Additional Amazon EKS add-ons from independent software vendors - Amazon EKS

Additional Amazon EKS add-ons from independent software vendors

In addition to the previous list of Amazon EKS add-ons, you can also add a wide selection of operational software Amazon EKS add-ons from independent software vendors. Choose an add-on to learn more about it and its installation requirements.


The add-on name is accuknox_kubearmor and the namespace is kubearmor. Accuknox publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Getting Started with KubeArmor in the KubeArmor documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is akuity_agent and the namespace is akuity. Akuity publishes the add-on.

For information about how the add-on, see Installing the Akuity Agent on Amazon EKS with the Akuity EKS add-on in the Akuity Platform documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is calyptia_fluent-bit and the namespace is calytia-fluentbit. Calyptia publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Getting Started with Calyptia Core Agent on the Calyptia documentation website.

Service account name

The service account name is clyptia-fluentbit.

AWS managed IAM policy

This add-on uses the AWSMarketplaceMeteringRegisterUsage managed policy. For more information, see AWSMarketplaceMeteringRegisterUsage in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide.

Command to create required IAM role

The following command requires that you have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster. To determine whether you have one, or to create one, see Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster and my-calyptia-role with the name for your role. This command requires that you have eksctl installed on your device. If you need to use a different tool to create the role and annotate the Kubernetes service account, see Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name service-account-name --namespace calyptia-fluentbit --cluster my-cluster --role-name my-calyptia-role \ --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSMarketplaceMeteringRegisterUsage --approve

Cisco Observability Collector

The add-on name is cisco_cisco-cloud-observability-collectors and the namespace is appdynamics. Cisco pubishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Use the Cisco Cloud Observability AWS Marketplace Add-Ons in the Cisco AppDynamics documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

Cisco Observability Operator

The add-on name is cisco_cisco-cloud-observability-operators and the namespace is appdynamics. Cisco publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Use the Cisco Cloud Observability AWS Marketplace Add-Ons in the Cisco AppDynamics documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is cloudsoft_cloudsoft-amp and the namespace is cloudsoft-amp. CLOUDSOFT publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Amazon EKS ADDON in the CLOUDSOFT documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is cribl_cribledge and the namespace is cribledge. Cribl publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the Cribl Amazon EKS Add-on for Edge in the Cribl documentation

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is dynatrace_dynatrace-operator and the namespace is dynatrace. Dynatrace publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Kubernetes monitoring in the dynatrace documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is datree_engine-pro and the namespace is datree. Datree publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Amazon EKS-intergration in the Datree documentation.

Service account name

The service account name is datree-webhook-server-awsmp.

AWS managed IAM policy

The managed policy is AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy. For more information, see AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide..

Command to create required IAM role

The following command requires that you have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster. To determine whether you have one, or to create one, see Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster and my-datree-role with the name for your role. This command requires that you have eksctl installed on your device. If you need to use a different tool to create the role and annotate the Kubernetes service account, see Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name datree-webhook-server-awsmp --namespace datree --cluster my-cluster --role-name my-datree-role \ --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy --approve

Custom permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is datadog_operator and the namespace is datadog-agent. Datadog publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the Datadog Agent on Amazon EKS with the Datadog Operator Add-on in the Datadog documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is groundcover_agent and the namespace is groundcover. groundcover publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the groundcover Amazon EKS Add-on in the groundcover documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

Grafana Labs

The add-on name is grafana-labs_kubernetes-monitoring and the namespace is monitoring. Grafana Labs publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Configure Kubernetes Monitoring as an Add-on with Amazon EKS in the Grafana Labs documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


  • Publisher – GUANCE

  • Nameguance_datakit

  • Namespacedatakit

  • Service account name – A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

  • AWS managed IAM policy – A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

  • Custom IAM permissions – Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

  • Setup and usage instructions – See Using Amazon EKS add-on in the Guance documentation.

HA Proxy

The name is haproxy-technologies_kubernetes-ingress-ee and the namespace is haproxy-controller. HA Proxy publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Amazon EKS-intergration in the Datree documentation.

Service account name

The service account name is customer defined.

AWS managed IAM policy

The managed policy is AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy. For more information, see AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide..

Command to create required IAM role

The following command requires that you have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster. To determine whether you have one, or to create one, see Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster and my-haproxy-role with the name for your role. This command requires that you have eksctl installed on your device. If you need to use a different tool to create the role and annotate the Kubernetes service account, see Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name service-account-name --namespace haproxy-controller --cluster my-cluster --role-name my-haproxy-role \ --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy --approve

Custom permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is factorhouse_kpow and the namespace is factorhouse. Factorhouse publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see AWS Marketplace LM in the Kpow documentation.

