complete list_entities request: %s", e) raise entity_summary_list.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) logger.info("Number of results in first iteration: %d " % len(entity_summary_list)) # Get subsequent pages of results if previous response contained a NextToken while "NextToken" in response and return_all_private_offers: try: logger.info("Getting Next Token results: %s " % response["NextToken"]) response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog=CATALOG, EntityType=ENTITY_TYPE, EntityTypeFilters=filter_list_param, MaxResults=MAX_RESULTS, NextToken=response["NextToken"] ) except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not complete list_entities request: %s", e) raise entity_summary_list.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) logger.info( "Number of results in the current iteration: %d " % len(response["EntitySummaryList"]) ) return entity_summary_list def get_offer_details(mp_client, offer): """ Describe the details of the Offer. """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=offer["EntityId"] ) return response except ClientError: logger.exception("Error: Couldn't get details of the Offer.") raise def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Demo - List Private offers.") print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") # Get list of all Offers. private_offers = list_private_offers(mp_client, False) count = len(private_offers) logger.info("Number of Offers: %d " % count) offer_counter = 0 # Display details of each Offer. for offer in private_offers: print("-" * 88) offer_counter += 1 print("Displaying Offer details for Offer# %d" % offer_counter) entity = get_offer_details(mp_client, offer) pretty_print(entity) print("-" * 88) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein Angebot aktualisiert wird, um einen Vertrag mit Pay-As-You-Go Preisgestaltung anzuwenden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall", "Price": "0.15" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "150" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "300" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update an offer to apply contract with PAYG pricing CAPI-21 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update offer to apply contract with PAYG pricing") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein Angebot aktualisiert wird, um eine stündliche jährliche Preisgestaltung anzuwenden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "m5.large", "Price": "0.13" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P365D" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "m5.large", "Price": "20.03" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update an offer to apply hourly annual pricing CAPI-20 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update offer with hourly annual pricing") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein Angebot aktualisiert wird, um das Targeting auf bestimmte geografische Regionen anzuwenden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "CountryCodes": [ "US", "ES", "FR", "AU" ] } } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update an offer to apply targeting to certain geographic regions. CAPI-19 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update offer targeting") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie der Name und die Beschreibung eines öffentlichen Angebots aktualisiert werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "New offer name", "Description": "New offer description" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update name and description of my offer CAPI-18 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc # type: ignore import utils.stringify_details as sd # type: ignore fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update name and description of my offer") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie die EULA eines Angebots aktualisieren.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
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Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update EULA of my offer CAPI-18 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc # type: ignore import utils.stringify_details as sd # type: ignore fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update EULA of my offer") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie das Ablaufdatum eines privaten Angebots auf ein Datum in der future aktualisiert wird, damit Käufer mehr Zeit haben, das Angebot zu bewerten und anzunehmen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2026-01-01" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to set expiry date of a private offer to a date in the future so that my buyers get more time to evaluate and accept the offer. CAPI-37 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update offer expiration date") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie die Dauer der kostenlosen Testversion eines öffentlichen kostenlosen Testangebots für ein SaaS-Produkt aktualisiert wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "FreeTrialPricingTerm", "Duration": "P21D", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to change free trial duration for my SaaS product by modifying my free trial public offer CAPI-14 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Change free trial duration for SaaS product") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie die Rückerstattungsrichtlinie eines Angebots aktualisiert wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "offer-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Updated refund policy description" } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update refund policy of my offer CAPI-18 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc # type: ignore import utils.stringify_details as sd # type: ignore fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Update refund policy of my public offer") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigtAMI, wie Sie ein SaaS- oder Container-Produkt beschreiben und prüfen, ob es alle Informationen enthält, die Sie über das Produkt wissen möchten.