Connecting to endpoints - Amazon DocumentDB

Connecting to endpoints

When you have your endpoint, either cluster or instance, you can connect to it using the mongo shell or a connection string.

Connecting using the mongo shell

Use the following structure to construct the string that you need to connect to your cluster or instance using the mongo shell:

mongo \ --ssl \ --host Endpoint:Port \ --sslCAFile global-bundle.pem \ --username UserName \ --password Password
mongo shell examples

Connect to a cluster:

mongo \ --ssl \ --host \ --sslCAFile global-bundle.pem \ --username UserName \ --password Password

Connect to an instance:

mongo \ --ssl \ --host \ --sslCAFile global-bundle.pem \ --username UserName \ --password Password

Connecting using a connection string

Use the following structure to construct the connection string that you need to connect to your cluster or instance.

Connection string examples

Connect to a cluster:


Connect to an instance:
