Elastic Beanstalk custom platforms (retired)
On July 18,2022, Elastic Beanstalk set the status of all platform branches based on Amazon Linux AMI (AL1) to retired. This includes custom platforms. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't support custom platforms. For more information about Elastic Beanstalk's retirement of Amazon Linux AMI, see Platform retirement FAQ.
This topic remains in this document as a reference for any customers that used the Elastic Beanstalk custom platform feature prior to its retirement. In the past, Elastic Beanstalk custom platforms supported building an AMI from Amazon Linux AMI, RHEL 7, RHEL 6, or Ubuntu 16.04 base AMIs. These operating systems are no longer supported by Elastic Beanstalk. To read more about the custom platforms feature, which is no longer supported, expand the following topic.
A custom platform is a more advanced customization than a custom image in several ways. A custom platform lets you develop an entire new platform from scratch, customizing the operating system, additional software, and scripts that Elastic Beanstalk runs on platform instances. This flexibility enables you to build a platform for an application that uses a language or other infrastructure software, for which Elastic Beanstalk doesn't provide a managed platform. Compare that to custom images, where you modify an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for use with an existing Elastic Beanstalk platform, and Elastic Beanstalk still provides the platform scripts and controls the platform's software stack. In addition, with custom platforms you use an automated, scripted way to create and maintain your customization, whereas with custom images you make the changes manually over a running instance.
To create a custom platform, you build an AMI from one of the supported operating systems—Ubuntu, RHEL, or Amazon Linux (see the
entry in Platform.yaml file format for the exact version numbers)—and add
further customizations. You create your own Elastic Beanstalk platform using Packer
Elastic Beanstalk manages Packer as a separate built-in platform, and you don't need to worry about Packer configuration and versions.
You create a platform by providing Elastic Beanstalk with a Packer template, and the scripts and files that the template invokes to build an AMI. These components are packaged with a platform definition file, which specifies the template and metadata, into a ZIP archive, known as a platform definition archive.
When you create a custom platform, you launch a single instance environment without an Elastic IP that runs Packer. Packer then launches another instance to build an image. You can reuse this environment for multiple platforms and multiple versions of each platform.
Custom platforms are AWS Region specific. If you use Elastic Beanstalk in multiple Regions, you must create your platforms separately in each Region.
In certain circumstances, instances launched by Packer are not cleaned up and have to be manually terminated. To learn how to manually clean up these instances, see Packer instance cleanup.
Users in your account can use your custom platforms by specifying a platform ARN during environment creation. These ARNs are returned by the eb platform create command that you used to create the custom platform.
Each time you build your custom platform, Elastic Beanstalk creates a new platform version. Users can specify a platform by name to get only the latest version of the platform, or include a version number to get a specific version.
For example, to deploy the latest version of the custom platform with the ARN MyCustomPlatformARN
, which could be version 3.0,
your EB CLI command line would look like this:
eb create -p MyCustomPlatformARN
To deploy version 2.1 your EB CLI command line would look like this:
eb create -p MyCustomPlatformARN --version 2.1
You can apply tags to a custom platform version when you create it, and edit tags of existing custom platform versions. For details, see Tagging custom platform versions.
Creating a custom platform
To create a custom platform, the root of your application must include a platform definition file, platform.yaml
, which defines the type of builder
used to create the custom platform. The format of this file is described in Platform.yaml file format.
You can create your custom platform from scratch, or use one of the sample custom platforms as a starting
Using a sample custom platform
One alternative to creating your own custom platform is to use one of the platform definition archive samples to bootstrap your custom platform. The only items you have to configure in the samples before you can use them are a source AMI and a Region.
Do not use an unmodified sample custom platform in production. The goal of the samples is to show some of the functionality available for a custom platform, but they have not been hardened for production use.
- NodePlatform_Ubuntu.zip
This custom platform is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and supports Node.js 4.4.4. We use this custom platform for the examples in this section.
- NodePlatform_RHEL.zip
This custom platform is based on RHEL 7.2 and supports Node.js 4.4.4.
