Schreiben Sie benutzerdefinierte Aktivitätsdaten mit einer Lambda-Funktion nach der Amazon Cognito Cognito-Benutzerauthentifizierung mithilfe eines AWS SDK - Amazon Cognito

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Schreiben Sie benutzerdefinierte Aktivitätsdaten mit einer Lambda-Funktion nach der Amazon Cognito Cognito-Benutzerauthentifizierung mithilfe eines AWS SDK

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie benutzerdefinierte Aktivitätsdaten mit einer Lambda-Funktion nach der Amazon Cognito Cognito-Benutzerauthentifizierung geschrieben werden.

  • Verwenden Sie Administratorfunktionen, um einen Benutzer zu einem Benutzerpool hinzuzufügen.

  • Konfigurieren Sie einen Benutzerpool, um eine Lambda-Funktion für den PostAuthentication Trigger aufzurufen.

  • Melden Sie den neuen Benutzer bei Amazon Cognito an.

  • Die Lambda-Funktion schreibt benutzerdefinierte Informationen in CloudWatch Logs und in eine DynamoDB-Tabelle.

  • Rufen Sie benutzerdefinierte Daten aus der DynamoDB-Tabelle ab, zeigen Sie sie an und bereinigen Sie anschließend die Ressourcen.

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Führen Sie ein interaktives Szenario an einer Eingabeaufforderung aus.

// ActivityLog separates the steps of this scenario into individual functions so that // they are simpler to read and understand. type ActivityLog struct { helper IScenarioHelper questioner demotools.IQuestioner resources Resources cognitoActor *actions.CognitoActions } // NewActivityLog constructs a new activity log runner. func NewActivityLog(sdkConfig aws.Config, questioner demotools.IQuestioner, helper IScenarioHelper) ActivityLog { scenario := ActivityLog{ helper: helper, questioner: questioner, resources: Resources{}, cognitoActor: &actions.CognitoActions{CognitoClient: cognitoidentityprovider.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, } scenario.resources.init(scenario.cognitoActor, questioner) return scenario } // AddUserToPool selects a user from the known users table and uses administrator credentials to add the user to the user pool. func (runner *ActivityLog) AddUserToPool(userPoolId string, tableName string) (string, string) { log.Println("To facilitate this example, let's add a user to the user pool using administrator privileges.") users, err := runner.helper.GetKnownUsers(tableName) if err != nil { panic(err) } user := users.Users[0] log.Printf("Adding known user %v to the user pool.\n", user.UserName) err = runner.cognitoActor.AdminCreateUser(userPoolId, user.UserName, user.UserEmail) if err != nil { panic(err) } pwSet := false password := runner.questioner.AskPassword("\nEnter a password that has at least eight characters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.\n"+ "(the password will not display as you type):", 8) for !pwSet { log.Printf("\nSetting password for user '%v'.\n", user.UserName) err = runner.cognitoActor.AdminSetUserPassword(userPoolId, user.UserName, password) if err != nil { var invalidPassword *types.InvalidPasswordException if errors.As(err, &invalidPassword) { password = runner.questioner.AskPassword("\nEnter another password:", 8) } else { panic(err) } } else { pwSet = true } } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) return user.UserName, password } // AddActivityLogTrigger adds a Lambda handler as an invocation target for the PostAuthentication trigger. func (runner *ActivityLog) AddActivityLogTrigger(userPoolId string, activityLogArn string) { log.Println("Let's add a Lambda function to handle the PostAuthentication trigger from Cognito.\n" + "This trigger happens after a user is authenticated, and lets your function take action, such as logging\n" + "the outcome.") err := runner.cognitoActor.UpdateTriggers( userPoolId, actions.TriggerInfo{Trigger: actions.PostAuthentication, HandlerArn: aws.String(activityLogArn)}) if err != nil { panic(err) } runner.resources.triggers = append(runner.resources.triggers, actions.PostAuthentication) log.Printf("Lambda function %v added to user pool %v to handle PostAuthentication Cognito trigger.\n", activityLogArn, userPoolId) log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) } // SignInUser signs in as the specified user. func (runner *ActivityLog) SignInUser(clientId string, userName string, password string) { log.Printf("Now we'll sign in user %v and check the results in the logs and the DynamoDB table.", userName) runner.questioner.Ask("Press Enter when you're ready.") authResult, err := runner.cognitoActor.SignIn(clientId, userName, password) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println("Sign in successful.", "The PostAuthentication Lambda handler writes custom information to CloudWatch Logs.") runner.resources.userAccessTokens = append(runner.resources.userAccessTokens, *authResult.AccessToken) } // GetKnownUserLastLogin gets the login info for a user from the Amazon DynamoDB table and displays it. func (runner *ActivityLog) GetKnownUserLastLogin(tableName string, userName string) { log.Println("The PostAuthentication handler also writes login data to the DynamoDB table.") runner.questioner.Ask("Press Enter when you're ready to continue.") users, err := runner.helper.GetKnownUsers(tableName) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, user := range users.Users { if user.UserName == userName { log.Println("The last login info for the user in the known users table is:") log.Printf("\t%+v", *user.LastLogin) } } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) } // Run runs the scenario. func (runner *ActivityLog) Run(stackName string) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Println("Something went wrong with the demo.") runner.resources.Cleanup() } }() log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Printf("Welcome\n") log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) stackOutputs, err := runner.helper.GetStackOutputs(stackName) if err != nil { panic(err) } runner.resources.userPoolId = stackOutputs["UserPoolId"] runner.helper.PopulateUserTable(stackOutputs["TableName"]) userName, password := runner.AddUserToPool(stackOutputs["UserPoolId"], stackOutputs["TableName"]) runner.AddActivityLogTrigger(stackOutputs["UserPoolId"], stackOutputs["ActivityLogFunctionArn"]) runner.SignInUser(stackOutputs["UserPoolClientId"], userName, password) runner.helper.ListRecentLogEvents(stackOutputs["ActivityLogFunction"]) runner.GetKnownUserLastLogin(stackOutputs["TableName"], userName) runner.resources.Cleanup() log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) log.Println("Thanks for watching!") log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) }

