Verwenden Sie es DescribeOpsItems mit einem oder AWS SDK CLI - AWS SDKCode-Beispiele

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Verwenden Sie es DescribeOpsItems mit einem oder AWS SDK CLI

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie man es benutztDescribeOpsItems.


Um eine Reihe von aufzulisten OpsItems

Im folgenden describe-ops-items Beispiel wird eine Liste aller offenen Konten OpsItems in Ihrem AWS Konto angezeigt.

aws ssm describe-ops-items \ --ops-item-filters "Key=Status,Values=Open,Operator=Equal"


{ "OpsItemSummaries": [ { "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111222333444:assumed-role/OpsItem-CWE-Role/fbf77cbe264a33509569f23e4EXAMPLE", "CreatedTime": "2020-03-14T17:02:46.375000-07:00", "LastModifiedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111222333444:assumed-role/OpsItem-CWE-Role/fbf77cbe264a33509569f23e4EXAMPLE", "LastModifiedTime": "2020-03-14T17:02:46.375000-07:00", "Source": "SSM", "Status": "Open", "OpsItemId": "oi-7cfc5EXAMPLE", "Title": "SSM Maintenance Window execution failed", "OperationalData": { "/aws/dedup": { "Value": "{\"dedupString\":\"SSMOpsItems-SSM-maintenance-window-execution-failed\"}", "Type": "SearchableString" }, "/aws/resources": { "Value": "[{\"arn\":\"arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:111222333444:maintenancewindow/mw-034093d322EXAMPLE\"}]", "Type": "SearchableString" } }, "Category": "Availability", "Severity": "3" }, { "CreatedBy": "arn:aws:sts::1112223233444:assumed-role/OpsItem-CWE-Role/fbf77cbe264a33509569f23e4EXAMPLE", "CreatedTime": "2020-02-26T11:43:15.426000-08:00", "LastModifiedBy": "arn:aws:sts::111222333444:assumed-role/OpsItem-CWE-Role/fbf77cbe264a33509569f23e4EXAMPLE", "LastModifiedTime": "2020-02-26T11:43:15.426000-08:00", "Source": "EC2", "Status": "Open", "OpsItemId": "oi-6f966EXAMPLE", "Title": "EC2 instance stopped", "OperationalData": { "/aws/automations": { "Value": "[ { \"automationType\": \"AWS:SSM:Automation\", \"automationId\": \"AWS-RestartEC2Instance\" } ]", "Type": "SearchableString" }, "/aws/dedup": { "Value": "{\"dedupString\":\"SSMOpsItems-EC2-instance-stopped\"}", "Type": "SearchableString" }, "/aws/resources": { "Value": "[{\"arn\":\"arn:aws:ec2:us-east-2:111222333444:instance/i-0beccfbc02EXAMPLE\"}]", "Type": "SearchableString" } }, "Category": "Availability", "Severity": "3" } ] }

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Arbeiten mit OpsItems im AWS Systems Manager Manager-Benutzerhandbuch.

SDKfür Java 2.x

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/** * Describes AWS SSM OpsItems asynchronously. * * @param key The key to filter OpsItems by (e.g., OPS_ITEM_ID). * * This method initiates an asynchronous request to describe SSM OpsItems. * If the request is successful, it prints the title and status of each OpsItem. * If an exception occurs, it handles the error appropriately. */ public void describeOpsItems(String key) { OpsItemFilter filter = OpsItemFilter.builder() .key(OpsItemFilterKey.OPS_ITEM_ID) .values(key) .operator(OpsItemFilterOperator.EQUAL) .build(); DescribeOpsItemsRequest itemsRequest = DescribeOpsItemsRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .opsItemFilters(filter) .build(); CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { getAsyncClient().describeOpsItems(itemsRequest) .thenAccept(itemsResponse -> { List<OpsItemSummary> items = itemsResponse.opsItemSummaries(); for (OpsItemSummary item : items) { System.out.println("The item title is " + item.title() + " and the status is " + item.status().toString()); } }) .exceptionally(ex -> { throw new CompletionException(ex); }).join(); }).exceptionally(ex -> { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw new RuntimeException("SSM error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error: " + cause.getMessage(), cause); } }); try { future.join(); } catch (CompletionException ex) { throw ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) ex.getCause() : ex; } }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie DescribeOpsItemsin der AWS SDK for Java 2.x APIReferenz.

SDKfür JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

import { OpsItemFilterOperator, OpsItemFilterKey, paginateDescribeOpsItems, SSMClient, } from "@aws-sdk/client-ssm"; import { parseArgs } from "node:util"; /** * Describe SSM OpsItems. * @param {{ opsItemId: string }} */ export const main = async ({ opsItemId }) => { const client = new SSMClient({}); try { const describeOpsItemsPaginated = []; for await (const page of paginateDescribeOpsItems( { client }, { OpsItemFilters: { Key: OpsItemFilterKey.OPSITEM_ID, Operator: OpsItemFilterOperator.EQUAL, Values: opsItemId, }, }, )) { describeOpsItemsPaginated.push(; } console.log("Here are the ops items:"); console.log(describeOpsItemsPaginated); return { OpsItemSummaries: describeOpsItemsPaginated }; } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && === "MissingParameter") { console.warn(`${caught.message}. Did you provide this value?`); } throw caught; } };
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie DescribeOpsItemsin der AWS SDK for JavaScript APIReferenz.

SDKfür Python (Boto3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu. GitHub Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

class OpsItemWrapper: """Encapsulates AWS Systems Manager OpsItem actions.""" def __init__(self, ssm_client): """ :param ssm_client: A Boto3 Systems Manager client. """ self.ssm_client = ssm_client = None @classmethod def from_client(cls): """ :return: A OpsItemWrapper instance. """ ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm") return cls(ssm_client) def describe(self): """ Describe an OpsItem. """ try: paginator = self.ssm_client.get_paginator("describe_ops_items") ops_items = [] for page in paginator.paginate( OpsItemFilters=[ {"Key": "OpsItemId", "Values": [], "Operator": "Equal"} ] ): ops_items.extend(page["OpsItemSummaries"]) for item in ops_items: print( f"The item title is {item['Title']} and the status is {item['Status']}" ) return len(ops_items) > 0 except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't describe ops item %s. Here's why: %s: %s",, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie unter DescribeOpsItemsPython (Boto3) API -Referenz.AWS SDK