Erstellen von Sicherheitsgruppen - AWS SDK for .NET

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Erstellen von Sicherheitsgruppen

Dieses Beispiel zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie AWS SDK for .NET mit dem eine Sicherheitsgruppe erstellen. Sie können die ID einer vorhandenen, für die VPC Sie eine Sicherheitsgruppe erstellen möchten, EC2 in einer angebenVPC. Wenn Sie keine solche ID angeben, gilt die neue Sicherheitsgruppe für EC2 -Classic, sofern Ihr AWS Konto dies unterstützt.

Wenn Sie keine VPC ID angeben und Ihr AWS Konto EC2 -Classic nicht unterstützt, gehört die neue Sicherheitsgruppe zur Standardsicherheitsgruppe VPC Ihres Kontos.


EC2-Classic wurde am 15. August 2022 eingestellt. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, von EC2 -Classic zu a zu migrieren. VPC Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Blogbeitrag EC2-Classic Networking is Retiring — So bereiten Sie sich vor.

Die folgenden Abschnitte enthalten Auszüge aus diesem Beispiel. Der vollständige Code für das Beispiel wird danach angezeigt und kann unverändert erstellt und ausgeführt werden.

Suchen Sie nach vorhandenen Sicherheitsgruppen

Der folgende Ausschnitt sucht nach vorhandenen Sicherheitsgruppen mit dem angegebenen Namen im angegebenen Namen. VPC

Das Beispiel am Ende dieses Themas zeigt, wie dieses Snippet verwendet wird.

// // Method to determine if a security group with the specified name // already exists in the VPC private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> FindSecurityGroups( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID) { var request = new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest(); request.Filters.Add(new Filter{ Name = "group-name", Values = new List<string>() { groupName } }); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpcID)) request.Filters.Add(new Filter{ Name = "vpc-id", Values = new List<string>() { vpcID } }); var response = await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(request); return response.SecurityGroups; }

Eine Sicherheitsgruppe erstellen

Der folgende Codeausschnitt erstellt eine neue Sicherheitsgruppe, falls eine Gruppe mit diesem Namen in der angegebenen Gruppe nicht existiert. VPC Wenn nein angegeben VPC wird und eine oder mehrere Gruppen mit diesem Namen existieren, gibt das Snippet einfach die Liste der Gruppen zurück.

Das Beispiel am Ende dieses Themas zeigt, wie dieses Snippet verwendet wird.

// // Method to create a new security group (either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC) // If vpcID is empty, the security group will be for EC2-Classic private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> CreateSecurityGroup( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID) { // See if one or more security groups with that name // already exist in the given VPC. If so, return the list of them. var securityGroups = await FindSecurityGroups(ec2Client, groupName, vpcID); if (securityGroups.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine( $"\nOne or more security groups with name {groupName} already exist.\n"); return securityGroups; } // If the security group doesn't already exists, create it. var createRequest = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest{ GroupName = groupName }; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpcID)) { createRequest.Description = "My .NET example security group for EC2-Classic"; } else { createRequest.VpcId = vpcID; createRequest.Description = "My .NET example security group for EC2-VPC"; } CreateSecurityGroupResponse createResponse = await ec2Client.CreateSecurityGroupAsync(createRequest); // Return the new security group DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse describeResponse = await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest{ GroupIds = new List<string>() { createResponse.GroupId } }); return describeResponse.SecurityGroups; }

Vollständiger Code

Dieser Abschnitt enthält relevante Referenzen und den vollständigen Code für dieses Beispiel.

