Viewing Amazon DocumentDB recommendations - Amazon DocumentDB

Viewing Amazon DocumentDB recommendations

Amazon DocumentDB provides a list of automated recommendations for database resources, such as instances and clusters. These recommendations provide best practice guidance by analyzing your cluster and instance configurations.

As an example of these recommendations, see the following:

Type Description Recommendation Additional information

One instance

Cluster only contains one instance

Performance and availability: we recommend adding another instance with the same instance class in a different Availability Zone.

Amazon DocumentDB High Availability and Replication

Amazon DocumentDB generates recommendations for a resource when the resource is created or modified. Amazon DocumentDB also periodically scans your resources and generates recommendations.

To view and take action on Amazon DocumentDB recommendations

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon DocumentDB console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Recommendations:

    Amazon DocumentDB console navigation pane with Recommendations option selected.
  3. In the Recommendations dialog, expand the section of interest and select the recommended task.

    In the example below, the recommended task applies to an Amazon DocumentDB cluster with only one instance. The recommendation is to add another instance to improve performance and availability.

    The Recommendations form showing a selected recommended task for an Amazon DocumentDB cluster.
  4. Click Apply now.

    For this example, the Add instances dialog appears:

    The Add instances form with options for instance settings.
  5. Modify your new instance's settings and click Create.