Behandeln Sie den PostAuthentication Trigger mit einer Lambda-Funktion.

const TABLE_NAME = "TABLE_NAME" // LoginInfo defines structured login data that can be marshalled to a DynamoDB format. type LoginInfo struct { UserPoolId string `dynamodbav:"UserPoolId"` ClientId string `dynamodbav:"ClientId"` Time string `dynamodbav:"Time"` } // UserInfo defines structured user data that can be marshalled to a DynamoDB format. type UserInfo struct { UserName string `dynamodbav:"UserName"` UserEmail string `dynamodbav:"UserEmail"` LastLogin LoginInfo `dynamodbav:"LastLogin"` } // GetKey marshals the user email value to a DynamoDB key format. func (user UserInfo) GetKey() map[string]dynamodbtypes.AttributeValue { userEmail, err := attributevalue.Marshal(user.UserEmail) if err != nil { panic(err) } return map[string]dynamodbtypes.AttributeValue{"UserEmail": userEmail} } type handler struct { dynamoClient *dynamodb.Client } // HandleRequest handles the PostAuthentication event by writing custom data to the logs and // to an Amazon DynamoDB table. func (h *handler) HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, event events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication) (events.CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication, error) { log.Printf("Received post authentication trigger from %v for user '%v'", event.TriggerSource, event.UserName) tableName := os.Getenv(TABLE_NAME) user := UserInfo{ UserName: event.UserName, UserEmail: event.Request.UserAttributes["email"], LastLogin: LoginInfo{ UserPoolId: event.UserPoolID, ClientId: event.CallerContext.ClientID, Time: time.Now().Format(time.UnixDate), }, } // Write to CloudWatch Logs. fmt.Printf("%#v", user) // Also write to an external system. This examples uses DynamoDB to demonstrate. userMap, err := attributevalue.MarshalMap(user) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't marshal to DynamoDB map. Here's why: %v\n", err) } else if len(userMap) == 0 { log.Printf("User info marshaled to an empty map.") } else { _, err := h.dynamoClient.PutItem(ctx, &dynamodb.PutItemInput{ Item: userMap, TableName: aws.String(tableName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't write to DynamoDB. Here's why: %v\n", err) } else { log.Printf("Wrote user info to DynamoDB table %v.\n", tableName) } } return event, nil } func main() { sdkConfig, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO()) if err != nil { log.Panicln(err) } h := handler{ dynamoClient: dynamodb.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig), } lambda.Start(h.HandleRequest) }

Erstellen Sie eine Struktur, die allgemeine Aufgaben ausführt.

// IScenarioHelper defines common functions used by the workflows in this example. type IScenarioHelper interface { Pause(secs int) GetStackOutputs(stackName string) (actions.StackOutputs, error) PopulateUserTable(tableName string) GetKnownUsers(tableName string) (actions.UserList, error) AddKnownUser(tableName string, user actions.User) ListRecentLogEvents(functionName string) } // ScenarioHelper contains AWS wrapper structs used by the workflows in this example. type ScenarioHelper struct { questioner demotools.IQuestioner dynamoActor *actions.DynamoActions cfnActor *actions.CloudFormationActions cwlActor *actions.CloudWatchLogsActions isTestRun bool } // NewScenarioHelper constructs a new scenario helper. func NewScenarioHelper(sdkConfig aws.Config, questioner demotools.IQuestioner) ScenarioHelper { scenario := ScenarioHelper{ questioner: questioner, dynamoActor: &actions.DynamoActions{DynamoClient: dynamodb.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, cfnActor: &actions.CloudFormationActions{CfnClient: cloudformation.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, cwlActor: &actions.CloudWatchLogsActions{CwlClient: cloudwatchlogs.NewFromConfig(sdkConfig)}, } return scenario } // Pause waits for the specified number of seconds. func (helper ScenarioHelper) Pause(secs int) { if !helper.isTestRun { time.Sleep(time.Duration(secs) * time.Second) } } // GetStackOutputs gets the outputs from the specified CloudFormation stack in a structured format. func (helper ScenarioHelper) GetStackOutputs(stackName string) (actions.StackOutputs, error) { return helper.cfnActor.GetOutputs(stackName), nil } // PopulateUserTable fills the known user table with example data. func (helper ScenarioHelper) PopulateUserTable(tableName string) { log.Printf("First, let's add some users to the DynamoDB %v table we'll use for this example.\n", tableName) err := helper.dynamoActor.PopulateTable(tableName) if err != nil { panic(err) } } // GetKnownUsers gets the users from the known users table in a structured format. func (helper ScenarioHelper) GetKnownUsers(tableName string) (actions.UserList, error) { knownUsers, err := helper.dynamoActor.Scan(tableName) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get known users from table %v. Here's why: %v\n", tableName, err) } return knownUsers, err } // AddKnownUser adds a user to the known users table. func (helper ScenarioHelper) AddKnownUser(tableName string, user actions.User) { log.Printf("Adding user '%v' with email '%v' to the DynamoDB known users table...\n", user.UserName, user.UserEmail) err := helper.dynamoActor.AddUser(tableName, user) if err != nil { panic(err) } } // ListRecentLogEvents gets the most recent log stream and events for the specified Lambda function and displays them. func (helper ScenarioHelper) ListRecentLogEvents(functionName string) { log.Println("Waiting a few seconds to let Lambda write to CloudWatch Logs...") helper.Pause(10) log.Println("Okay, let's check the logs to find what's happened recently with your Lambda function.") logStream, err := helper.cwlActor.GetLatestLogStream(functionName) if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Printf("Getting some recent events from log stream %v\n", *logStream.LogStreamName) events, err := helper.cwlActor.GetLogEvents(functionName, *logStream.LogStreamName, 10) if err != nil { panic(err) } for _, event := range events { log.Printf("\t%v", *event.Message) } log.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 88)) }

Erstellen Sie eine Struktur, die Amazon Cognito Cognito-Aktionen umschließt.

type CognitoActions struct { CognitoClient *cognitoidentityprovider.Client } // Trigger and TriggerInfo define typed data for updating an Amazon Cognito trigger. type Trigger int const ( PreSignUp Trigger = iota UserMigration PostAuthentication ) type TriggerInfo struct { Trigger Trigger HandlerArn *string } // UpdateTriggers adds or removes Lambda triggers for a user pool. When a trigger is specified with a `nil` value, // it is removed from the user pool. func (actor CognitoActions) UpdateTriggers(userPoolId string, triggers ...TriggerInfo) error { output, err := actor.CognitoClient.DescribeUserPool(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.DescribeUserPoolInput{ UserPoolId: aws.String(userPoolId), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get info about user pool %v. Here's why: %v\n", userPoolId, err) return err } lambdaConfig := output.UserPool.LambdaConfig for _, trigger := range triggers { switch trigger.Trigger { case PreSignUp: lambdaConfig.PreSignUp = trigger.HandlerArn case UserMigration: lambdaConfig.UserMigration = trigger.HandlerArn case PostAuthentication: lambdaConfig.PostAuthentication = trigger.HandlerArn } } _, err = actor.CognitoClient.UpdateUserPool(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.UpdateUserPoolInput{ UserPoolId: aws.String(userPoolId), LambdaConfig: lambdaConfig, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't update user pool %v. Here's why: %v\n", userPoolId, err) } return err } // SignUp signs up a user with Amazon Cognito. func (actor CognitoActions) SignUp(clientId string, userName string, password string, userEmail string) (bool, error) { confirmed := false output, err := actor.CognitoClient.SignUp(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.SignUpInput{ ClientId: aws.String(clientId), Password: aws.String(password), Username: aws.String(userName), UserAttributes: []types.AttributeType{ {Name: aws.String("email"), Value: aws.String(userEmail)}, }, }) if err != nil { var invalidPassword *types.InvalidPasswordException if errors.As(err, &invalidPassword) { log.Println(*invalidPassword.Message) } else { log.Printf("Couldn't sign up user %v. Here's why: %v\n", userName, err) } } else { confirmed = output.UserConfirmed } return confirmed, err } // SignIn signs in a user to Amazon Cognito using a username and password authentication flow. func (actor CognitoActions) SignIn(clientId string, userName string, password string) (*types.AuthenticationResultType, error) { var authResult *types.AuthenticationResultType output, err := actor.CognitoClient.InitiateAuth(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.InitiateAuthInput{ AuthFlow: "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH", ClientId: aws.String(clientId), AuthParameters: map[string]string{"USERNAME": userName, "PASSWORD": password}, }) if err != nil { var resetRequired *types.PasswordResetRequiredException if errors.As(err, &resetRequired) { log.Println(*resetRequired.Message) } else { log.Printf("Couldn't sign in user %v. Here's why: %v\n", userName, err) } } else { authResult = output.AuthenticationResult } return authResult, err } // ForgotPassword starts a password recovery flow for a user. This flow typically sends a confirmation code // to the user's configured notification destination, such as email. func (actor CognitoActions) ForgotPassword(clientId string, userName string) (*types.CodeDeliveryDetailsType, error) { output, err := actor.CognitoClient.ForgotPassword(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.ForgotPasswordInput{ ClientId: aws.String(clientId), Username: aws.String(userName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't start password reset for user '%v'. Here;s why: %v\n", userName, err) } return output.CodeDeliveryDetails, err } // ConfirmForgotPassword confirms a user with a confirmation code and a new password. func (actor CognitoActions) ConfirmForgotPassword(clientId string, code string, userName string, password string) error { _, err := actor.CognitoClient.ConfirmForgotPassword(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.ConfirmForgotPasswordInput{ ClientId: aws.String(clientId), ConfirmationCode: aws.String(code), Password: aws.String(password), Username: aws.String(userName), }) if err != nil { var invalidPassword *types.InvalidPasswordException if errors.As(err, &invalidPassword) { log.Println(*invalidPassword.Message) } else { log.Printf("Couldn't confirm user %v. Here's why: %v", userName, err) } } return err } // DeleteUser removes a user from the user pool. func (actor CognitoActions) DeleteUser(userAccessToken string) error { _, err := actor.CognitoClient.DeleteUser(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.DeleteUserInput{ AccessToken: aws.String(userAccessToken), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't delete user. Here's why: %v\n", err) } return err } // AdminCreateUser uses administrator credentials to add a user to a user pool. This method leaves the user // in a state that requires they enter a new password next time they sign in. func (actor CognitoActions) AdminCreateUser(userPoolId string, userName string, userEmail string) error { _, err := actor.CognitoClient.AdminCreateUser(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.AdminCreateUserInput{ UserPoolId: aws.String(userPoolId), Username: aws.String(userName), MessageAction: types.MessageActionTypeSuppress, UserAttributes: []types.AttributeType{{Name: aws.String("email"), Value: aws.String(userEmail)}}, }) if err != nil { var userExists *types.UsernameExistsException if errors.As(err, &userExists) { log.Printf("User %v already exists in the user pool.", userName) err = nil } else { log.Printf("Couldn't create user %v. Here's why: %v\n", userName, err) } } return err } // AdminSetUserPassword uses administrator credentials to set a password for a user without requiring a // temporary password. func (actor CognitoActions) AdminSetUserPassword(userPoolId string, userName string, password string) error { _, err := actor.CognitoClient.AdminSetUserPassword(context.TODO(), &cognitoidentityprovider.AdminSetUserPasswordInput{ Password: aws.String(password), UserPoolId: aws.String(userPoolId), Username: aws.String(userName), Permanent: true, }) if err != nil { var invalidPassword *types.InvalidPasswordException if errors.As(err, &invalidPassword) { log.Println(*invalidPassword.Message) } else { log.Printf("Couldn't set password for user %v. Here's why: %v\n", userName, err) } } return err }

Erstellen Sie eine Struktur, die DynamoDB-Aktionen umschließt.

// DynamoActions encapsulates the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) actions // used in the examples. type DynamoActions struct { DynamoClient *dynamodb.Client } // User defines structured user data. type User struct { UserName string UserEmail string LastLogin *LoginInfo `dynamodbav:",omitempty"` } // LoginInfo defines structured custom login data. type LoginInfo struct { UserPoolId string ClientId string Time string } // UserList defines a list of users. type UserList struct { Users []User } // UserNameList returns the usernames contained in a UserList as a list of strings. func (users *UserList) UserNameList() []string { names := make([]string, len(users.Users)) for i := 0; i < len(users.Users); i++ { names[i] = users.Users[i].UserName } return names } // PopulateTable adds a set of test users to the table. func (actor DynamoActions) PopulateTable(tableName string) error { var err error var item map[string]types.AttributeValue var writeReqs []types.WriteRequest for i := 1; i < 4; i++ { item, err = attributevalue.MarshalMap(User{UserName: fmt.Sprintf("test_user_%v", i), UserEmail: fmt.Sprintf("", i)}) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't marshall user into DynamoDB format. Here's why: %v\n", err) return err } writeReqs = append(writeReqs, types.WriteRequest{PutRequest: &types.PutRequest{Item: item}}) } _, err = actor.DynamoClient.BatchWriteItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.BatchWriteItemInput{ RequestItems: map[string][]types.WriteRequest{tableName: writeReqs}, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't populate table %v with users. Here's why: %v\n", tableName, err) } return err } // Scan scans the table for all items. func (actor DynamoActions) Scan(tableName string) (UserList, error) { var userList UserList output, err := actor.DynamoClient.Scan(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.ScanInput{ TableName: aws.String(tableName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't scan table %v for items. Here's why: %v\n", tableName, err) } else { err = attributevalue.UnmarshalListOfMaps(output.Items, &userList.Users) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't unmarshal items into users. Here's why: %v\n", err) } } return userList, err } // AddUser adds a user item to a table. func (actor DynamoActions) AddUser(tableName string, user User) error { userItem, err := attributevalue.MarshalMap(user) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't marshall user to item. Here's why: %v\n", err) } _, err = actor.DynamoClient.PutItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.PutItemInput{ Item: userItem, TableName: aws.String(tableName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't put item in table %v. Here's why: %v", tableName, err) } return err }

Erstellen Sie eine Struktur, die Logs-Aktionen umschließt CloudWatch .

type CloudWatchLogsActions struct { CwlClient *cloudwatchlogs.Client } // GetLatestLogStream gets the most recent log stream for a Lambda function. func (actor CloudWatchLogsActions) GetLatestLogStream(functionName string) (types.LogStream, error) { var logStream types.LogStream logGroupName := fmt.Sprintf("/aws/lambda/%s", functionName) output, err := actor.CwlClient.DescribeLogStreams(context.TODO(), &cloudwatchlogs.DescribeLogStreamsInput{ Descending: aws.Bool(true), Limit: aws.Int32(1), LogGroupName: aws.String(logGroupName), OrderBy: types.OrderByLastEventTime, }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get log streams for log group %v. Here's why: %v\n", logGroupName, err) } else { logStream = output.LogStreams[0] } return logStream, err } // GetLogEvents gets the most recent eventCount events from the specified log stream. func (actor CloudWatchLogsActions) GetLogEvents(functionName string, logStreamName string, eventCount int32) ( []types.OutputLogEvent, error) { var events []types.OutputLogEvent logGroupName := fmt.Sprintf("/aws/lambda/%s", functionName) output, err := actor.CwlClient.GetLogEvents(context.TODO(), &cloudwatchlogs.GetLogEventsInput{ LogStreamName: aws.String(logStreamName), Limit: aws.Int32(eventCount), LogGroupName: aws.String(logGroupName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't get log event for log stream %v. Here's why: %v\n", logStreamName, err) } else { events = output.Events } return events, err }

Erstellen Sie eine Struktur, die Aktionen umschließt. AWS CloudFormation

// StackOutputs defines a map of outputs from a specific stack. type StackOutputs map[string]string type CloudFormationActions struct { CfnClient *cloudformation.Client } // GetOutputs gets the outputs from a CloudFormation stack and puts them into a structured format. func (actor CloudFormationActions) GetOutputs(stackName string) StackOutputs { output, err := actor.CfnClient.DescribeStacks(context.TODO(), &cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{ StackName: aws.String(stackName), }) if err != nil || len(output.Stacks) == 0 { log.Panicf("Couldn't find a CloudFormation stack named %v. Here's why: %v\n", stackName, err) } stackOutputs := StackOutputs{} for _, out := range output.Stacks[0].Outputs { stackOutputs[*out.OutputKey] = *out.OutputValue } return stackOutputs }

Ressourcen bereinigen.

// Resources keeps track of AWS resources created during an example and handles // cleanup when the example finishes. type Resources struct { userPoolId string userAccessTokens []string triggers []actions.Trigger cognitoActor *actions.CognitoActions questioner demotools.IQuestioner } func (resources *Resources) init(cognitoActor *actions.CognitoActions, questioner demotools.IQuestioner) { resources.userAccessTokens = []string{} resources.triggers = []actions.Trigger{} resources.cognitoActor = cognitoActor resources.questioner = questioner } // Cleanup deletes all AWS resources created during an example. func (resources *Resources) Cleanup() { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { log.Printf("Something went wrong during cleanup.\n%v\n", r) log.Println("Use the AWS Management Console to remove any remaining resources \n" + "that were created for this scenario.") } }() wantDelete := resources.questioner.AskBool("Do you want to remove all of the AWS resources that were created "+ "during this demo (y/n)?", "y") if wantDelete { for _, accessToken := range resources.userAccessTokens { err := resources.cognitoActor.DeleteUser(accessToken) if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't delete user during cleanup.") panic(err) } log.Println("Deleted user.") } triggerList := make([]actions.TriggerInfo, len(resources.triggers)) for i := 0; i < len(resources.triggers); i++ { triggerList[i] = actions.TriggerInfo{Trigger: resources.triggers[i], HandlerArn: nil} } err := resources.cognitoActor.UpdateTriggers(resources.userPoolId, triggerList...) if err != nil { log.Println("Couldn't update Cognito triggers during cleanup.") panic(err) } log.Println("Removed Cognito triggers from user pool.") } else { log.Println("Be sure to remove resources when you're done with them to avoid unexpected charges!") } }

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