The devicefarm-cli tool - AWS Device Farm

The devicefarm-cli tool

The Amazon Linux 2 test host uses a standardized version management tool called devicefarm-cli to select software versions. This tool is separate from the AWS CLI and only available on the Device Farm Test Host. With devicefarm-cli, you can switch to any pre-installed software version on the test host. This provides a straightforward way to maintain your Device Farm test spec file over time and gives you a predictable mechanism to upgrade software versions in the future.

The snippet below shows the help page of devicefarm-cli:

$ devicefarm-cli help Usage: devicefarm-cli COMMAND [ARGS] Commands: help Prints this usage message. list Lists all versions of software configurable via this CLI. use <software> <version> Configures the software for usage within the current shell's environment.

Let's review a couple of examples using devicefarm-cli. To use the tool to change the Python version from 3.10 to 3.9 in your test spec file, run the following commands:

$ python --version Python 3.10.12 $ devicefarm-cli use python 3.9 $ python --version Python 3.9.17

To change the Appium version from 1 to 2:

$ appium --version 1.22.3 $ devicefarm-cli use appium 2 $ appium --version 2.1.2

Note that when you select a software version, devicefarm-cli also switches the supporting tools for those languages, such as pip for Python and npm for NodeJS.