Using AWS CloudFormation stacks to identify resources in your DevOps Guru applications
You can use AWS CloudFormation stacks to specify which AWS resources you want DevOps Guru to analyze. A stack is a collection of AWS resources that are managed as a single unit. The resources in the stacks you choose make up your DevOps Guru coverage boundary. For each stack you choose, operational data in its supported resources are analyzed for anomalous behavior. Those issues are then grouped into related anomalies to create insights. Each insight includes one or more recommendations to help you address them. The maximum number of stacks you can specify is 1000. For more information, see Working with stacks in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide and Updating your AWS analysis coverage in DevOps Guru.
After you choose a stack, DevOps Guru immediately starts to analyze any resource you add to it. If you remove a resource from a stack, it is no longer analyzed.
If you choose to have DevOps Guru analyze all supported resources in your account (this means your AWS account and Region is your DevOps Guru coverage boundary), then DevOps Guru analyzes and creates insights for every supported resource in your account, including those in stacks. An insight created from anomalies in a resource that is not in a stack is grouped at the account level. If an insight is created from anomalies in a resource that is in a stack,then it is grouped at the stack level. For more information, see Understanding how anomalous behaviors are grouped into insights.
Choosing stacks for DevOps Guru to analyze
Specify the resources that you want Amazon DevOps Guru to analyze by choosing the AWS CloudFormation stacks that create them. You can do this using the AWS Management Console or the SDK.
Choosing stacks for DevOps Guru to analyze (console)
You can add AWS CloudFormation stacks using the console.
To choose the stacks that contain the resources to analyze
Open the Amazon DevOps Guru console at
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Open the navigation pane, then choose Settings.
In DevOps Guru analysis coverage, choose Manage.
Choose CloudFormation stacks if you want DevOps Guru to analyze the resources that are in stacks you choose, then choose one of the following options.
All resources – All resources that are in stacks in your account are analyzed. Resources in each stack are grouped into their own application. Any resources in your account that are not in a stack are not analyzed.
Select stacks – Select the stacks that you want DevOps Guru to analyze. The resources in each stack you select are grouped into their own application. You can enter the name of a stack in Find stacks to quickly locate a specific stack. You can select up to 1,000 stacks.
Choose Save.
Choosing stacks for DevOps Guru to analyze (DevOps Guru SDK)
To specify AWS CloudFormation stacks using the Amazon DevOps Guru SDK, use the
method. For more information, see UpdateResourceCollection in the Amazon DevOps Guru API