Troubleshooting Appium Java TestNG web applications in AWS Device Farm - AWS Device Farm

Troubleshooting Appium Java TestNG web applications in AWS Device Farm

The following topic lists error messages that occur during the upload of Appium Java TestNG Web application tests and recommends workarounds to resolve each error.


If you see the following message, follow these steps to fix the issue.


We could not open your test ZIP file. Please verify that the file is valid and try again.

Make sure that you can unzip the test package without errors. In the following example, the package's name is

  1. Copy your test package to your working directory, and then run the following command:

    $ unzip
  2. After you successfully unzip the package, you can find the working directory tree structure by running the following command:

    $ tree .

    A valid Appium Java JUnit package should produce output like the following:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    For more information, see Appium tests and AWS Device Farm.


If you see the following message, follow these steps to fix the issue.


We could not find the dependency-jars directory inside your test package. Please unzip your test package, verify that the dependency-jars directory is inside the package, and try again.

In the following example, the package's name is

  1. Copy your test package to your working directory, and then run the following command:

    $ unzip
  2. After you successfully unzip the package, you can find the working directory tree structure by running the following command:

    $ tree .

    If the Appium Java JUnit package is valid, you will find the dependency-jars directory inside the working directory.

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    For more information, see Appium tests and AWS Device Farm.


If you see the following message, follow these steps to fix the issue.


We could not find a JAR file in the dependency-jars directory tree. Please unzip your test package and then open the dependency-jars directory, verify that at least one JAR file is in the directory, and try again.

In the following example, the package's name is

  1. Copy your test package to your working directory, and then run the following command:

    $ unzip
  2. After you successfully unzip the package, you can find the working directory tree structure by running the following command:

    $ tree .

    If the Appium Java JUnit package is valid, you will find at least one jar file inside the dependency-jars directory.

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    For more information, see Appium tests and AWS Device Farm.


If you see the following message, follow these steps to fix the issue.


We could not find a *-tests.jar file in your test package. Please unzip your test package, verify that at least one *-tests.jar file is in the package, and try again.

In the following example, the package's name is

  1. Copy your test package to your working directory, and then run the following command:

    $ unzip
  2. After you successfully unzip the package, you can find the working directory tree structure by running the following command:

    $ tree .

    If the Appium Java JUnit package is valid, you will find at least one jar file like acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar in our example. The file's name may be different, but it should end with –tests.jar.

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    For more information, see Appium tests and AWS Device Farm.


If you see the following message, follow these steps to fix the issue.


We could not find a class file within the tests JAR file. Please unzip your test package and then unjar the tests JAR file, verify that at least one class file is within the JAR file, and try again.

In the following example, the package's name is

  1. Copy your test package to your working directory, and then run the following command:

    $ unzip
  2. After you successfully unzip the package, you can find the working directory tree structure by running the following command:

    $ tree .

    You should find at least one jar file like acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar in our example. The file's name may be different, but it should end with –tests.jar.

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar
  3. To extract files from the jar file, you can run the following command:

    $ jar xf acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
  4. After you successfully extract the files, run the following command:

    $ tree .

    You should find at least one class in the working directory tree:

    . |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/main directory) |— acme-android-appium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar (this is the JAR containing everything built from the ./src/test directory) |- one-class-file.class |- folder | `— another-class-file.class |— (this .zip file contains all of the items) `— dependency-jars (this is the directory that contains all of your dependencies, built as JAR files) |— |— com.another-dependency.thing-1.0.jar |— joda-time-2.7.jar `— log4j-1.2.14.jar

    For more information, see Appium tests and AWS Device Farm.