The following information might help you troubleshoot common issues with notifications.
- I get a permissions error when I try to create a notification rule on a resource
- I cannot view notification rules
- I cannot create notification rules
- I am receiving notifications for a resource I can't access
- I am not receiving Amazon SNS notifications
- I am receiving duplicate notifications about events
- I want to understand why a notification target status shows as unreachable
- I want to increase my quotas for notifications and resources
I get a permissions error when I try to create a notification rule on a resource
Make sure that you have sufficient permissions. For more information, see Identity-based policy examples.
I cannot view notification rules
Problem: When you are in the Developer Tools console and choose Notifications under Settings, you see a permissions error.
Possible fixes: You might not have the permissions required to view notifications. While most managed policies for AWS Developer Tools services, such as CodeCommit and CodePipeline, include permissions for notifications, services that do not currently support notifications do not include permissions to view them. Alternatively, you might have a custom policy applied to your IAM user or role that does not allow you to view notifications. For more information, see Identity-based policy examples.
I cannot create notification rules
You might not have the permissions required to create a notification rule. For more information, see Identity-based policy examples.
I am receiving notifications for a resource I can't access
When you create a notification rule and add a target, the notifications feature does not validate whether the recipient has access to the resource. It is possible for you to receive notifications about a resource that you can't access. If you cannot remove yourself, ask to be removed from the subscription list for the target.
I am not receiving Amazon SNS notifications
To troubleshoot problems with the Amazon SNS topic, check the following:
Make sure that the Amazon SNS topic was created in the same AWS Region as the notification rule.
Make sure that your email alias is subscribed to the correct topic and that you have confirmed the subscription. For more information, see Subscribing an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic.
Verify that the topic policy has been edited to allow AWS CodeStar Notifications to push notifications to that topic. The topic policy should include a statement similar to the following:
{ "Sid": "AWSCodeStarNotifications_publish", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": "SNS:Publish", "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:MyNotificationTopicName", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:SourceAccount": "123456789012" } } }
For more information, see Configure Amazon SNS topics for notifications.
I am receiving duplicate notifications about events
Here are the most common reasons for receiving multiple notifications:
Multiple notification rules that include the same event type have been configured for a resource, and you are subscribed to the Amazon SNS topics that are the targets for those rules. To solve this issue, either unsubscribe from one of the topics or edit the notification rules to remove duplication.
One or more notification rule targets are integrated with AWS Chatbot and you are receiving notifications in your email inbox and a Slack channel, Microsoft Teams channel, or Amazon Chime chatroom. To solve this issue, consider unsubscribing your email address from the Amazon SNS topic that is the target for the rule and use the Slack channel, Microsoft Teams channel, or Amazon Chime chatroom to view notifications.
I want to understand why a notification target status shows as unreachable
Targets have two possible statuses: Active and Unreachable. Unreachable indicates that notifications were sent to a target, and the delivery was not successful. Notifications continue to be sent to that target, and if successful, the status resets to Active.
The target for a notification rule might become unavailable for one of the following reasons:
The resource (Amazon SNS topic or AWS Chatbot client) has been deleted. Choose another target for the notification rule.
The Amazon SNS topic is encrypted, and either the required policy for encrypted topics is missing, or the AWS KMS key has been deleted. For more information, see Configure Amazon SNS topics for notifications.
The Amazon SNS topic does not have the required policy for notifications. Notifications cannot be sent to an Amazon SNS topic unless it has the policy. For more information, see Configure Amazon SNS topics for notifications.
The supporting service for the target (Amazon SNS or AWS Chatbot) might be experiencing issues.
I want to increase my quotas for notifications and resources
Currently, you cannot change any quotas. See Quotas for notifications.