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) search for product information in the AWS Marketplace Catalog CAPI-28 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRODUCT_ID = "prod-1111111111111" def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def get_product_information(mp_client, entity_id): """ Returns information about a given product Args: entity_id str: Entity to return Returns: dict: Dictionary of product information """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id, ) return response except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Product with ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Looking for a product in the AWS Marketplace Catalog.") print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") pretty_print(get_product_information(mp_client, PRODUCT_ID)) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter DescribeEntityPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigtAMI, wie alle SaaS- oder Container-Produkte und zugehörige öffentliche Angebote aufgelistet werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to display information about AMI products and their associated offers in the AWS Marketplace Catalog CAPI-27 """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MAX_PAGE_RESULTS = 10 try: mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not create boto3 client.") raise def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def describe_entity(entity_id): """ Returns entity details Args: entity_id str: The entity ID of the product or offer Returns: dict: The entity details """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id ) except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not complete describe_entity request.") raise # De-stringify the details response["Details"] = json.loads(response["Details"]) return response def get_entities(entity_type, visibility=None): """ Returns list of entities for provided entity_type Args: entity_type str: Type of entity list to return, in our case AmiProduct or Offer Returns: list: Abbreviated list of entity information """ EntitySummaryList = [] # Get the first page of results try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType=entity_type, MaxResults=MAX_PAGE_RESULTS, ) except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not complete list_entities request.") raise EntitySummaryList.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) # Get subsequent pages of results if previous response contained a NextToken while "NextToken" in response: try: response = mp_client.list_entities( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityType=entity_type, MaxResults=MAX_PAGE_RESULTS, NextToken=response["NextToken"], ) except ClientError as e: logger.error("Could not complete list_entities request.") raise EntitySummaryList.extend(response["EntitySummaryList"]) # if visibility is provided, filter the list to only include entities with that visibility if visibility is not None: EntitySummaryList = [ entity for entity in EntitySummaryList if entity["Visibility"] == visibility ] return EntitySummaryList def get_enhanced_product_list(entity_type): """ Returns an enhanced list of products with product details and offer details Args: entity_type str: Type of entity list to return, in our case AmiProduct Returns: list: Enhanced list of dictionary objects containing product and offer details """ product_list = get_entities(entity_type) # Loop through product list and append product details to each product for product in product_list: # appends product details to product dictionary product["ProductDetails"] = describe_entity(product["EntityId"])["Details"] # creating an empty list for offer details product["OfferDetailsList"] = [] return product_list def attach_offer_details(product_list): """ Loops through offer information and appends offer details to product list Args: product_list list: List of product dictionaries Returns: list: Enhanced list of dictionary objects containing product and offer details """ offer_list = get_entities("Offer", "Public") # Loop through offer list and append offer details to each product for offer in offer_list: offer["OfferDetails"] = describe_entity(offer["EntityId"])["Details"] # Extracts product-id from offer product_id = offer["OfferDetails"]["ProductId"] # Determines if product-id referenced in offer matches product-id in product list product_dict = next( filter(lambda product: product["EntityId"] == product_id, product_list), None, ) # If product-id matches, appends offer details to product dictionary if product_dict is not None: # logger.info(f"Offer product Id {offer['OfferDetails']['ProductId']} found in product dictionary. Updating product dictionary with offer details") product_dict["OfferDetailsList"].append(offer["OfferDetails"]) else: # logger.info("Offer product Id {offer['OfferDetails']['ProductId']} not found. Skipping offer details update") pass return product_list def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Retrieving products and public offer information....") print("-" * 88) # Builds a list of products and their details product_list = get_enhanced_product_list("AmiProduct") # Queries offer information and attaches it to the product list product_offer_list = attach_offer_details(product_list) pretty_print(product_offer_list) return product_offer_list if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie in der Python-Referenz (Boto3) API in AWS SDK den folgenden Themen.