Service account name

The service account name is kpow.

AWS managed IAM policy

The managed policy is AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy. For more information, see AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide..

Command to create required IAM role

The following command requires that you have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster. To determine whether you have one, or to create one, see Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster and my-kpow-role with the name for your role. This command requires that you have eksctl installed on your device. If you need to use a different tool to create the role and annotate the Kubernetes service account, see Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name kpow --namespace factorhouse --cluster my-cluster --role-name my-kpow-role \ --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy --approve

Custom permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is kubecost_kubecost and the namespace is kubecost. Kubecost publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see AWS Cloud Billing Integration in the Kubecost documentation.

If your cluster is version 1.23 or later, you must have the Store Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBSStore Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBS installed on your cluster. otherwise you will receive an error.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is kasten_k10 and the namespace is kasten-io. Kasten by Veeam publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing K10 on AWS using Amazon EKS Add-on in the Kasten documentation.

If your Amazon EKS cluster is version Kubernetes 1.23 or later, you must have the Amazon EBS CSI driver installed on your cluster with a default StorageClass.

Service account name

The service account name is k10-k10.

AWS managed IAM policy

The managed policy is AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy. For more information, see AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference Guide..

Command to create required IAM role

The following command requires that you have an IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider for your cluster. To determine whether you have one, or to create one, see Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster and my-kasten-role with the name for your role. This command requires that you have eksctl installed on your device. If you need to use a different tool to create the role and annotate the Kubernetes service account, see Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts.

eksctl create iamserviceaccount --name k10-k10 --namespace kasten-io --cluster my-cluster --role-name my-kasten-role \ --role-only --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLicenseManagerConsumptionPolicy --approve

Custom permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is kong_konnect-ri and the namespace is kong. Kong publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the Kong Gateway EKS Add-on in the Kong documentation.

If your cluster is version 1.23 or later, you must have the Store Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBSStore Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBS installed on your cluster. otherwise you will receive an error.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is leaksignal_leakagent and the namespace is leakagent. LeakSignal publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see AWS%20EKS%20Addon/[Install the LeakAgent add-on] in the LeakSignal documentation

If your cluster is version 1.23 or later, you must have the Store Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBSStore Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBS installed on your cluster. otherwise you will receive an error.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is netapp_trident-operator and the namespace is trident. NetApp publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Configure the Trident EKS add-on in the NetApp documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

New Relic

The add-on name is new-relic_kubernetes-operator and the namespace is newrelic. New Relic publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the New Relic Add-on for EKS in the New Relic documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is rafay-systems_rafay-operator and the namespace is rafay-system. Rafay publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the Rafay Amazon EKS Add-on in the Rafay documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

Rad Security

  • Publisher – RAD SECURITY

  • Namerad-security_rad-security

  • Namespaceksoc

  • Service account name – A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

  • AWS managed IAM policy – A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

  • Custom IAM permissions – Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

  • Setup and usage instructions – See Installing Rad Through The AWS Marketplace in the Rad Security documentation.


  • Publisher – SOLARWINDS

  • Namesolarwinds_swo-k8s-collector-addon

  • Namespacesolarwinds

  • Service account name – A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

  • AWS managed IAM policy – A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

  • Custom IAM permissions – Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

  • Setup and usage instructions – See Monitor an Amazon EKS cluster in the SolarWinds documentation.


The add-on name is solo-io_istio-distro and the namespace is istio-system. Solo publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing Istio in the documentation..

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


  • Publisher – SNYK

  • Namesnyk_runtime-sensor

  • Namespacesnyk_runtime-sensor

  • Service account name – A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

  • AWS managed IAM policy – A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

  • Custom IAM permissions – Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

  • Setup and usage instructions – See Snyk runtime sensor in the Snyk user docs.


The add-on name is stormforge_optimize-Live and the namespace is stormforge-system. Stormforge publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Installing the StormForge Agent in the StormForge documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is splunk_splunk-otel-collector-chart and the namespace is splunk-monitoring. Splunk publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Install the Splunk add-on for Amazon EKS in the Splunk documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is teleport_teleport and the namespace is teleport. Teleport publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see How Teleport Works in the Teleport documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is tetrate-io_istio-distro and the namespace is istio-system. Tetrate Io publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see the Tetrate Istio Distro website.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.

Upbound Universal Crossplane

The add-on name is upbound_universal-crossplane and the namespace is upbound-system. Upbound publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) in the Upbound documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.


The add-on name is upwind and the namespace is upwind. Upwind publishes the add-on.

For information about the add-on, see Upwind documentation.

Service account name

A service account isn’t used with this add-on.

AWS managed IAM policy

A managed policy isn’t used with this add-on.

Custom IAM permissions

Custom permissions aren’t used with this add-on.