Update the Kubernetes kube-proxy self-managed add-on - Amazon EKS

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Update the Kubernetes kube-proxy self-managed add-on


We recommend adding the Amazon EKS type of the add-on to your cluster instead of using the self-managed type of the add-on. If you’re not familiar with the difference between the types, see Amazon EKS add-ons. For more information about adding an Amazon EKS add-on to your cluster, see Create an Amazon EKS add-on. If you’re unable to use the Amazon EKS add-on, we encourage you to submit an issue about why you can’t to the Containers roadmap GitHub repository.



  • Kube-proxy on an Amazon EKS cluster has the same compatibility and skew policy as Kubernetes. Learn how to Verifying Amazon EKS add-on version compatibility with a cluster.

    1. Confirm that you have the self-managed type of the add-on installed on your cluster. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster.

      aws eks describe-addon --cluster-name my-cluster --addon-name kube-proxy --query addon.addonVersion --output text

      If an error message is returned, you have the self-managed type of the add-on installed on your cluster. The remaining steps in this topic are for updating the self-managed type of the add-on. If a version number is returned, you have the Amazon EKS type of the add-on installed on your cluster. To update it, use the procedure in Updating an Amazon EKS add-on, rather than using the procedure in this topic. If you’re not familiar with the differences between the add-on types, see Amazon EKS add-ons.

    2. See which version of the container image is currently installed on your cluster.

      kubectl describe daemonset kube-proxy -n kube-system | grep Image

      An example output is as follows.

      Image: 602401143452.dkr.ecr.region-code.amazonaws.com/eks/kube-proxy:v1.29.1-eksbuild.2

      In the example output, v1.29.1-eksbuild.2 is the version installed on the cluster.

    3. Update the kube-proxy add-on by replacing 602401143452 and region-code with the values from your output in the previous step. Replace v1.30.6-eksbuild.3 with the kube-proxy version listed in the Latest available self-managed kube-proxy container image version for each Amazon EKS cluster version table.


      The manifests for each image type are different and not compatible between the default or minimal image types. You must use the same image type as the previous image, so that the entrypoint and arguments match.

      kubectl set image daemonset.apps/kube-proxy -n kube-system kube-proxy=602401143452.dkr.ecr.region-code.amazonaws.com/eks/kube-proxy:v1.30.6-eksbuild.3

      An example output is as follows.

      daemonset.apps/kube-proxy image updated
    4. Confirm that the new version is now installed on your cluster.

      kubectl describe daemonset kube-proxy -n kube-system | grep Image | cut -d ":" -f 3

      An example output is as follows.

    5. If you’re using x86 and Arm nodes in the same cluster and your cluster was deployed before August 17, 2020. Then, edit your kube-proxy manifest to include a node selector for multiple hardware architectures with the following command. This is a one-time operation. After you’ve added the selector to your manifest, you don’t need to add it each time you update the add-on. If your cluster was deployed on or after August 17, 2020, then kube-proxy is already multi-architecture capable.

      kubectl edit -n kube-system daemonset/kube-proxy

      Add the following node selector to the file in the editor and then save the file. For an example of where to include this text in the editor, see the CNI manifest file on GitHub. This enables Kubernetes to pull the correct hardware image based on the node’s hardware architecture.

      - key: "kubernetes.io/arch" operator: In values: - amd64 - arm64
    6. If your cluster was originally created with Kubernetes version 1.14 or later, then you can skip this step because kube-proxy already includes this Affinity Rule. If you originally created an Amazon EKS cluster with Kubernetes version 1.13 or earlier and intend to use Fargate nodes in your cluster, then edit your kube-proxy manifest to include a NodeAffinity rule to prevent kube-proxy Pods from scheduling on Fargate nodes. This is a one-time edit. Once you’ve added the Affinity Rule to your manifest, you don’t need to add it each time that you update the add-on. Edit your kube-proxy DaemonSet.

      kubectl edit -n kube-system daemonset/kube-proxy

      Add the following Affinity Rule to the DaemonSet spec section of the file in the editor and then save the file. For an example of where to include this text in the editor, see the CNI manifest file on GitHub.

      - key: eks.amazonaws.com/compute-type operator: NotIn values: - fargate