Autorisierung für den Weiterverkauf
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie den Entwurf einer Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung für einen beliebigen Produkttyp erstellen, sodass Sie ihn intern überprüfen können, bevor Sie ihn bei einem Vertriebspartner veröffentlichen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a one-time resale authorization on my SaaS/AMI/Container product so my CP can use that to create Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) CAPI-41 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "draft resale auth") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie eine Wiederverkaufserlaubnis beschrieben wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) search for product information in the AWS Marketplace Catalog """ import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) resaleAuthorizationId = "resaleauthz-1111111111111" def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) def get_product_information(mp_client, entity_id): """ Returns information about a given product Args: entity_id str: Entity to return Returns: dict: Dictionary of product information """ try: response = mp_client.describe_entity( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", EntityId=entity_id, ) return response except ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException": logger.error("Product with ID %s not found.", entity_id) else: logger.error("Unexpected error: %s", e) def usage_demo(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Looking for a product in the AWS Marketplace Catalog.") print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") pretty_print(get_product_information(mp_client, resaleAuthorizationId)) if __name__ == "__main__": usage_demo()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter DescribeEntityPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufsautorisierung mit einem privaten Angebot veröffentlicht wird, sodass ein Vertriebspartner damit ein privates Angebot für Vertriebspartner () CPPO erstellen kann.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a one-time resale authorization on my SaaS/AMI/Container product so my CP can use that to create Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) CAPI-42 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "onetime resale auth with private offer" ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung mit einem Ablaufdatum für ein AMI Produkt mit jährlichem Stundenpreis veröffentlicht wird, sodass ein Channel-Partner damit eine erstellen kann. CPPO
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-05-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on my SaaS/AMI product so my CP can use that to create Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) CAPI-48 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "multi-use resale auth with expiry date") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung mit einem Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und eine benutzerdefinierte Genehmigung hinzufügen, die an den Käufer gesendet werden EULA soll.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-05-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add custom EULA to be sent to the buyer CAPI-56 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "multiuse resale auth with expiry date and custom EULA") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung mit einem Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und die Dokumentation zum Reseller-Vertrag zwischen dem und dem Channel-Partner hinzufügen. ISV
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-12-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] }, { "Type": "ResaleLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomResellerContract", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-mp-standard-contracts/Standard-Contact-for-AWS-Marketplace-2022-07-14.pdf"} ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleUsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.micro", "Price": "150" } ] } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and channel partner CAPI-57 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "multi use resale auth with contract doc", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung mit einem Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und ein bestimmtes Käuferkonto für den Wiederverkauf hinzufügen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-05-31" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateBuyerTargetingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerTargetingTerm", "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale CAPI-82 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date and add specific buyer account", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung ohne Ablaufdatum für ein AMI Produkt mit stündlicher jährlicher Preisgestaltung veröffentlicht wird, sodass ein Kundenbetreuer anhand dieser Genehmigung eine erstellen kann. CPPO
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with no expiry date on my SaaS/AMI product so my CP can use that to create Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) CAPI-52 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "multi use resale auth with no expiry date") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung ohne Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und eine benutzerdefinierte Genehmigung hinzufügen, die an den Käufer gesendet werden EULA soll.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with no expiry date on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add custom EULA to be sent to the buyer CAPI-58 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "multi use resale auth with no expiry date and custom EULA" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung ohne Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und die Dokumentation zum Reseller-Vertrag zwischen dem und dem Vertriebspartner hinzufügen können. ISV
