Complete prerequisites to set up AWS Database Migration Service - AWS Database Migration Service

Complete prerequisites to set up AWS Database Migration Service

In this section, you can learn the prerequisite tasks for AWS DMS, such as setting up your source and target databases. As part of these tasks, you also set up a virtual private cloud (VPC) based on the Amazon VPC service to contain your resources. In addition, you set up an Amazon EC2 instance that you use to populate your source database and verify replication on your target database.


Populating the source database takes up to 45 minutes.

For this tutorial, you create a MariaDB database as your source, and a PostgreSQL database as your target. This scenario uses commonly used, low-cost database engines to demonstrate replication. Using different database engines demonstrates AWS DMS features for migrating data between heterogeneous platforms.

The resources in this tutorial use the US West (Oregon) Region. If you want to use a different AWS Region, specify your chosen Region instead wherever US West (Oregon) appears.


For the sake of simplicity, the databases that you create for this tutorial don't use encryption or other advanced security features. You must use security features to keep your production databases secure. For more information, see Security in Amazon RDS.

For prerequisite steps, see the following topics.

Create a VPC

In this section, you create a VPC to contain your AWS resources. Using a VPC is a best practice when using AWS resources, so that your databases, Amazon EC2 instances, security groups, and so on, are logically organized and secure.

Using a VPC for your tutorial resources also ensures that you delete all of the resources you use when you are done with the tutorial. You must delete all of the resources that a VPC contains before you can delete the VPC.

To create a VPC for use with AWS DMS
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose VPC Dashboard, and then choose Create VPC.

  3. On the Create VPC page, enter the following options:

    • Resources to create: VPC and more

    • Name tag auto generation: Choose Auto-generate, and enter DMSVPC.

    • IPv4 block:

    • IPv6 CIDR block: No IPv6 CIDR block

    • Tenancy: Default

    • Number of availability zones: 2

    • Number of public subnets: 2

    • Number of private subnets: 2

    • NAT gateways ($): None

    • VPC endpoints: None

    Choose Create VPC.

  4. On the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs. Note the VPC ID for DMSVPC.

  5. On the navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

  6. Choose the group named default that has a VPC ID that matches the ID that you noted for DMSVPC.

  7. Choose the Inbound rules tab, and choose Edit inbound rules.

  8. Choose Add rule. Add a rule of type MySQL/Aurora and choose Anywhere-IPv4 for Source.

  9. Choose Add rule again. Add a rule of type PostgreSQL and choose Anywhere-IPv4 for Source.

  10. Choose Save rules.

Create Amazon RDS parameter groups

To specify settings for your source and target databases for AWS DMS, use Amazon RDS parameter groups. To allow initial and ongoing replication between your databases, make sure to configure the following:

  • Your source database's binary log, so that AWS DMS can determine what incremental updates it needs to replicate.

  • Your target database's replication role, so that AWS DMS ignores foreign key constraints during the initial data transfer. With this setting, AWS DMS can migrate data out of order.

To create parameter groups for use with AWS DMS
  1. Open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Parameter groups.

  3. On the Parameter groups page, choose Create parameter group.

  4. On the Create parameter group page, enter the following settings:

    • Parameter group family: mariadb10.6

    • Group name: dms-mariadb-parameters

    • Description: Group for specifying binary log settings for replication

    Choose Create.

  5. On the Parameter groups page, choose dms-mariadb-parameters, and on the dms-mariadb-parameters page, choose Edit.

  6. Set the following parameters to the following values:

    • binlog_checksum: NONE

    • binlog_format: ROW

    Choose Save changes.

  7. On the Parameter groups page, choose Create parameter group again.

  8. On the Create parameter group page, enter the following settings:

    • Parameter group family: postgres13

    • Group name: dms-postgresql-parameters

    • Description: Group for specifying role setting for replication

    Choose Create.

  9. On the Parameter groups page, choose dms-postgresql-parameters.

  10. On the dms-postgresql-parameters page, choose Edit, and set session_replication_role parameter to replica. Note that the session_replication_role parameter is not on the first page of parameters. Use the pagination controls or the search field to find the parameter.

  11. Choose Save changes.

Create your source Amazon RDS database

Use the following procedure to create your source Amazon RDS database.

To create your source Amazon RDS for MariaDB database
  1. Open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. On the Dashboard page, choose Create Database in the Database section. Don't choose Create Database in the Try the new Amazon RDS Multi-AZ deployment option for MySQL and PostgreSQL section at the top of the page.

  3. On the Create database page, set the following options:

    • Choose a database creation method: Choose Standard Create.

    • Engine options: For Engine type, choose MariaDB. For Version, leave MariaDB 10.6.14 selected.

    • Templates: Choose Dev/Test.

    • Settings:

      • DB instance identifier: Enter dms-mariadb.

      • In the Credentials settings section, enter the following:

        • Master username: Leave as admin.

        • Leave Manage master credentials in AWS Secrets Manager unchecked.

        • Auto generate a password: Leave unselected.

        • Master password: Enter changeit.

        • Confirm password: Enter changeit again.

    • Instance configuration:

      • DB instance class: Leave Standard classes chosen.

      • For DB instance class, choose db.m5.large.

    • Storage:

      • Clear the Enable storage autoscaling box.

