Inviting individual accounts to a behavior graph - Amazon Detective

Inviting individual accounts to a behavior graph

You can manually specify the member accounts to invite to contribute their data to a behavior graph.

To manually select the member accounts to invite using the Detective console.
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, choose Account management.

  3. Choose Actions. Then choose Invite accounts.

  4. Under Add accounts, choose Add individual accounts.

  5. To add a member account to the invitation list, perform the following steps.

    1. Choose Add account.

    2. For AWS Account ID, enter the AWS account ID.

    3. For Email address, enter the root user email address for the account.

  6. To remove an account from the list, choose Remove for that account.

  7. Under Personalize invitation email, add customized content to include in the invitation email.

    For example, you can use this area to provide contact information. Or use it to remind the member account that they need to attach the required IAM policy to their user or role before they can accept the invitation.

  8. Member account IAM policy contains the text of the required IAM policy for member accounts. The email invitation includes this policy text. To copy the policy text, choose Copy.

  9. Choose Invite.

Detective API/AWS CLI

You can use the Detective API or the AWS Command Line Interface to invite member accounts to contribute their data to a behavior graph. To get the ARN of your behavior graph to use in the request, use the ListGraphs operation.

To invite member accounts to a behavior graph (Detective API, AWS CLI)
  • Detective API: Use the CreateMembers operation. You must provide the graph ARN. For each account, specify the account identifier and the root user email address.

    To not send invitation emails to the member accounts, set DisableEmailNotification to true. By default, DisableEmailNotification is false .

    If you do send invitation emails, you can optionally provide custom text to add to the invitation email.

  • AWS CLI: At the command line, run the create-members command.

    aws detective create-members --accounts AccountId=<AWS account ID>,EmailAddress=<root user email address> --graph-arn <behavior graph ARN> --message "<Custom message text>"


    aws detective create-members --accounts AccountId=444455556666, AccountId=123456789012, --graph-arn arn:aws:detective:us-east-1:111122223333:graph:123412341234 --message "This is Paul Santos. I need to add your account to the data we use for security investigation in Amazon Detective. If you have any questions, contact me at"

    To indicate to not send invitation emails to the member accounts, include --disable-email-notification.

    aws detective create-members --accounts AccountId=<AWS account ID>,EmailAddress=<root user email address> --graph-arn <behavior graph ARN> --disable-email-notification


    aws detective create-members --accounts AccountId=444455556666, AccountId=123456789012, --graph-arn arn:aws:detective:us-east-1:111122223333:graph:123412341234 --disable-email-notification