Create a new column, based on the result of logical condition IF. Return true value if the boolean expression is true, false value if the boolean expression is false, or return a custom value.

  • trueValueExpression – Result when the condition is met.

  • falseValueExpression – Result when the condition is not met.

  • valueExpression – Boolean condition.

  • withExpressions – Configuration for aggregate results.

  • targetColumn – A name for the newly created column.

You can use constant values, column references, and aggregate results in trueValueExpression, falseValueExpression and valueExpression.

Example: Constant values

Values that remain unchanged, like a number or a sentence.

{ "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "It is true.", "falseValueExpression": "It is false.", "valueExpression": "`column.1` < 2000", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } }
Example: Column references

Values that are columns in the dataset.

{ "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "`column.2`", "falseValueExpression": "`column.3`", "valueExpression": "`column.1` < `column.4`", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } }
Example: Aggregate results

Values that are calculated by aggregate functions. An aggregate function performs a calculation on a column, and returns a single value.

{ "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "`:mincolumn.2`", "falseValueExpression": "`:maxcolumn.3`", "valueExpression": "`column.1` < `:avgcolumn.4`", "withExpressions": "[{\"name\":\"mincolumn.2\",\"value\":\"min(`column.2`)\",\"type\":\"aggregate\"},{\"name\":\"maxcolumn.3\",\"value\":\"max(`column.3`)\",\"type\":\"aggregate\"},{\"name\":\"avgcolumn.4\",\"value\":\"avg(`column.4`)\",\"type\":\"aggregate\"}]", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } }

Users need to convert the JSON to a string by escaping.

Note that the parameter names in trueValueExpression, falseValueExpression, and valueExpression must match the names in withExpressions. To use the aggregate results from some columns, you need to create parameters for them and provide the aggregate functions.

{ "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "It is true.", "falseValueExpression": "It is false.", "valueExpression": "`column.1` < 2000", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } }
Example: and/or

You can use and and or to combine multiple conditions.

{ "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "It is true.", "falseValueExpression": "It is false.", "valueExpression": "`column.1` < 2000 and `column.2` >= `column.3", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } } { "RecipeStep": { "Action": { "Operation": "BOOLEAN_OPERATION", "Parameters": { "trueValueExpression": "`column.4`", "falseValueExpression": "`column.5`", "valueExpression": "startsWith(`column1`, 'value1') or endsWith(`column2`, 'value2')", "targetColumn": "result.column" } } } }

Valid aggregate functions

The table below shows all of the valid aggregate functions that can be used in a boolean operation.

Column type Condition valueExpression withExpressions Return value




[ { "name": "sum.column.1", "value": "sum(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the sum of column.1



[ { "name": "mean.column.1", "value": "avg(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the mean of column.1

Mean absolute deviation


[ { "name": "meanabsolutedeviation.column.1", "value": "mean_absolute_deviation(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the mean absolute deviation of column.1



[ { "name": "median.column.1", "value": "median(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the median of column.1



[ { "name": "product.column.1", "value": "product(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the product of column.1

Standard deviation


[ { "name": "standarddeviation.column.1", "value": "stddev(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the standard deviation of column.1



[ { "name": "variance.column.1", "value": "variance(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the variance of column.1

Standard error of mean


[ { "name": "standarderrorofmean.column.1", "value": "standard_error_of_mean(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the standard error of mean of column.1



[ { "name": "skewness.column.1", "value": "skewness(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the skewness of column.1



[ { "name": "kurtosis.column.1", "value": "kurtosis(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the kurtosis of column.1




[ { "name": "count.column.1", "value": "count(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the total number of rows in column.1

Count distinct


[ { "name": "count.column.1", "value": "count(distinct `column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the total number of distinct rows in column.1



[ { "name": "min.column.1", "value": "min(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the minimum value of column.1



[ { "name": "max.column.1", "value": "max(`column.1`)", "type": "aggregate" } ]

Returns the maximum value of column.1

Valid conditions in a valueExpression

The table below shows supported conditions and the value expressions you can use.

Column type Condition valueExpression Description



contains(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column contains text

Does not contain

!contains(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column is does not contain text


matches(`column`, 'pattern')

Condition to test if the value in column matches pattern

Does not match

!matches(`column`, 'pattern')

Condition to test if the value in column does not match pattern

Starts with

startsWith(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column starts with text

Does not start with

!startsWith(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column does not start with text

Ends with

endsWith(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column ends with text

Does not end with

!endsWith(`column`, 'text')

Condition to test if the value in column does not end with text


Less than

`column` < number

Condition to test if the value in column is less than number

Less than or equal to

`column` <= number

Condition to test if the value in column is less than or equal to number

Greater than

`column` > number

Condition to test if the value in column is greater than number

Greater than or equal to

`column` >= number

Condition to test if the value in column is greater than or equal to number

Is between

isBetween(`column`, minNumber, maxNumber)

Condition to test if the value in column is in between minNumber and maxNumber

Is not between

!isBetween(`column`, minNumber, maxNumber)

Condition to test if the value in column is not in between minNumber and maxNumber


Is true

`column` = TRUE

Condition to test if the value in column is boolean TRUE

Is false

`column` = FALSE

Condition to test if the value in column is boolean FALSE


Earlier than

`column` < 'date'

Condition to test if the value in column is earlier than date

Earlier than or equal to

`column` <= 'date'

Condition to test if the value in column is earlier than or equal to date

Later than

`column` > 'date'

Condition to test if the value in column is later than date

Later than or equal to

`column` >= 'date'

Condition to test if the value in column is later than or equal to date


Is exactly

`column` = 'value'

Condition to test if the value in column is exactly value

Is not

`column` != 'value'

Condition to test if the value in column is not value

Is missing


Condition to test if the value in column is missing

Is not missing


Condition to test if the value in column is not missing

Is valid

isValid(`column`, datatype)

Condition to test if the value in column is valid (the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype)

Is not valid

!isValid(`column`, datatype)

Condition to test if the value in column is not valid (the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype)


Is missing


Condition to test if the value in column is missing

Is not missing


Condition to test if the value in column is not missing

Is valid

isValid(`column`, datatype)

Condition to test if the value in column is valid (the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype)

Is not valid

!isValid(`column`, datatype)

Condition to test if the value in column is not valid(the value is of datatype or it can be converted to datatype)