Interceptors - AWS SDK for Rust


You can use interceptors to hook into the execution of API requests and responses. Interceptors are open-ended mechanisms in which the SDK calls code that you write to inject behavior into the request/response lifecycle. This way, you can modify an in-flight request, debug request processing, view errors, and more.

The following example shows a simple interceptor that adds an additional header to all outgoing requests before the retry loop is entered:

use std::borrow::Cow; use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::{ Intercept, context::BeforeTransmitInterceptorContextMut, }; use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::runtime_components::RuntimeComponents; use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::ConfigBag; use aws_smithy_runtime_api::box_error::BoxError; #[derive(Debug)] struct AddHeaderInterceptor { key: Cow<'static, str>, value: Cow<'static, str>, } impl AddHeaderInterceptor { fn new(key: &'static str, value: &'static str) -> Self { Self { key: Cow::Borrowed(key), value: Cow::Borrowed(value), } } } impl Intercept for AddHeaderInterceptor { fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "AddHeader" } fn modify_before_retry_loop( &self, context: &mut BeforeTransmitInterceptorContextMut<'_>, _runtime_components: &RuntimeComponents, _cfg: &mut ConfigBag, ) -> Result<(), BoxError> { let headers = context.request_mut().headers_mut(); headers.insert(self.key.clone(), self.value.clone()); Ok(()) } }

For more information and the available interceptor hooks, see the Intercept trait.

Interceptor registration

You register interceptors when you construct a service client or when you override configuration for a specific operation. The registration in different depending on whether you want the interceptor to apply to all operations for your client or only specific ones.

Interceptor for all operations on a service client

To register an interceptor for the entire client, add the interceptor using the Builder pattern.

let config = aws_config::defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .load() .await; // All service operations invoked using 's3' will have the header added. let s3_conf = aws_sdk_s3::config::Builder::from(&config) .interceptor(AddHeaderInterceptor::new("x-foo-version", "2.7")) .build(); let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::from_conf(s3_conf);

Interceptor for only a specific operation

To register an interceptor for only a single operation, use the customize extension. You can override your service client configurations at the per-operation level using this method. For more information on customizable operations, see Override a single operation configuration of client.

// Only the list_buckets operation will have the header added. s3.list_buckets() .customize() .interceptor(AddHeaderInterceptor::new("x-bar-version", "3.7")) .send() .await?;