A constraint on change types is whether they are automated or manual, this is the change type
attribute, called the
Execution mode in the AMS console.
Automated change types have expected results and execution times and run through the AMS automated system, generally within an hour or less (this largely depends on what resources the CT is provisioning). Manual change types are uncommon, but they are treated differently because they require that an AMS operator act on the RFC before it can be run. That sometimes means communicating with the RFC submitter, so, manual change types require varying lengths of time to complete.
For all scheduled RFCs, an unspecified end time is written to be the time of the specified RequestedStartTime
plus the
attribute of the submitted change type. For example, if the ExpectedExecutionDurationInMinutes
is "60" (minutes), and
the specified RequestedStartTime
is 2016-12-05T14:20:00Z
(December 5, 2016 at 4:20 AM), the actual end time would be set to December 5, 2016 at 5:20 AM.
To find the ExpectedExecutionDurationInMinutes
for a specific change type, run this command:
aws amscm --profile saml get-change-type-version --change-type-id
--query "ChangeTypeVersion.{ExpectedDuration:ExpectedExecutionDurationInMinutes}"
Scheduled RFCs with Execution mode= Manual, in the Console, must be set to run at least 24 hours in the future. This caveat does not apply to the AMS API/CLI, but it is still important to schedule manual RFCs at least 8 hours ahead.
When using "review required" CTs, AMS recommends that you use the ASAP Scheduling option (choose ASAP in the console, leave start and end time blank in the API/CLI) as these CTs require an AMS operator to examine the RFC, and possibly communicate with you before it can be approved and run. If you schedule these RFCs, be sure to allow at least 24 hours. If approval does not happen before the scheduled start time, the RFC is rejected automatically.
AMS aims to respond to a manual CT within four hours, and will correspond as soon as possible, but it could take much longer for the RFC to actually be run.
For a list of the CTs that are Manual and require AMS review, see the Change Type CSV file, available on the Developer's Resources page of the Console.
YouTube Video:
How can I find automated change types for AMS RFCs?
To find the Execution mode for a CT in the AMS console, you must use the Browse change types search option. The results show the execution mode of the matching change type or change types.
To find the AutomationStatus
for a specific change type by using the AMS CLI,
run this command:
aws amscm --profile saml get-change-type-version --change-type-id
--query "ChangeTypeVersion.{AutomationStatus:AutomationStatus.Name}"
You can also look up change types in the AMS Change Type Reference, which provides information about all AMS change types.
The AMS API/CLI are not currently part of the AWS API/CLI. To access the AMS API/CLI, you download the AMS SDK through the AMS console.