HealthLake Integrated NLP libraries - AWS HealthLake

HealthLake Integrated NLP libraries

HealthLake infers data found in the DocumentReference resource type using Amazon Comprehend Medical libraries. The Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations DetectEntities-V2, InferICD10-CM, and InferRxNorm detect medical conditions as traits. Each operation provides different insights.

Language support

Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations only detect medical entities in English language texts.

  • DetectEntities-V2: Inspects the clinical text for a variety of medical entities and returns specific information about them, such as entity category, location, and confidence score.

  • InferICD10-CM: Detects medical conditions in a patient record as entities, and it links those entities to normalized concept identifiers in the ICD-10-CM knowledge base from the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics under authorization by the World Health Organization (WHO).

  • InferRxNorm: Detects medications as entities listed in a patient record, and it links them to the normalized concept identifiers in the RxNorm database from the National Library of Medicine.

The supported traits for each API operation are SIGN, SYMPTOM, and DIAGNOSIS. If traits are detected, they are added as FHIR-compliant extensions to different locations in your HealthLake data store.

Locations where extensions are added.
  • DocumentReference: The results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations are added as an extension to each document found within the DocumentReference resource type. Results in the extension are divided into two groups. You can find them in the results based on their URL.


      • These are resource types that have been created or added to by HealthLake.


      • Where the raw output of the Amazon Comprehend Medical API operations is added to your HealthLake data store.

  • Linkage: This resource type is either added or created as a result of the integrated NLP. A GET request on a specific Linkage returns a list of linked resources. To identify if a Linkage was added by HealthLake, look for the added "tag": [{"display": "SYSTEM_GENERATED"}] key-value pair. To learn more about the FHIR specifications for Linkage, see Linkage in the FHIR R4 documentation.

  • FHIR resource types generated as a result of the Amazon Comprehend Medical operations.

    • Observation: includes results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API actions DetectEntities-V2 and InferICD10-CM when the traits are SIGN or SYMPTOM.

    • Condition: includes results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API actions DetectEntities-V2 and InferICD10-CM when the trait is DIAGNOSIS.

    • MedicationStatement: includes results from the Amazon Comprehend Medical API actions InferRxNorm.