View and manage jobs, steps, and tasks in Deadline Cloud - AWS Deadline Cloud

View and manage jobs, steps, and tasks in Deadline Cloud

When you select a queue, the job monitor section of the Deadline Cloud monitor shows you the jobs in that queue, the steps in the job, and the tasks in each step. When you select a job, step, or task, you can use the Actions menu to manage each.

To open the job monitor, follow the steps to view a queue in View queue and fleet details in Deadline Cloud, then select the job, step, or task to work with.

For jobs, steps, and tasks, you can do the following:

  • Change the status to Requeued, Succeeded, Failed, or Canceled.

  • Download the processed output from the job, step, or task.

  • Copy the ID of the job, step, or task.

For the selected job, you can:

  • Archive the job.

  • Modify the job properties, such as changing prioritization or viewing step to step dependencies.

  • View additional details using the job's parameters.

For for more information, see View job details in Deadline Cloud.

For each step, you can:

  • View the dependencies for the step. The dependencies for a step must be completed before the step runs.

For details, see View a step in Deadline Cloud.

For each task, you can:

  • View logs for the task.

  • View task parameters.

For more information, see View a task in Deadline Cloud.

Archive a job

To archive a job, it must be in a terminal state, FAILED, SUCCEEDED, SUSPENDED, or CANCELED. The ARCHIVED state is final. After a job is archived, it can't be requeued or modified.

The job's data is not affected by archiving the job. The data is deleted when the inactivity timeout is reached, or when the queue containing the job is deleted.

Other things that happen to archived jobs:

  • Archived jobs are hidden in the Deadline Cloud monitor.

  • Archived jobs are visible in a read-only state form the Deadline Cloud CLI for 120 days before deletion.

Requeue a job

When you requeue a job, all of the tasks without step dependencies switch to READY. The status of steps with dependencies switch to READY or PENDING as they are restored.

  • All jobs, steps, and tasks switch to PENDING.

  • If a step doesn't have a dependency, it switches to READY.