Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2 - AWS SDK for C++

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2


Before you begin, we recommend you read Getting started using the AWS SDK for C++.

Download the example code and build the solution as described in Get started on code examples.

To run the examples, the user profile your code uses to make the requests must have proper permissions in AWS (for the service and the action). For more information, see Providing AWS credentials.

Create a Security Group

To create a security group, call the EC2Client’s CreateSecurityGroup function with a CreateSecurityGroupRequest that contains the key’s name.


#include <aws/ec2/EC2Client.h> #include <aws/ec2/model/CreateSecurityGroupRequest.h>


Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2Client(clientConfiguration); Aws::EC2::Model::CreateSecurityGroupRequest request; request.SetGroupName(groupName); request.SetDescription(description); request.SetVpcId(vpcID); const Aws::EC2::Model::CreateSecurityGroupOutcome outcome = ec2Client.CreateSecurityGroup(request); if (!outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cerr << "Failed to create security group:" << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } std::cout << "Successfully created security group named " << groupName << std::endl;

See the complete example.

Configure a Security Group

A security group can control both inbound (ingress) and outbound (egress) traffic to your Amazon EC2 instances.

To add ingress rules to your security group, use the EC2Client’s AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function, providing the name of the security group and the access rules (IpPermission) you want to assign to it within an AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest object. The following example shows how to add IP permissions to a security group.


#include <aws/ec2/model/AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest.h>


Aws::EC2::Model::AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest authorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest; authorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest.SetGroupId(groupID);
Aws::String ingressIPRange = ""; // Configure this for your allowed IP range. Aws::EC2::Model::IpRange ip_range; ip_range.SetCidrIp(ingressIPRange); Aws::EC2::Model::IpPermission permission1; permission1.SetIpProtocol("tcp"); permission1.SetToPort(80); permission1.SetFromPort(80); permission1.AddIpRanges(ip_range); authorize_request.AddIpPermissions(permission1); Aws::EC2::Model::IpPermission permission2; permission2.SetIpProtocol("tcp"); permission2.SetToPort(22); permission2.SetFromPort(22); permission2.AddIpRanges(ip_range); authorize_request.AddIpPermissions(permission2);
Aws::EC2::Model::AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutcome authorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutcome = ec2Client.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(authorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest); if (authorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Successfully authorized security group ingress." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "Error authorizing security group ingress: " << authorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; }

To add an egress rule to the security group, provide similar data in an AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgressRequest to the EC2Client’s AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress function.

See the complete example.

Describe Security Groups

To describe your security groups or get information about them, call the EC2Client’s DescribeSecurityGroups function with a DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest.

You will receive a DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse in the outcome object that you can use to access the list of security groups by calling its GetSecurityGroups function, which returns a list of SecurityGroup objects.


#include <aws/ec2/EC2Client.h> #include <aws/ec2/model/DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest.h> #include <aws/ec2/model/DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse.h> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream>


Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2Client(clientConfiguration); Aws::EC2::Model::DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest request; if (!groupID.empty()) { request.AddGroupIds(groupID); } Aws::String nextToken; do { if (!nextToken.empty()) { request.SetNextToken(nextToken); } Aws::EC2::Model::DescribeSecurityGroupsOutcome outcome = ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroups(request); if (outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(32) << "Name" << std::setw(30) << "GroupId" << std::setw(30) << "VpcId" << std::setw(64) << "Description" << std::endl; const std::vector<Aws::EC2::Model::SecurityGroup> &securityGroups = outcome.GetResult().GetSecurityGroups(); for (const auto &securityGroup: securityGroups) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(32) << securityGroup.GetGroupName() << std::setw(30) << securityGroup.GetGroupId() << std::setw(30) << securityGroup.GetVpcId() << std::setw(64) << securityGroup.GetDescription() << std::endl; } } else { std::cerr << "Failed to describe security groups:" << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return false; } nextToken = outcome.GetResult().GetNextToken(); } while (!nextToken.empty());

See the complete example.

Delete a Security Group

To delete a security group, call the EC2Client’s DeleteSecurityGroup function, passing it a DeleteSecurityGroupRequest that contains the ID of the security group to delete.


#include <aws/ec2/EC2Client.h> #include <aws/ec2/model/DeleteSecurityGroupRequest.h> #include <iostream>


Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2Client(clientConfiguration); Aws::EC2::Model::DeleteSecurityGroupRequest request; request.SetGroupId(securityGroupID); Aws::EC2::Model::DeleteSecurityGroupOutcome outcome = ec2Client.DeleteSecurityGroup(request); if (!outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cerr << "Failed to delete security group " << securityGroupID << ":" << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Successfully deleted security group " << securityGroupID << std::endl; }

See the complete example.

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