Removing your account from a behavior graph - Amazon Detective

Removing your account from a behavior graph

After you accept an invitation, you can remove your account from a behavior graph at any time. When you remove your account from a behavior graph, Amazon Detective stops ingesting data from your account into the behavior graph. Existing data remains in the behavior graph.

Only invited accounts can remove their account from a behavior graph. Organization accounts cannot remove their account from the organization behavior graph.

Removing your account from a behavior graph (Console)

You can use the AWS Management Console to remove your account from a behavior graph.

To remove your account from a behavior graph (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, choose Account management.

  3. Under My administrator accounts, for the behavior graph you want to resign from, choose Resign.

Removing your account from a behavior graph (Detective API, AWS CLI)

You can use the Detective API or the AWS Command Line Interface to remove your account from a behavior graph.

To remove your account from a behavior graph (Detective API, AWS CLI)
  • Detective API: Use the DisassociateMembership operation. You must specify the graph ARN.

  • AWS CLI: At the command line, run the disassociate-membership command.

    aws detective disassociate-membership --graph-arn <behavior graph ARN>


    aws detective disassociate-membership --graph-arn arn:aws:detective:us-east-1:111122223333:graph:123412341234