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] }, { "Type": "ResaleLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomResellerContract", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-mp-standard-contracts/Standard-Contact-for-AWS-Marketplace-2022-07-14.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a multi-use resale authorization with no expiry date on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and channel partner CAPI-59 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "multi use resale auth with no expiry date and contract doc" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine mehrfach verwendbare Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung ohne Ablaufdatum für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und ein bestimmtes Käuferkonto für den Wiederverkauf hinzufügen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateBuyerTargetingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerTargetingTerm", "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale CAPI-83 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date and add specific buyer account", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufserlaubnis für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und einen flexiblen Zahlungsplan hinzufügen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleFixedUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Price": "0.00", "Duration": "P12M", "Grants": [ { "DimensionKey": "Users", "MaxQuantity": 10 } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePaymentScheduleTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResalePaymentScheduleTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Schedule": [ { "ChargeDate": "2023-09-01", "ChargeAmount": "200.00" }, { "ChargeDate": "2023-12-01", "ChargeAmount": "250.00" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "AvailabilityEndDate": "2023-06-30", "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add Flexible payment schedule CAPI-78 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "onetime resale auth with flexible payment schedule") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufserlaubnis für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und eine benutzerdefinierte Genehmigung hinzufügenEULA, die an den Käufer gesendet wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a one-time resale authorization on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add custom EULA to be sent to the buyer """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "onetime resale auth with custom EULA") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufsautorisierung für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und ein bestimmtes Käuferkonto für den Weiterverkauf hinzufügen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateBuyerTargetingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerTargetingTerm", "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111" ] } } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale CAPI-81 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "onetime resale authorization for specific buyer account") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufsautorisierung für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und die Dokumentation zum Reseller-Vertrag zwischen dem und dem ISV Vertriebspartner hinzufügen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ResaleConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "t2.small", "Price": "150" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomEula", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/custom-eula.pdf" } ] }, { "Type": "ResaleLegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "CustomResellerContract", "Url": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-mp-standard-contracts/Standard-Contact-for-AWS-Marketplace-2022-07-14.pdf" } ] } ] } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish a one-time resale authorization on my SaaS/AMI/Container product and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and channel partner CAPI-47 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "onetime resale auth with reseller contract doc") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine einmalige Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung für einen beliebigen Produkttyp veröffentlichen und hinzufügen, ob es sich um eine Verlängerung handelt.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateResaleAuthorization", "ChangeName": "ResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "prod-1111111111111", "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "ResellerAccountId": "111111111111" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateBuyerTargetingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "BuyerTargetingTerm", "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "222222222222" ] } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateAvailability", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "OffersMaxQuantity": 1 } }, { "ChangeType":"UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "$ResaleAuthorization.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product", "PreExistingBuyerAgreement": { "AcquisitionChannel": "AwsMarketplace", "PricingModel": "Contract" } } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add whether it is renewal or not CAPI-90 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo(stringified_change_set, "onetime resale auth renewal") return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie die Wiederverkaufsautorisierung eingeschränkt wird.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "RestrictResaleAuthorization", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "resaleauthz-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Restrict a authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) CAPI-84 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "Restrict resale authorization") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie der Name und die Beschreibung einer einmaligen oder mehrfach verwendbaren Wiederverkaufsgenehmigung vor der Veröffentlichung für einen beliebigen Produkttyp aktualisiert werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType":"UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "ResaleAuthorization@1.0", "Identifier": "resaleauthz-1111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "TestResaleAuthorization", "Description": "Worldwide ResaleAuthorization for Test Product" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Update name/description of one-time or multi-use resale authorization before publishing for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) CAPI-77 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "update name and description of one-time or multi-use resale authorization before publishing", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie einen Entwurf eines SaaS-Produkts mit einem Entwurf eines öffentlichen Angebots erstellen.