using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.EC2; using Amazon.EC2.Model; namespace EC2CreateSecGroup { // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class to create a security group class Program { private const int MaxArgs = 2; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Parse the command line and show help if necessary var parsedArgs = CommandLine.Parse(args); if(parsedArgs.Count == 0) { PrintHelp(); return; } if(parsedArgs.Count > MaxArgs) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nThe number of command-line arguments is incorrect." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); // Get the application arguments from the parsed list var groupName = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-g", "--group-name"); var vpcID = CommandLine.GetArgument(parsedArgs, null, "-v", "--vpc-id"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName)) CommandLine.ErrorExit("\nYou must supply a name for the new group." + "\nRun the command with no arguments to see help."); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpcID) && !vpcID.StartsWith("vpc-")) CommandLine.ErrorExit($"\nNot a valid VPC ID: {vpcID}"); // groupName has a value and vpcID either has a value or is null (which is fine) // Create the new security group and display information about it var securityGroups = await CreateSecurityGroup(new AmazonEC2Client(), groupName, vpcID); Console.WriteLine("Information about the security group(s):"); foreach(var group in securityGroups) { Console.WriteLine($"\nGroupName: {group.GroupName}"); Console.WriteLine($"GroupId: {group.GroupId}"); Console.WriteLine($"Description: {group.Description}"); Console.WriteLine($"VpcId (if any): {group.VpcId}"); } } // // Method to create a new security group (either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC) // If vpcID is empty, the security group will be for EC2-Classic private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> CreateSecurityGroup( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID) { // See if one or more security groups with that name // already exist in the given VPC. If so, return the list of them. var securityGroups = await FindSecurityGroups(ec2Client, groupName, vpcID); if (securityGroups.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine( $"\nOne or more security groups with name {groupName} already exist.\n"); return securityGroups; } // If the security group doesn't already exists, create it. var createRequest = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest{ GroupName = groupName }; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpcID)) { createRequest.Description = "Security group for .NET code example (no VPC specified)"; } else { createRequest.VpcId = vpcID; createRequest.Description = "Security group for .NET code example (VPC: " + vpcID + ")"; } CreateSecurityGroupResponse createResponse = await ec2Client.CreateSecurityGroupAsync(createRequest); // Return the new security group DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse describeResponse = await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest{ GroupIds = new List<string>() { createResponse.GroupId } }); return describeResponse.SecurityGroups; } // // Method to determine if a security group with the specified name // already exists in the VPC private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> FindSecurityGroups( IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID) { var request = new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest(); request.Filters.Add(new Filter{ Name = "group-name", Values = new List<string>() { groupName } }); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpcID)) request.Filters.Add(new Filter{ Name = "vpc-id", Values = new List<string>() { vpcID } }); var response = await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(request); return response.SecurityGroups; } // // Command-line help private static void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine( "\nUsage: EC2CreateSecGroup -g <group-name> [-v <vpc-id>]" + "\n -g, --group-name: The name you would like the new security group to have." + "\n -v, --vpc-id: The ID of a VPC to which the new security group will belong." + "\n If vpc-id isn't present, the security group will be" + "\n for EC2-Classic (if your AWS account supports this)" + "\n or will use the default VCP for EC2-VPC."); } } // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = // Class that represents a command line on the console or terminal. // (This is the same for all examples. When you have seen it once, you can ignore it.) static class CommandLine { // // Method to parse a command line of the form: "--key value" or "-k value". // // Parameters: // - args: The command-line arguments passed into the application by the system. // // Returns: // A Dictionary with string Keys and Values. // // If a key is found without a matching value, Dictionary.Value is set to the key // (including the dashes). // If a value is found without a matching key, Dictionary.Key is set to "--NoKeyN", // where "N" represents sequential numbers. public static Dictionary<string,string> Parse(string[] args) { var parsedArgs = new Dictionary<string,string>(); int i = 0, n = 0; while(i < args.Length) { // If the first argument in this iteration starts with a dash it's an option. if(args[i].StartsWith("-")) { var key = args[i++]; var value = key; // Check to see if there's a value that goes with this option? if((i < args.Length) && (!args[i].StartsWith("-"))) value = args[i++]; parsedArgs.Add(key, value); } // If the first argument in this iteration doesn't start with a dash, it's a value else { parsedArgs.Add("--NoKey" + n.ToString(), args[i++]); n++; } } return parsedArgs; } // // Method to get an argument from the parsed command-line arguments // // Parameters: // - parsedArgs: The Dictionary object returned from the Parse() method (shown above). // - defaultValue: The default string to return if the specified key isn't in parsedArgs. // - keys: An array of keys to look for in parsedArgs. public static string GetArgument( Dictionary<string,string> parsedArgs, string defaultReturn, params string[] keys) { string retval = null; foreach(var key in keys) if(parsedArgs.TryGetValue(key, out retval)) break; return retval ?? defaultReturn; } // // Method to exit the application with an error. public static void ErrorExit(string msg, int code=1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError"); Console.WriteLine(msg); Environment.Exit(code); } } }