Setting the preferences for a profile panel - Amazon Detective

Setting the preferences for a profile panel

For profile panels, you can customize the number of rows that appear on each page on profile panels by and configure the timestamp format preference.

Setting the table length

For profile panels that contain tables or expandable tables, you can configure the number of rows to display on each page.

Set your preference for the number of entries on each page.

  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, under Settings, choose Preferences.

  3. On the Preferences page, under Table length, click Edit.

  4. Choose the number of table rows you want to display on each page.

  5. Choose Save.

Setting the timestamp format

For profile panels, you can configure the timestamp format preference that will be applied to all timestamps for each IAM user or IAM role in Detective.


The timestamp format preference is not applied across the entire AWS account.

Set the preference for timestamp.

  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, under Settings, choose Preferences.

  3. On the Preferences page, under Timestamp preferences, view and change the preferred display for all timestamps.

  4. By default, the timestamp format is set to UTC. Click Edit to choose your local timezone.


    UTC - 09/20/22 16:39 UTC

    Local - 09/20/2022 9:39 (UTC-07:00)

  5. Choose Save.