FHIR R4 operations for HealthLake
AWS HealthLake supports the following FHIR REST API operations.
— This operation is used to query a FHIRPatient
resource, along with any other resources related to thatPatient
. For more information, seeOperation-patient-everything
in the FHIR R4 documentation.
— This operation is used to bulk export data from an HealthLake data store. For more information, see the Bulk Data Access IGin the FHIR R4 documentation.
You can also export FHIR data from a HealthLake data store using native HealthLake actions. For more information, see Exporting FHIR data with AWS HealthLake.
Getting patient data with
The Patient/$everything
operation is used to query a FHIR
resource, along with any other resources related to that
. The operation can be used to provide a patient with access to their
entire record or for a provider to perform a bulk data download related to a patient. HealthLake
supports Patient/$everything
for a specific patient id
is a FHIR REST API operation that can be invoked as
shown in the examples below.
Resources in response are sorted by resource type and resource id
Response is always populated with Bundle.total
HealthLake supports the following query parameters
Parameter | Details |
start |
Get all |
end |
Get all |
since |
Get all |
_type |
Get |
_count |
Get |
Example - Get all patient data after a specified start date
can use the start
filter to query only
data after a specific date.
GET https://healthlake.
Example - Get all Patient
data before a specified end date
Patient $everything can use the end
filter to only query data before a
specific date.
GET https://healthlake.
Example - Get all Patient
data updated after a specified date
can use the since
filter to query only
data updated after a specific date.
GET https://healthlake.
Example - Get Patient
data for specific resource types
Patient $everything can use the _type
filter to specify specific resource
types to be included in the response. Multiple resource types can be specified in a comma
separated list.
GET https://healthlake.
Example - Get Patient
data and specify page size
Patient $everything can use the _count
to set the page size.
GET https://healthlake.
and end
HealthLake supports the following resource attributes for the Patient/
and end
query parameters.
Resource | Resource Element |
Account | Account.servicePeriod.start |
AdverseEvent | AdverseEvent.date |
AllergyIntolerance | AllergyIntolerance.recordedDate |
Appointment | Appointment.start |
AppointmentResponse | AppointmentResponse.start |
AuditEvent | AuditEvent.period.start |
Basic | Basic.created |
BodyStructure | NO_DATE |
CarePlan | CarePlan.period.start |
CareTeam | CareTeam.period.start |
ChargeItem | ChargeItem.occurrenceDateTime, ChargeItem.occurrencePeriod.start, ChargeItem.occurrenceTiming.event |
Claim | Claim.billablePeriod.start |
ClaimResponse | ClaimResponse.created |
ClinicalImpression | ClinicalImpression.date |
Communication | Communication.sent |
CommunicationRequest | CommunicationRequest.occurrenceDateTime, CommunicationRequest.occurrencePeriod.start |
Composition | Composition.date |
Condition | Condition.recordedDate |
Consent | Consent.dateTime |
Coverage | Coverage.period.start |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | CoverageEligibilityRequest.created |
CoverageEligibilityResponse | CoverageEligibilityResponse.created |
DetectedIssue | DetectedIssue.identified |
DeviceRequest | DeviceRequest.authoredOn |
DeviceUseStatement | DeviceUseStatement.recordedOn |
DiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport.effective |
DocumentManifest | DocumentManifest.created |
DocumentReference | DocumentReference.context.period.start |
Encounter | Encounter.period.start |
EnrollmentRequest | EnrollmentRequest.created |
EpisodeOfCare | EpisodeOfCare.period.start |
ExplanationOfBenefit | ExplanationOfBenefit.billablePeriod.start |
FamilyMemberHistory | NO_DATE |
Flag | Flag.period.start |
Goal | Goal.statusDate |
Group | NO_DATE |
ImagingStudy | ImagingStudy.started |
Immunization | Immunization.recorded |
ImmunizationEvaluation | ImmunizationEvaluation.date |
ImmunizationRecommendation | ImmunizationRecommendation.date |
Invoice | Invoice.date |
List | List.date |
MeasureReport | MeasureReport.period.start |
Media | Media.issued |
MedicationAdministration | MedicationAdministration.effective |
MedicationDispense | MedicationDispense.whenPrepared |
MedicationRequest | MedicationRequest.authoredOn |
MedicationStatement | MedicationStatement.dateAsserted |
MolecularSequence | NO_DATE |