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog":"AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet":[ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier", "Name": "Test Offer" } } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create an SaaS draft product with a draft public offer. CAPI-04 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Create a draft saas product with a draft public offer", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder begrenztes SaaS-Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit Vertragspreisen erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Data Catalogs" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "SaaSUrlDeliveryOptionDetails": { "FulfillmentUrl":"https://sample.amazonaws.com/sample-saas-fulfillment-url" } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "BasicService", "Description": "Basic Service", "Name": "Basic Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "PremiumService", "Description": "Premium Service", "Name": "Premium Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with contract pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P1M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "20" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "25" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } }, { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "150" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "300" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateRenewalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "RenewalTerm" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract pricing and standard EULA CAPI-11 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create a limited saas product with a public offer with contract pricing", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder begrenztes SaaS-Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit einem Vertrag mit Pay-As-You-Go Preisgestaltung erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Data Catalogs" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "SaaSUrlDeliveryOptionDetails": { "FulfillmentUrl":"https://sample.amazonaws.com/sample-saas-fulfillment-url" } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "BasicService", "Description": "Basic Service", "Name": "Basic Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "PremiumService", "Description": "Premium Service", "Name": "Premium Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "WorkloadSmall", "Description": "Workload: Per medium instance", "Name": "Workload: Per medium instance", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "WorkloadMedium", "Description": "Workload: Per large instance", "Name": "Workload: Per large instance", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ], "Unit": "Units" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with contract pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall", "Price": "0.15" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] }, { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "150" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "300" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateRenewalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "RenewalTerm" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract with PAYG pricing and standard EULA CAPI-10 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo( change_set, "Create limited SaaS product with public offer with contract with payg pricing", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein öffentliches oder eingeschränktes SaaS-Produkt und ein öffentliches Angebot mit Abonnementpreisen erstellen. In diesem Beispiel wird entweder ein Standard- oder ein benutzerdefinierter Code erstelltEULA.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Data Catalogs" ], "LogoUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/logos/sample.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateTargeting", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PositiveTargeting": { "BuyerAccounts": [ "111111111111", "222222222222" ] } } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "SaaSUrlDeliveryOptionDetails": { "FulfillmentUrl":"https://sample.amazonaws.com/sample-saas-fulfillment-url" } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "WorkloadSmall", "Description": "Workload: Per medium instance", "Name": "Workload: Per medium instance", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "WorkloadMedium", "Description": "Workload: Per large instance", "Name": "Workload: Per large instance", "Types": [ "ExternallyMetered" ], "Unit": "Units" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "Test public offer for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code", "Description": "Test public offer with contract pricing for SaaSProduct using AWS Marketplace API Reference Code" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Usage", "Terms": [ { "Type": "UsageBasedPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadSmall", "Price": "0.15" }, { "DimensionKey": "WorkloadMedium", "Price": "0.25" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Absolutely no refund, period." } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseOffer", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with subscription(usage) pricing and standard EULA CAPI-09 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) def main(): sc.usage_demo(change_set, "public saas public offer with subscription pricing") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie ein SaaS-Produkt und das zugehörige öffentliche Angebot veröffentlicht werden. Das Produkt befindet sich standardmäßig in einem eingeschränkten Zustand.