Die vorliegende Übersetzung wurde maschinell erstellt. Im Falle eines Konflikts oder eines Widerspruchs zwischen dieser übersetzten Fassung und der englischen Fassung (einschließlich infolge von Verzögerungen bei der Übersetzung) ist die englische Fassung maßgeblich.
CloudWatch -Protokollstruktur für Transfer Family
In diesem Thema werden die Felder beschrieben, die in Transfer Family-Protokollen ausgefüllt werden: sowohl für strukturierte JSON-Protokolleinträge als auch für Legacy-Protokolleinträge.
Strukturierte JSON-Protokolle für Transfer Family
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Details zu Protokolleintragsfeldern für Transfer Family SFTP/FTP/FTPS-Aktionen im neuen strukturierten JSON-Protokollformat.
Feld | Beschreibung | Beispieleintrag |
activity-type | The action by the user |
bytes-in | Number of bytes uploaded by the user | 29238420042 |
bytes-out | Number of bytes downloaded by the user | 23094032490328 |
ciphers | Specifies the SSH cipher negotiated for the connection (available ciphers are listed in Kryptografische Algorithmen) | aes256-gcm@openssh.com |
client | The user's client software | SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.4 |
home-dir | The directory that the end user lands on when they connect to the
endpoint if their home directory type is PATH : if they have a
logical home directory, this value is always / |
/user-home-bucket/test |
kex | Specifies the negotiated SSH key exchange (KEX) for the connection (available KEX are listed in Kryptografische Algorithmen) | diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 |
message | Provides more information related to the error | <Zeichenfolge> |
method | The authentication method | publickey |
mode | Specifies how a client opens a file | CREATE | TRUNCATE | WRITE |
operation | The client operation on a file | OPEN | CLOSE |
path | Actual file path affected | /user-test-bucket/test-file-1.pdf |
resource-arn | A system-assigned, unique identifier for a specific resource (for example, a server) |
arn:aws:transfer:ap-northeast-1:12346789012:server/s-1234567890akeu2js2 |
role | The IAM role of the user |
arn:aws:iam::0293883675:role/testuser-role |
session-id | A system-assigned, unique identifier for a single session |
9ca9a0e1cec6ad9d |
source-ip | Client IP address | 18.323.0.129 |
user | The end user's username | myname192 |
user-policy | The permissions specified for the end user: this field is populated if the user's policy is a session policy. | The JSON code for the session policy that is being used |
Legacy-Protokolle für Transfer Family
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Details zu Protokolleinträgen für verschiedene Transfer Family-Aktionen.
Diese Einträge haben nicht das neue strukturierte JSON-Protokollformat.
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Details zu Protokolleinträgen für verschiedene Transfer Family-Aktionen im neuen strukturierten JSON-Protokollformat.
Aktion | Entsprechende Protokolle in Amazon CloudWatch Logs |
Authentication failures (Authentifizierungsfehler) |
ERRORS AUTH_FAILURE Method=publickey User=lhr Message="RSA SHA256:Lfz3R2nmLY4raK+b7Rb1rSvUIbAE+a+Hxg0c7l1JIZ0" SourceIP = |
{"type":"StepStarted","details":{"input":{"fileLocation ":{"backingStore ":"EFS ","filesystemId ":"fs-12345678","path":"lhr/regex.py"}},"stepType ":"TAG","stepName ":"successful_tag_step"},"workflowId ":"w-111aaaa222bb3","executionId ":"81234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijklmnopqr90","transferDetails "{"serverId ":"s-134aaa222222bb3"bb3", "exegid"efl"user sessionId1234567890 |
Benutzerdefinierter Schritt-Workflow |
{"type":"CustomStepInvoked","details":{"output":{"token":"MzM4Mjg5YWUtYTEzMy 00YjIzLWI3OGMtYz U4OGI2ZjQyMzE5"},"stepType ":"CUSTOM","stepName ":"efs-s3_copy_2"},"workflowId ":"w-9283e49d3297c3f7","executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijmnopqr90","transferDetails "{"serverId "":"s-zz1a1a23"sessionId1234567890 |
Löschvorgänge |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b DELETE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg |
Downloads |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b OPEN Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg Mode=READ llhr.33a8fb495ffb383b CLOSE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg BytesOut=3618546 |
Anmeldungen/Abmeldungen |
user.914984e553bcdb6 CONNECTED SourceIP = User=lhr HomeDir=LOGICAL Client=SSH-2.0-OpenSSH _7.4 Role=arn:aws::iam::123456789012:role/sftp-s3-access user.914984e553bcdb6 VERBUNDEN |
Umbenennungen |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b RENAME Path=/bucket/user/lambo.png NewPath=/bucket/user/ferrari.png |
Beispiel für ein Workflow-Fehlerprotokoll |
{"type":"StepErrored","details":{"errorType ":"BAD_REQUEST","errorMessage ":"Cannot tag Efs file","stepType ":"TAG","stepName ":"successful_tag_step"},"workflowId ":"w-1234abcd5678efghi","executionId ":"81234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijklmnopqr90","transferDetails ":{"serverId ":"s-1234abcd5678efghi", "username":"hr'sessionId" 1234567890defrababab |
Symlinks |
lhr.eb49cf7b8651e6d5 CREATE_SYMLINK LinkPath=/fs-12345678/lhr/pqr.jpg TargetPath=abc.jpg |
Uploads |
lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b OPEN Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg Mode=CREATE|TRUNCATE|WRITE lhr.33a8fb495ffb383b CLOSE Path=/bucket/user/123.jpg BytesIn=3618546 |
Workflows |
{"type":"ExecutionStarted","details":{"input":{initialFileLocation"":{"backingStore ":"EFS ","filesystemId ":"fs-12345678","path":"lhr/regex.py"}}},"workflowId ":"w-111aaaaa2222bb3","executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijklmnopqr90","transferDetails ":{"serverId ":"s-zz1111aaaa223", "username":"l"sessionId"1234567890"111110x1111111111111112222222222 {"type":"StepStarted","details":{"input":{"fileLocation ":{"backingStore ":"EFS ","filesystemId ":"fs-12345678","path":"/lhr/regex.py"}},"stepType ":"CUSTOM","stepName ":"efs-s3_copy_2"},"workflowId ":"w-9283e49d33297c3f7","executionId ":"1234abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijmnopqr90","transferDetails:{"serverId:"8499ez"userid333333333"33r" Executionl"Executl sessionId1234567890" |