- NodePlatform_AmazonLinux.zip
This custom platform is based on Amazon Linux 2016.09.1 and supports Node.js 4.4.4.
- TomcatPlatform_Ubuntu.zip
This custom platform is based on Ubuntu 16.04 and supports Tomcat 7/Java 8.
- CustomPlatform_NodeSampleApp.zip
A Node.js sample that uses express and ejs to display a static webpage.
- CustomPlatform_TomcatSampleApp.zip
A Tomcat sample that displays a static webpage when deployed.
Download the sample platform definition archive: NodePlatform_Ubuntu.zip
. This file contains a platform definition file, Packer template, scripts that Packer runs during
image creation, and scripts and configuration files that Packer copies onto the builder instance during platform creation.
Example NodePlatform_Ubuntu.zip
|-- builder Contains files used by Packer to create the custom platform
|-- custom_platform.json Packer template
|-- platform.yaml Platform definition file
|-- ReadMe.txt Briefly describes the sample
The platform definition file, platform.yaml
, tells Elastic Beanstalk the name of the Packer template, custom_platform.json
version: "1.0"
type: packer
template: custom_platform.json
flavor: ubuntu1604
The Packer template tells Packer how to build the AMIs for the platform, using an Ubuntu AMI as a base
for the platform image for HVM instance types. The provisioners
section tells Packer to copy all files in the builder
folder within the archive to the instance, and to run the builder.sh
script on the instance. When the scripts complete, Packer
creates an image from the modified instance.
Elastic Beanstalk creates three environment variables that can be used to tag AMIs in Packer:
The ARN of the custom platform.
The name of the custom platform.
The version of the custom platform.
The sample custom_platform.json
file uses these variables to define the following values that it uses in the scripts:
, which is set byplatform.yaml
, which is set byplatform.yaml
, which is set by the main build script,builder.sh
, which is shown at the end of the samplecustom_platform.json
The custom_platform.json
file contains two properties that you have to provide values for: source_ami
. For details about choosing the right AMI and Region values, see Updating Packer template
Example custom_platform.json
"variables": {
"platform_name": "{{env `AWS_EB_PLATFORM_NAME`}}",
"platform_version": "{{env `AWS_EB_PLATFORM_VERSION`}}",
"platform_arn": "{{env `AWS_EB_PLATFORM_ARN`}}"
"builders": [
"region": "",
"source_ami": "",
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; {{ .Vars }} sudo {{ .Path }}",
"scripts": [
The scripts and other files that you include in your platform definition archive will vary greatly depending on the modifications that you want to make to the instance. The sample platform includes the following scripts:
– Commented out:apt -y update
. We commented out the command because it prompts the user for input, which breaks the automated package update. This might be an Ubuntu issue. However, runningapt -y update
is still recommended as a best practice. For this reason, we left the command in the sample script for reference. -
– Installs nginx. -
– Installswget
, andgit
. Copies hooks and logging configurations to the instance, and creates the following directories:-
– Where the container configuration file is uploaded during deployment. -
– Where the00-unzip.sh
script uploads application source code during deployment (see the Platform script tools for your Elastic Beanstalk environments section for information about this script). -
– Where application source code is processed during deployment. -
– Where application source code runs after processing. -
– Where the enhanced health agent writes logs. -
– Where the Node.js files are uploaded during deployment.
Use the EB CLI to create your first custom platform with the sample platform definition archive.
To create a custom platform
Create a directory in which you will extract the sample custom platform.
mkdir ~/custom-platform
to the directory, and then change to the extracted directory.~$
cd ~/custom-platform
~/custom-platform$unzip ~/NodePlatform_Ubuntu.zip
~/custom-platform$cd NodePlatform_Ubuntu
Edit the
file, and provide values for thesource_ami
properties. For details, see Updating Packer template. -
Run eb platform init and follow the prompts to initialize a platform repository.
You can shorten eb platform to ebp.
