Amazon EBS detailed performance statistics - Amazon EBS

Amazon EBS detailed performance statistics

Amazon EBS NVMe block devices vend real-time, high-resolution I/O performance statistics for Amazon EBS volumes attached to Nitro-based Amazon EC2 instances. These statistics are presented as aggregated counters that are retained for the duration of the volume's attachment to the instance. The statistics provide details about the cumulative number of operations, bytes sent and received, and time spent on read and write I/O operations. Additionally, the statistics include histograms for read and write I/O operations, and the total time your application has exceeded the EBS volume or attached instance's provisioned IOPS or throughput limits.

You can collect these statistics at a granularity of up to 1 second intervals.

  • The statistics are supported for all Amazon EBS volume types.

  • The statistics are supported only for volumes attached to instances built on the AWS Nitro System.

  • The statistics are available for Multi-Attach enabled volumes. When viewing statistics for a Multi-Attach enabled volume, the statistics are specific to that instance attachment, and reflect only that instance's usage.

  • The statistics are available at no additional cost.


The Amazon EBS NVMe block device vends the following statistics:

Statistic name Full name Type Description
total_read_ops Total read operations Counter The total number of completed read operations.
total_write_ops Total write operations Counter The total number of completed write operations.
total_read_bytes Total read bytes Counter The total number of read bytes transferred.
total_write_bytes Total write bytes Counter The total number of write bytes transferred.
total_read_time Total read time Counter The total time spent, in microseconds, by all completed read operations.
total_write_time Total write time Counter The total time spent, in microseconds, by all completed write operations.
ebs_volume_performance_exceeded_iops Total time demand exceeded volume provisioned IOPS Counter The total time, in microseconds, that IOPS demand exceeded the volume's provisioned IOPS performance.
ebs_volume_performance_exceeded_tp Total time demand exceeded volume provisioned throughput Counter The total time, in microseconds, that throughput demand exceeded the volume's provisioned throughput performance.
ec2_instance_ebs_performance_exceeded_iops Total time demand exceeded EC2 instance's IOPS performance Counter The total time, in microseconds, that the EBS volume exceeded the attached Amazon EC2 instance's maximum IOPS performance.
ec2_instance_ebs_performance_exceeded_tp Total time demand exceeded EC2 instance's throughput performance Counter The total time, in microseconds, that the EBS volume exceeded the attached Amazon EC2 instance's maximum throughput performance.
volume_queue_length Volume queue length Point in time The number of read and write operations waiting to be completed.
read_io_latency_histogram Read I/O histogram Histogram * The number of read operations completed within each latency bin, in microseconds.
write_io_latency_histogram Write I/O histogram Histogram * The number of write operations completed within each latency bin, in microseconds.

* Histogram statistics represent only I/O operations that have completed successfully. Stalled or impaired I/O operations are not included, but will be evident in the volume_queue_length statistics, which is presented as a point-in-time statistic.

Accessing the statistics

The statistics must be accessed directly from the instance to which the Amazon EBS volume is attached. You can access the statistics using one of the following methods.

ebsnvme script

The ebsnvme script can be found in the amazon-ec2-utils Github repo.

To access the statistics
  1. Connect to the instance to which the volume is attached.

  2. Download the ebsnvme script from the amazon-ec2-utils Github repo.

  3. Modify the permissions for the script to make it executable.

    sudo chmod +x ./ebsnvme
  4. Run the ebsnvme script and specify the device name for the volume.

    sudo ./ebsnvme stats /dev/nvme0n1
nvme-cli tool (Amazon Linux only)
To access the statistics
  1. Connect to the instance to which the volume is attached.

  2. Amazon Linux AMIs released after November 12, 2024 include the latest version of the nvme-cli tool. If you are using an older Amazon Linux AMI, update the nvme-cli tool.

    sudo yum install nvme-cli
  3. Run the following command and specify the device name for the volume.

    nvme amzn stats /dev/nvme0n1

You can also monitor the statistics with Prometheus, an open-source monitoring application, and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus. This makes it easier to monitor Amazon EBS volumes across container and Kubernetes environments at scale. With Amazon EBS CSI driver version v1.37.0 and later, the detailed performance statistics are exposed as a Prometheus-compatible /metrics endpoint for exporting into Prometheus.

For more information, see Ingest metrics to your Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus workspace in the Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus User Guide.