Create a service client - AWS SDK for Rust

Create a service client

To make a request to an AWS service, you first instantiate a client for that service. You can configure common settings for service clients such as timeouts, the HTTP client, and retry configuration.

Each service client requires an AWS Region and a credential provider. The SDK uses these values to send requests to the correct Region for your resources and to sign requests with the correct credentials. You can specify these values programmatically in code or have them automatically loaded from the environment.


Service clients can be expensive to construct and are generally meant to be shared. To facilitate this, all Client structs implement Clone.

The SDK has a series of places (or sources) that it checks in order to find a value for configuration settings.

  1. Any explicit setting set in the code or on a service client itself takes precedence over anything else.

  2. Environment variables

    • For details on setting environment variables, see environment variables in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

  3. Shared config and credentials files

  4. Any default value provided by the SDK source code itself is used last.

    • Some properties, such as Region, don't have a default. You must specify them either explicitly in code, in an environment setting, or in the shared config file. If the SDK can't resolve required configuration, API requests can fail at runtime.

Most environment variable settings and the config and credentials file settings are shared by multiple AWS SDKs and tools for consistent behavior. To see all the all settings that the SDK can resolve from the environment variables or configuration files, see the Settings reference in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

Configure a client from the environment

To create a client with environment-sourced configuration, use static methods from the aws-config crate:

let config = aws_config::defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .load() .await; let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::new(&config);

Creating a client this way is useful when running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, AWS Lambda, or any other context where the configuration of a service client is available directly from the environment. This decouples your code from the environment that it's running in and makes it easier to deploy your application to multiple AWS Regions without changing the code.

You can explicitly override specific properties. Explicit configuration takes precedence over configuration resolved from the execution environment. The following example loads configuration from the environment, but explicitly overrides the AWS Region:

let config = aws_config::defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .region("us-east-1") .load() .await; let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::new(&config);

Not all configuration values are sourced by the client at creation time. Credential-related settings, such as temporary access keys and IAM Identity Center configuration, are accessed by the credential provider layer when the client is used to make a request.

The code BehaviorVersion::latest() shown in the prior examples indicates the version of the SDK to use for defaults. BehaviorVersion::latest() is appropriate for most cases. For details, see Behavior versions.

Use the builder pattern for service-specific settings

There are some options that can only be configured on a specific service client type. However, most often, you'll still want to load the majority of configuration from the environment, and then specifically add the additional options. The builder pattern is a common pattern within the AWS SDK for Rust crates. You first load the general configuration using aws_config::defaults, then use the from method to load that configuration into the builder for the service you are working with. You can then set any unique configuration values for that service and call build. Lastly, the client is created from this modfied configuration.

// Call a static method on aws-config that sources default config values. let config = aws_config::defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .load() .await; // Use the Builder for S3 to create service-specific config from the default config. let s3_config = aws_sdk_s3::config::Builder::from(&config) .accelerate(true) // Set an S3-only configuration option .build(); // Create the client. let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::from_conf(s3_config);

One way to discover additional methods that are available for a specific type of service client is to use the API documentation, such as for aws_sdk_s3::config::Builder.

Advanced explicit client configuration

To configure a service client with specific values instead of loading a configuration from the environment, you can specify them on the client Config builder as shown in the following:

let conf = aws_sdk_s3::Config::builder() .region("us-east-1") .endpoint_resolver(my_endpoint_resolver) .build(); let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::from_conf(conf);

When you create a service configuration with aws_sdk_s3::Config::builder(), no default configuration is loaded. Defaults are only loaded when creating a config based on aws_config::defaults.

There are some options that can only be configured on a specific service client type. The previous example shows an example of this by using the endpoint_resolver function on a Amazon S3 client.