      • Leave the rest of the settings as they are.

    • Availability and Durability: Leave Do not create a standby instance selected.

    • Connectivity:

      • Compute resource Leave Don't connect to an EC2 compute resource

      • Network type: Leave IPv4 selected.

      • Virtual private cloud: DMSVPC-vpc

      • Public access: Yes. You must enable public access to use the AWS Schema Conversion Tool.

      • Availability zone: us-west-2a

      • Leave the rest of the settings as they are.

    • Database authentication: Leave Password authentication selected.

    • Under Monitoring, clear the Turn on Performance Insights box. Expand the Additional configuration section, and clear the Enable Enhanced monitoring box.

    • Expand Additional configuration:

      • Under Database options, enter dms_sample for Initial database name.

      • Under DB parameter group, choose dms-mariadb-parameters.

      • For Option group, leave default:mariadb-10-6 selected.

      • Under Backup, do the following:

        • Leave Enable automatic backups selected. Your source database must have automatic backups enabled to support ongoing replication.

        • For Backup retention period, choose 1 day.

        • For Backup window, leave No preference selected.

        • Clear the Copy tags to snapshots box.

        • Leave the Enable replication in another AWS region unchecked.

      • Under Encryption, clear the Enable encryption box.

      • Leave the Log exports section as it is.

      • Under Maintenance, clear the Enable auto minor version upgrade box, and leave the Maintenance window setting as No preference.

      • Leave Enable deletion protection unchecked.

  4. Choose Create database.

Create your target Amazon RDS database

Repeat the previous procedure to create your target Amazon RDS database, with the following changes.

To create your target RDS for PostgreSQL database
  1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 from the previous procedure.

  2. On the Create database page, set the same options, except for these:

    1. For Engine options, choose PostgreSQL.

    2. For Version, choose PostgreSQL 13.7-R1

    3. For DB instance identifier, enter dms-postgresql.

    4. For Master username, leave postgres selected.

    5. For DB parameter group, choose dms-postgresql-parameters.

    6. Clear Enable automatic backups.

  3. Choose Create database.

Create an Amazon EC2 client

In this section, you create an Amazon EC2 client. You use this client to populate your source database with data to replicate. You also use this client to verify replication by running queries on the target database.

Using an Amazon EC2 client to access your databases provides the following advantages over accessing your databases over the internet:

  • You can restrict access to your databases to clients that are in the same VPC.

  • We have confirmed that the tools you use in this tutorial work, and are easy to install, on Amazon Linux 2023, which we recommend for this tutorial.

  • Data operations between components in a VPC generally perform better than those over the internet.

To create and configure an Amazon EC2 client to populate your source database
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. On the Dashboard, choose Launch instance.

  3. On the Launch an Instance page, enter the following values:

    1. In the Name and tags section, enter DMSClient for Name.

    2. In the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) section, leave the settings as they are.

    3. In the Instance Type section, choose t2.xlarge.

    4. In the Key pair (login) section, choose Create a new key pair.

    5. On the Create key pair page, enter the following:

      • Key pair name: DMSKeyPair

      • Key pair type: Leave as RSA.

      • Private key file format: Choose pem for OpenSSH on MacOS or Linux, or ppk for PuTTY on Windows.

      Save the key file when prompted.


      You can also use an existing Amazon EC2 key pair rather than creating a new one.

    6. In the Network Settings section, choose Edit. Choose the following settings:

      • VPC - required: Choose the VPC with the ID that you recorded for the DMSVPC-vpc VPC.

      • Subnet: Choose the first public subnet.

      • Auto-assign public IP: Choose Enable.

      Leave the rest of the settings as they are, and choose Launch instance.

Populate your source database

In this section, you find endpoints for your source and target databases for later use and use the following tools to populate the source database:

  • Git, to download the script that populates your source database.

  • MariaDB client, to run this script.

Get endpoints

Find and note the endpoints of your RDS for MariaDB and RDS for PostgreSQL DB instances for later use.

To find your DB instance endpoints
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. Choose the dms-mariadb database, and note the Endpoint value for the database.

  4. Repeat the previous steps for the dms-postgresql database.

Populate your source database

Next, connect to your client instance, install the necessary software, download AWS sample database scripts from Git, and run the scripts to populate your source database.

To populate your source database
  1. Connect to the client instance using the host name and public key that you saved in previous steps.

    For more information on connecting to an Amazon EC2 instance, see Accessing Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


    If you are using PuTTY, enable TCP keepalives on the Connection settings page so that your connection doesn't time out from inactivity.

  2. Install Git, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. Confirm installation as needed.

    $ sudo yum install git $ sudo dnf install mariadb105 $ sudo dnf install postgresql15
  3. Run the following command to download the database creation scripts from GitHub.

    git clone
  4. Change to the aws-database-migration-samples/mysql/sampledb/v1/ directory.

  5. Run the following command. Provide the endpoint for your source RDS instance that you noted previously, for example

    mysql -h -P 3306 -u admin -p dms_sample < ~/aws-database-migration-samples/mysql/sampledb/v1/install-rds.sql
  6. Let the database creation script run. The script takes up to 45 minutes to create the schema and populate the data. You can safely ignore errors and warnings that the script displays.