NutritionOrder | NutritionOrder.dateTime |
Observation | Observation.effective |
Patient | NO_DATE |
Person | NO_DATE |
Procedure | Procedure.performed |
Provenance | Provenance.occurredPeriod.start, Provenance.occurredDateTime |
QuestionnaireResponse | QuestionnaireResponse.authored |
RelatedPerson | NO_DATE |
RequestGroup | RequestGroup.authoredOn |
ResearchSubject | ResearchSubject.period |
RiskAssessment | RiskAssessment.occurrenceDateTime, RiskAssessment.occurrencePeriod.start |
Schedule | Schedule.planningHorizon |
ServiceRequest | ServiceRequest.authoredOn |
Specimen | Specimen.receivedTime |
SupplyDelivery | SupplyDelivery.occurrenceDateTime, SupplyDelivery.occurrencePeriod.start, SupplyDelivery.occurrenceTiming.event |
SupplyRequest | SupplyRequest.authoredOn |
VisionPrescription | VisionPrescription.dateWritten |
Exporting HealthLake data with FHIR
You can export data in bulk from your HealthLake data store using the FHIR $export operation.
HealthLake supports FHIR $export
using POST
and GET
requests. To make an export request with POST
, you must have a IAM user, group,
or role with the required permissions, specify $export
as part of the request,
and include desired parameters in the request body.
All HealthLake export requests made using FHIR $export
are returned in
format and exported to an Amazon S3 bucket, where each Amazon S3 object contains
only a single FHIR resource type.
You can queue export requests per the AWS account service quotas. For more information, see Service quotas.
HealthLake supports the following three types of bulk export endpoint requests.
Export type | Description | Syntax |
System |
Export all data from the HealthLake FHIR server. |
All patients |
Export all data relating to all patients including resource types associated with the Patient resource type. |
Group of patients |
Export all data relating to a group of patients specified with a Group ID. |
Before you begin
Meet the following requirements to make an export request using the FHIR REST API for HealthLake.
You must have set up a user, group, or role that has the necessary permissions to make the export request. To learn more, see Authorizing an $export request.
You must have created a service role that grants HealthLake access to the Amazon S3 bucket to which you want your data to be exported. The service role must also specify HealthLake as the service principal. For more information about setting up permissions, see Setting up permissions for export jobs.
Authorizing an $export
To make a successful export request using the FHIR REST API, authorize your user, group, or role using either IAM or OAuth2.0. You must also have a service role.
Authorizing a request using IAM
When you make an $export
request, the user, group, or role must have
IAM actions included in the policy. For more information, see Setting up permissions for export
Authorizing a request using SMART on FHIR (OAuth 2.0)
When you make an $export
request on a SMART on FHIR-enabled HealthLake data
store, you must have the appropriate scopes assigned. For more information, see SMART on FHIR resource scopes for
FHIR $export
with GET
requests require the same
authentication method or bearer token (in the case of SMART on FHIR) to request the export
and retrieve files. Files exported using FHIR $export
with GET
are available for download for 48 hours.
Making an $export
This section describes the required steps you must take when making an export request using the FHIR REST API.
To avoid accidental charges on your AWS account, we recommend testing your requests by
making a POST
request without supplying the $export
To make the request, you must do the following:
in thePOST
request URL for a supported endpoint. -
Specify the required header parameters.
Specify a request body that defines the required parameters.
Step 1: Specify $export
in the
request URL for a supported endpoint.
HealthLake supports three types of bulk export endpoint requests. To make a bulk export
request, you must make a POST
-based request on one of the three supported
endpoints. The following examples demonstrate where to specify $export
in the
request URL.
POST https://healthlake.
/r4/$export -
POST https://healthlake.
/r4/Patient/$export -
POST https://healthlake.
You can use the following supported search parameters in the POST
Supported search parameters
HealthLake supports the following search modifiers in bulk export requests.
The following examples include special characters which must be encoded prior to submitting your request.
