ServiceInsertionAction - AWS Global Networks for Transit Gateways


Describes the action that the service insertion will take for any segments associated with it.



The action the service insertion takes for traffic. send-via sends east-west traffic between attachments. send-to sends north-south traffic to the security appliance, and then from that to either the Internet or to an on-premesis location.

Type: String

Valid Values: send-via | send-to

Required: No


Describes the mode packets take for the send-via action. This is not used when the action is send-to. dual-hop packets traverse attachments in both the source to the destination core network edges. This mode requires that an inspection attachment must be present in all Regions of the service insertion-enabled segments. For single-hop, packets traverse a single intermediate inserted attachment. You can use EdgeOverride to specify a specific edge to use.

Type: String

Valid Values: dual-hop | single-hop

Required: No


The list of network function groups and any edge overrides for the chosen service insertion action. Used for both send-to or send-via.

Type: Via object

Required: No


The list of destination segments if the service insertion action is send-via.

Type: WhenSentTo object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: