Troubleshooting for target recommendations with AWS DMS Fleet Advisor - AWS Database Migration Service

Troubleshooting for target recommendations with AWS DMS Fleet Advisor

In the following list, you can find actions to take when you encounter issues with the DMS Fleet Advisor Target Recommendations feature.

I can't see price estimates for target recommendations

If you see the No data for the Estimated monthly cost for a recommendation with a status of Success, then make sure that you granted your IAM user with permissions to access the AWS Price List Service API. To do so, you must create the policy that includes the pricing:GetProducts permission and add it to your IAM user as described in Create IAM resources.

DMS Fleet Advisor doesn't calculate the estimated monthly cost for recommendations with a status of Failed.

I can't see resource utilization charts

If you see the Failed to load metrics message after you expand the Source utilization and capacity section, then make sure that you granted your IAM user with permissions to view Amazon CloudWatch dashboards. To do so, you must add the required policy to your IAM user as described in Create IAM resources.

Alternatively, you can create a custom policy which includes the cloudwatch:GetDashboard, cloudwatch:ListDashboards, cloudwatch:PutDashboard, and cloudwatch:DeleteDashboards permissions. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

I can't see the metrics collection status

If you see the No data available for Metrics collection when you choose Generate recommendations, then make sure that you collected data. For more information, see Collecting data for AWS DMS Fleet Advisor.

If you have this issue after you collected data, then make sure that you granted your IAM user with the cloudwatch:Get* permission to access Amazon CloudWatch. DMS Fleet Advisor uses a service-linked role to publish the collected database performance metrics to CloudWatch on your behalf. Make sure to create a service-linked role to use with DMS Fleet Advisor. For more information, see Create IAM resources.