DescribeInstanceInformation - AWS Systems Manager


Provides information about one or more of your managed nodes, including the operating system platform, SSM Agent version, association status, and IP address. This operation does not return information for nodes that are either Stopped or Terminated.

If you specify one or more node IDs, the operation returns information for those managed nodes. If you don't specify node IDs, it returns information for all your managed nodes. If you specify a node ID that isn't valid or a node that you don't own, you receive an error.


The IamRole field returned for this API operation is the role assigned to an Amazon EC2 instance configured with a Systems Manager Quick Setup host management configuration or the role assigned to an on-premises managed node.

Request Syntax

{ "Filters": [ { "Key": "string", "Values": [ "string" ] } ], "InstanceInformationFilterList": [ { "key": "string", "valueSet": [ "string" ] } ], "MaxResults": number, "NextToken": "string" }

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of managed nodes. You can filter based on tags applied to your managed nodes. Tag filters can't be combined with other filter types. Use this Filters data type instead of InstanceInformationFilterList, which is deprecated.

Type: Array of InstanceInformationStringFilter objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items.

Required: No


This is a legacy method. We recommend that you don't use this method. Instead, use the Filters data type. Filters enables you to return node information by filtering based on tags applied to managed nodes.


Attempting to use InstanceInformationFilterList and Filters leads to an exception error.

Type: Array of InstanceInformationFilter objects

Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items.

Required: No


The maximum number of items to return for this call. The call also returns a token that you can specify in a subsequent call to get the next set of results. The default value is 10 items.

Type: Integer

Valid Range: Minimum value of 5. Maximum value of 50.

Required: No


The token for the next set of items to return. (You received this token from a previous call.)

Type: String

Required: No

Response Syntax

{ "InstanceInformationList": [ { "ActivationId": "string", "AgentVersion": "string", "AssociationOverview": { "DetailedStatus": "string", "InstanceAssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "string" : number } }, "AssociationStatus": "string", "ComputerName": "string", "IamRole": "string", "InstanceId": "string", "IPAddress": "string", "IsLatestVersion": boolean, "LastAssociationExecutionDate": number, "LastPingDateTime": number, "LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate": number, "Name": "string", "PingStatus": "string", "PlatformName": "string", "PlatformType": "string", "PlatformVersion": "string", "RegistrationDate": number, "ResourceType": "string", "SourceId": "string", "SourceType": "string" } ], "NextToken": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


The managed node information list.

Type: Array of InstanceInformation objects


The token to use when requesting the next set of items. If there are no additional items to return, the string is empty.

Type: String


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


An error occurred on the server side.

HTTP Status Code: 500


The specified key isn't valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The following problems can cause this exception:

  • You don't have permission to access the managed node.

  • AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) isn't running. Verify that SSM Agent is running.

  • SSM Agent isn't registered with the SSM endpoint. Try reinstalling SSM Agent.

  • The managed node isn't in a valid state. Valid states are: Running, Pending, Stopped, and Stopping. Invalid states are: Shutting-down and Terminated.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified filter value isn't valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified token isn't valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400



This example illustrates one usage of DescribeInstanceInformation.

Sample Request

POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-Encoding: identity X-Amz-Target: AmazonSSM.DescribeInstanceInformation Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1 User-Agent: aws-cli/2.0.0 Python/3.7.5 Windows/10 botocore/2.0.0dev4 X-Amz-Date: 20240220T234247Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20240220/us-east-2/ssm/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=39c3b3042cd2aEXAMPLE Content-Length: 72 { "Filters": [ { "Key": "InstanceIds", "Values": [ "i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE" ] } ] }

Sample Response

{ "InstanceInformationList": [ { "AgentVersion": "2.3.871.0", "AssociationOverview": { "DetailedStatus": "Failed", "InstanceAssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "Failed": 1, "Success": 1 } }, "AssociationStatus": "Failed", "ComputerName": "WIN-11RMS222RPK.WORKGROUP", "IPAddress": "", "InstanceId": "i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE", "IsLatestVersion": false, "LastAssociationExecutionDate": 1582242019, "LastPingDateTime": 1582242018.094, "PingStatus": "Online", "PlatformName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter", "PlatformType": "Windows", "PlatformVersion": "6.1.7601", "ResourceType": "EC2Instance" } ] }

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: