Review a model model evaluation job - Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio

Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio is in preview release and is subject to change.

Review a model model evaluation job

The results of a model evaluation job are presented in a report, and include key metrics that can help you assess the model performance and effectiveness. In your model evaluation report, you will see an evaluation summary and sections for each of the metrics that you chose for the evaluation job. responses.

Viewing a model evaluation report

To view a model evaluation report
  1. Navigate to the Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio landing page by using the URL from your admininstrator.

  2. Access Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio using your IAM or single sign-on (SSO) credentials. For more information, see Access Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio.

  3. If the project that you want to use isn't already open, do the following:

    1. Choose the current project at the top of the page. If a project isn't already open, choose Select a project.

    2. Select Browse all projects.

    3. In Projects select the project that you want to use.

  4. Choose the Build menu option at the top of the page.


  6. From the navigation pane, choose Build and then Model evaluations.

  7. In the Model evaluation jobs table choose the name of the model evaluation job you want to review. The model evaluation card opens.

Understanding a model evaluation report

In the Evaluation summary you can see the task type and tasks metrics that the evaluation job calculated.

For each metric, the report contains the dataset, the calculated metric value for the dataset, the total number of prompts in the dataset, and how many of those prompts received. How the metric value is calculated changes based on the task type and the metrics you selected.

In all semantic robustness related metrics, Amazon Bedrock IDE perturbs prompts in the following ways: convert text to all lower cases, keyboard typos, converting numbers to words, random changes to upper case and random addition/deletion of whitespaces.

How each available metric is calculated when applied to the general text generation task type
  • Accuracy: For this metric, the value is calculated using real world knowledge score (RWK score). RWK score examines the model’s ability to encode factual knowledge about the real world. A high RWK score indicates that your model is being accurate.

  • Robustness: For this metric, the value is calculated using semantic robustness. Which is calculated using word error rate. Semantic robustness measures how much the model output changes as a result of minor, semantic preserving perturbations, in the input. Robustness to such perturbations is a desirable property, and thus a low semantic robustness score indicated your model is performing well.

    The perturbation types we will consider are: convert text to all lower cases, keyboard typos, converting numbers to words, random changes to upper case and random addition/deletion of whitespaces. Each prompt in your dataset is perturbed approximately 5 times. Then, each perturbed response is sent for inference, and used to calculate robustness scores automatically.

  • Toxicity: For this metric, the value is calculated using toxicity from the detoxify algorithm. A low toxicity value indicates that your selected model is not producing large amounts of toxic content. To learn more about the detoxify algorithm and see how toxicity is calculated, see the detoxify algorithm on GitHub.

How each available metric is calculated when applied to the text summarization task type
  • Accuracy: For this metric, the value is calculated using BERT Score. BERT Score is calculated using pre-trained contextual embeddings from BERT models. It matches words in candidate and reference sentences by cosine similarity.

  • Robustness: For this metric, the value calculated is a percentage. It calculated by taking (Delta BERTScore / BERTScore) x 100. Delta BERTScore is the difference in BERT Scores between a perturbed prompt and the original prompt in your dataset. Each prompt in your dataset is perturbed approximately 5 times. Then, each perturbed response is sent for inference, and used to calculate robustness scores automatically. A lower score indicates the selected model is more robust.

  • Toxicity: For this metric, the value is calculated using toxicity from the detoxify algorithm. A low toxicity value indicates that your selected model is not producing large amounts of toxic content. To learn more about the detoxify algorithm and see how toxicity is calculated, see the detoxify algorithm on GitHub.

How each available metric is calculated when applied to the question and answer task type
  • Accuracy: For this metric, the value calculated is F1 score. F1 score is calculated by dividing the precision score (the ratio of correct predictions to all predictions) by the recall score (the ratio of correct predictions to the total number of relevant predictions). The F1 score ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating better performance.

  • Robustness: For this metric, the value calculated is a percentage. It is calculated by taking (Delta F1 / F1) x 100. Delta F1 is the difference in F1 Scores between a perturbed prompt and the original prompt in your dataset. Each prompt in your dataset is perturbed approximately 5 times. Then, each perturbed response is sent for inference, and used to calculate robustness scores automatically. A lower score indicates the selected model is more robust.

  • Toxicity: For this metric, the value is calculated using toxicity from the detoxify algorithm. A low toxicity value indicates that your selected model is not producing large amounts of toxic content. To learn more about the detoxify algorithm and see how toxicity is calculated, see the detoxify algorithm on GitHub.

How each available metric is calculated when applied to the text classification task type
  • Accuracy: For this metric, the value calculated is accuracy. Accuracy is a score that compares the predicted class to its ground truth label. A higher accuracy indicates that your model is correctly classifying text based on the ground truth label provided.

  • Robustness: For this metric, the value calculated is a percentage. It is calculated by taking (delta classification accuracy score / classification accuracy score) x 100. Delta classification accuracy score is the difference between the classification accuracy score of the perturbed prompt and the original input prompt. Each prompt in your dataset is perturbed approximately 5 times. Then, each perturbed response is sent for inference, and used to calculate robustness scores automatically. A lower score indicates the selected model is more robust.

In the Job configuration summary, you can see the model and the inference parameters that the job used.