Name | Required? | Description | Example |
_outputFormat |
No | The format for the requested Bulk Data files to be generated. Accepted
values are application/fhir+ndjson ,
application/ndjson , ndjson . |
_type |
No | A string of comma delimited FHIR resource types that you want included in
your export job. We recommend including _type because this can have
a cost implication when all resources are exported. |
&_type=MedicationStatement, Observation |
_since |
No | Resource types modified on or after the date time stamp. If a resource type does not have a last updated time they will be included in your response. | &_since=2024-05-09T00%3A00%3A00Z |
Step 2: Specify the required header parameters
To make an export request using the FHIR REST API, you must specify the following header parameters.
Next, you must specify the required elements in the request body.
Step 3: Specify a request body the defines the required parameters.
The export request also requires a body in JSON
format. The body can
include the following parameters.
Key | Required? | Description | Value |
DataAccessRoleArn | Yes | An ARN of a HealthLake service role. The service role used must specify HealthLake as the service principal. | arn:aws:iam:: |
JobName | No | The name of the export request. |
S3Uri | Yes | Part of an OutputDataConfig key. The S3 URI of the destination bucket where your exported data will be downloaded. | s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ |
KmsKeyId | Yes | Part of an OutputDataConfig key. The ARN of the AWS KMS key used to secure the Amazon S3 bucket. | arn:aws:kms: |
Example Body of an export request made using the FHIR REST API
To make an export request by using the FHIR REST API, you must specify a body, as shown in the following.
"DataAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666
"JobName": "your-export-job
"OutputDataConfig": {
"S3Configuration": {
"S3Uri": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/EXPORT-JOB
"KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:region-of-bucket
When your request is successful, you will receive the following response.
Response Header
content-location: https://healthlake.
Response Body
{ "datastoreId": "your-data-store-id", "jobStatus": "SUBMITTED", "jobId": "your-export-request-job-id" }
Managing your export request
After making a successful export request, you can manage the request using
to describe the status of a current export request, and
to cancel a current export request.
When you cancel an export request using the REST API, you are only billed for the portion of the data that was exported up to the time you submitted the cancel request.
The following topics describe how you can get the status on or cancel a current export request.
Canceling an export request
To cancel an export request, make a DELETE
request and supply the job ID
in the request URL.
DELETE https://healthlake.
When your request is successful, you receive the following.
{ "exportJobProperties": { "jobId": "your-original-export-request-job-id", "jobStatus": "CANCEL_SUBMITTED", "datastoreId": "your-data-store-id" } }
When your request is not successful, you receive the following.
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-supported", "diagnostics": "Interaction not supported." } ] }
Describing an export request
To get the status of an export request, make a GET
request by using
and your
GET https://healthlake.
The JSON response will contain an ExportJobProperties
object. It may
contain the following key:value pairs.
Name | Required? | Description | Value |
DataAccessRoleArn | No | An ARN of a HealthLake service role. The service role used must specify HealthLake as the service principal. | arn:aws:iam:: |
SubmitTime | No | The date time an export job was submitted. | Apr 21, 2023 5:58:02 |
EndTime | No | The time an export job was completed. |
Apr 21, 2023 6:00:08 PM |
JobName | No | The name of the export request. |
JobStatus | No | Valid values
S3Uri | Yes | Part of an OutputDataConfig object. The Amazon S3 URI of the destination bucket where your exported data will be downloaded. | s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ |
KmsKeyId | Yes | Part of an OutputDataConfig object. The ARN of the AWS KMS key used to secure the Amazon S3 bucket. | arn:aws:kms: |
Example : Body of a describe export request made using the FHIR REST API
When successful, you will get the following JSON response.
{ "exportJobProperties": { "jobId": "
", "JobName": "your-export-job
", "jobStatus": "SUBMITTED", "submitTime": "Apr 21, 2023 5:58:02 PM", "endTime": "Apr 21, 2023 6:00:08 PM", "datastoreId": "your-data-store-id
", "outputDataConfig": { "s3Configuration": { "S3Uri": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/EXPORT-JOB
", "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:region-of-bucket
"" } }, "DataAccessRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::444455556666
", } }