Hosted connections - AWS Direct Connect

Hosted connections

To create an AWS Direct Connect hosted connection, you need the following information:

AWS Direct Connect location

Work with an AWS Direct Connect Partner in the AWS Direct Connect Partner Program to help you establish network circuits between an AWS Direct Connect location and your data center, office, or colocation environment. They can also help provide colocation space within the same facility as the location. For more information, see AWS Direct Connect Delivery Partners.


You can't request a hosted connection through the AWS Direct Connect console. However, an AWS Direct Connect Partner can create and configure a hosted connection for you. Once configured, the connection appears in the Connections pane in the console.

You must accept the hosted connection before you can use it. For more information, see Accept a hosted connection.

Port speed

For hosted connections, the possible values are 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, and 25 Gbps. Note that only those AWS Direct Connect partners who have met specific requirements may create a 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, or 25 Gbps hosted connection. 25 Gbps connections are available only in Direct Connect locations where 100 Gbps port speeds are available.

Note the following:

  • Connection port speeds can only be changed by your AWS Direct Connect Partner. You are no longer required to delete and then recreate a connection in order to upgrade or downgrade an existing hosted connection's bandwidth. In order to change your port speed, please reach out to the AWS Direct Connect Partner who manages your hosted connection.

  • AWS uses traffic policing on hosted connections, which means that when the traffic rate reaches the configured maximum rate, excess traffic is dropped. This might result in bursty traffic having a lower throughput than non-bursty traffic.

  • Jumbo frames can be enabled on connections only if originally enabled on the AWS Direct Connect hosted parent connection. If Jumbo frames isn't enabled on that parent connection, then it can't be enabled on any connection.

The following console operations are available after you've requested a hosted connection and accepted it:

After you accept a connection, create a virtual interface to connect to public and private AWS resources. For more information, see AWS Direct Connect virtual interfaces.

Accept a hosted connection

If you are interested in purchasing a hosted connection, you must contact an AWS Direct Connect Partner in the AWS Direct Connect Partner Program. The partner provisions the connection for you. After the connection is configured, it appears in the Connections pane in the AWS Direct Connect console.

Before you can begin using a hosted connection, you must accept the connection.

  1. Open the AWS Direct Connect console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Connections.

  3. Select the hosted connection and choose View details.

  4. Select the confirmation check box and choose Accept.

Command line
To accept a hosted connection using the command line or API