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog":"AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet":[ { "ChangeType": "CreateProduct", "ChangeName": "CreateProductChange", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductTitle": "Sample product", "ShortDescription": "Brief description", "LongDescription": "Detailed description", "Highlights": [ "Sample highlight" ], "SearchKeywords": [ "Sample keyword" ], "Categories": [ "Data Catalogs" ], "LogoUrl": "https://bucketname.s3.amazonaws.com/logo.png", "VideoUrls": [ "https://sample.amazonaws.com/awsmp-video-1" ], "AdditionalResources": [] } }, { "ChangeType": "AddDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "BasicService", "Description": "Basic Service", "Name": "Basic Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" }, { "Key": "PremiumService", "Description": "Premium Service", "Name": "Premium Service", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Unit": "Units" } ] }, { "ChangeType": "AddDeliveryOptions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "DeliveryOptions": [ { "Details": { "SaaSUrlDeliveryOptionDetails": { "FulfillmentUrl": "https://www.aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management" } } } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "ReleaseProduct", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} }, { "ChangeType": "CreateOffer", "ChangeName": "CreateOfferChange", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0" }, "DetailsDocument": { "ProductId": "$CreateProductChange.Entity.Identifier" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateInformation", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Name": "New Test Offer", "Description": "New offer description" } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateLegalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "LegalTerm", "Documents": [ { "Type": "StandardEula", "Version": "2022-07-14" } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateSupportTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "SupportTerm", "RefundPolicy": "Updated refund policy description" } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdatePricingTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "PricingModel": "Contract", "Terms": [ { "Type": "ConfigurableUpfrontPricingTerm", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "RateCards": [ { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P1M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "20" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "25" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } }, { "Selector": { "Type": "Duration", "Value": "P12M" }, "RateCard": [ { "DimensionKey": "BasicService", "Price": "150" }, { "DimensionKey": "PremiumService", "Price": "300" } ], "Constraints": { "MultipleDimensionSelection": "Allowed", "QuantityConfiguration": "Allowed" } } ] } ] } }, { "ChangeType": "UpdateRenewalTerms", "Entity": { "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": { "Terms": [ { "Type": "RenewalTerm" } ] } }, { "ChangeType":"ReleaseOffer", "Entity":{ "Type": "Offer@1.0", "Identifier": "$CreateOfferChange.Entity.Identifier" }, "DetailsDocument": {} } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Publish my SaaS product and associated public offer (product will be in limited state by default) CAPI-05A """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset1.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "publish saas product and associated public offer", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie die Dimensionen eines AMI oder eines SaaS-Produkts aktualisiert werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. { "Catalog": "AWSMarketplace", "ChangeSet": [ { "ChangeType": "UpdateDimensions", "Entity": { "Type": "SaaSProduct@1.0", "Identifier": "prod-111111111111" }, "DetailsDocument": [ { "Key": "BasicService", "Types": [ "Entitled" ], "Name": "Some new name", "Description": "Some new description" } ] } ] }
Führen Sie dieses Skript aus, um das Changeset zu starten. Hilfsfunktionen sind in Utilities definiert, um ein Changeset vom Abschnitt Utilities aus zu starten.
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Purpose Shows how to use the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) to update (e.g name) dimensions on my AMI or SaaS product CAPI-24 """ import os import utils.start_changeset as sc import utils.stringify_details as sd def main(change_set=None): if change_set is None: fname = "changeset.json" change_set_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname) stringified_change_set = sd.stringify_changeset(change_set_file) else: stringified_change_set = change_set response = sc.usage_demo( stringified_change_set, "Update name dimensions on my AMI or SaaS product", ) return response if __name__ == "__main__": main()
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK
Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Dienstprogramme zum Starten eines Changesets definiert werden.
- SDKfür Python (Boto3)
Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Im AWS Marketplace APIReference Code Library
Repository finden Sie das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie es eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird. Hilfsprogramm zum Starten eines Changesets.
""" Purpose: Generic function to start a changeset """ import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def generate_changeset(mp_client, change_set, change_set_name): """ Start changeset """ try: response = mp_client.start_change_set( Catalog="AWSMarketplace", ChangeSet=change_set, ChangeSetName=change_set_name, ) logger.info("Changeset created!") logger.info("ChangeSet ID: %s", response["ChangeSetId"]) logger.info("ChangeSet ARN: %s", response["ChangeSetArn"]) return response except ClientError as e: logger.exception("Unexpected error: %s", e) raise def usage_demo(change_set, change_set_name): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") print("-" * 88) print("Executing changeset: " + change_set_name) print("-" * 88) mp_client = boto3.client("marketplace-catalog") response = generate_changeset(mp_client, change_set, change_set_name) return response print("-" * 88)
Hilfsprogramm zum Laden eines Changesets aus einer Datei. JSON
""" Purpose: This module will stringify the details sections of a changeset file. """ import json def pretty_print(response): json_object = json.dumps(response, indent=4) print(json_object) # open json file from path def open_json_file(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def stringify_details_sections(json_object): """ Loops through every change type in the changeset to look for non-empty details section and stringifies them """ for change_type in json_object["ChangeSet"]: # Only stringify details section if it is not empty if "Details" in change_type and change_type["Details"] != "{}": string_details = json.dumps(change_type["Details"]) change_type["Details"] = string_details else: pass return json_object["ChangeSet"] def stringify_changeset(file_path): changeset_file = open_json_file(file_path) changeset_stringified = stringify_details_sections(changeset_file) return changeset_stringified
APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter StartChangeSetPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK