Invokes an AWS Lambda function with a collection of optional parameters. This AWS Lambda function is also given a copy of the flow run data if there is an associated contact with the flow.
Parameter object
"LambdaFunctionARN": The ARN of the AWS Lambda function to be invoked. May be defined statically or dynamically.
"InvocationTimeLimitSeconds": The number of seconds to wait for a response from the AWS Lambda function. Must be greater than 0, no larger than 8, and an integer. Must be set statically.
"LambdaInvocationAttributes" { A map of additional data to send to the AWS Lambda function when invoking it. Keys and values may be set statically or dynamically.
"ResponseValidation": {
"ResponseType": "STRING_MAP" or "JSON", If response validation is set to STRING_MAP, then the Lambda function should return a flat object of key/value pairs of the string type. Otherwise, if response validation is set to JSON, the Lambda function can return any valid JSON, including nested JSON. Must be set statically.
Results and conditions
None. Conditions are not supported. If an error does not occur, the response's attributes are available dynamically under the $.External path.
NoMatchingError - if no other Error matches.
None. This action is supported by all channels and in all types of flows.