Download finished output in Deadline Cloud
After a job is finished, you can use the AWS Deadline Cloud monitor to download the results to your workstation. The output file is stored with the name and location that you specified when you created the job.
Output files are stored indefinitely. To reduce storage costs, consider creating an S3 Lifecycle configuration for your queue's Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Managing your storage lifecycle in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
To download the finished output of a job, step, or task
Follow the steps in View and manage job details in Deadline Cloud to view a list of jobs.
Select the job, step, or task that you want to download the output for.
If you select a job, you can download all of the output for all of the tasks in all of the steps for that job.
If you select a step, you can download all of the output for all of the tasks in that step.
If you select a task, you can download the output for that individual task.
From the Actions menu, choose Download output.
The output will be downloaded to the location set when the job was submitted.
Downloading output using the menu is currently only supported for Windows and Linux. If you have a Mac and you choose the Download output menu item, a window shows the AWS CLI command that you can use to download the rendered output.