Enabling the DataBrew extension for JupyterLab - AWS Glue DataBrew

Enabling the DataBrew extension for JupyterLab

After you have a secure installation of JupyterLab with extensions enabled, install the DataBrew extension so you can run DataBrew in your notebook.

To install the extensions for DataBrew (console)
  1. To start JupyterLab, run the following command at the command prompt.

    jupyter lab
  2. On the JupyterLab webpage, choose the Extension Manager icon in the menu at left.

  3. Search for the DataBrew extension by entering "brew" for Search at top left.

  4. Locate aws_glue_databrew_jupyter in the list, but don't click it. If you click the highlighted name of the extension, a new browser window opens with the aws_glue_databrew_jupyter page on GitHub.

  5. To install the DataBrew extension, choose one of the following:

    • At the command line, run jupyter labextension install aws_glue_databrew_jupyter.

    • Choose Install at the bottom of the extension card, underneath "aws_glue_databrew_jupyter" in gray lettering.

    DataBrew extension is compatible with JupyterLab version 1.2 and 2.x.

  6. To verify that it installed, run jupyter labextension list. The output should look something like the following.

    JupyterLab v2.2.9 Known labextensions: app dir: /usr/local/share/jupyter/lab # varies by OS aws_glue_databrew_jupyter v1.0.1 enabled OK
  7. Rebuild JupyterLab by using one of the following:

    • At the command prompt, run jupyter lab build.

    • In the webpage, choose Rebuild at top left.

  8. When the build is complete, do one of the following:

    • At the command prompt, run jupyter lab.

    • In the webpage, choose Reload on the Build Complete message.

  9. In the JupyterLab webpage, close the Extension Manager by choosing its icon in the menu at left.

    To open the extension, choose Launch AWS Glue DataBrew from the Other section on the Launcher tab. The extension uses your current AWS CLI configuration for access keys and AWS region settings.

After you complete the setup, you can use the AWS Glue DataBrew tab to interact with DataBrew from within JupyterLab.