Windows PowerShell uses ebp as a command alias. If you're running the EB CLI in Windows PowerShell, use the long form of this command: eb platform.
eb platform init
This command also creates the directory
in the current directory and adds the configuration fileconfig.yml
to the directory. Don't change or delete this file, because Elastic Beanstalk relies on it when creating the custom platform.By default, eb platform init uses the name of the current folder as the name of the custom platform, which would be
in this example. -
Run eb platform create to launch a Packer environment and get the ARN of the custom platform. You'll need this value later when you create an environment from the custom platform.
eb platform create
...By default, Elastic Beanstalk creates the instance profile
for custom platforms. If, instead, you want to use an existing instance profile, add the option-ip
to the eb platform create command.INSTANCE_PROFILE
Packer will fail to create a custom platform if you use the Elastic Beanstalk default instance profile
.The EB CLI shows event output of the Packer environment until the build is complete. You can exit the event view by pressing Ctrl+C.
You can check the logs for errors using the eb platform logs command.
eb platform logs
... -
You can check on the process later with eb platform events.
eb platform events
... -
Check the status of your platform with eb platform status.
eb platform status
When the operation completes, you have a platform that you can use to launch an Elastic Beanstalk environment.
You can use the custom platform when creating an environment from the console. See The create new environment wizard.
To launch an environment on your custom platform
Create a directory for your application.
mkdir custom-platform-app
~$cd ~/custom-platform-app
Initialize an application repository.
eb init
... -
Download the sample application NodeSampleApp.zip.
Extract the sample application.
NodeSampleApp.zip -
Run eb create -p
is the ARN returned by an eb platform create command, to launch an environment running your custom platform.~/custom-platform-app$
eb create -p
Platform definition archive contents
A platform definition archive is the platform equivalent of an application source bundle. The platform definition archive is a ZIP file that contains a platform definition file, a Packer template, and the scripts and files used by the Packer template to create your platform.
When you use the EB CLI to create a custom platform, the EB CLI creates a platform definition archive from the files and folders in your platform repository, so you don't need to create the archive manually.
The platform definition file is a YAML-formatted file that must be named platform.yaml
and be in the root of your platform definition archive. See Creating a custom platform for a list of required and optional keys supported in a platform definition file.
You don't need to name the Packer template in a specific way, but the name of the file must match the provisioner template specified in the platform definition file. See
the official Packer documentation
The other files in your platform definition archive are scripts and files used by the template to customize an instance before creating an AMI.
Custom platform hooks
Elastic Beanstalk uses a standardized directory structure for hooks on custom platforms. These are scripts that are run during lifecycle events and in response to management operations: when instances in your environment are launched, or when a user initiates a deployment or uses the restart application server feature.
Place scripts that you want hooks to trigger in one of the subfolders of the /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/
Using custom platform hooks on managed platforms isn't supported. Custom platform hooks are designed for custom platforms. On Elastic Beanstalk managed platforms they might work differently or have some issues, and behavior might differ across platforms. On Amazon Linux AMI platforms (preceding Amazon Linux 2), they might still work in useful ways in some cases; use them with caution.
Custom platform hooks are a legacy feature that exists on Amazon Linux AMI platforms. On Amazon Linux 2 platforms, custom platform hooks in the
folder are entirely discontinued. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't read or execute them. Amazon Linux 2 platforms support a new
kind of platform hooks, specifically designed to extend Elastic Beanstalk managed platforms. You can add custom scripts and programs directly to a hooks directory
in your application source bundle. Elastic Beanstalk runs them during various instance provisioning stages. For more information, expand the Platform
Hooks section in Extending Elastic Beanstalk Linux platforms.
Hooks are organized into the following folders:
— Scripts run during an application deployment. Elastic Beanstalk performs an application deployment when new instances are launched and when a client initiates a new version deployment. -
— Scripts run when a client performs a configuration update that affects the software configuration on instance, for example, by setting environment properties or enabling log rotation to Amazon S3. -
— Scripts run when a client performs a restart app server operation. -
— Scripts run during instance bootstrapping. -
— Scripts run after instance bootstrapping.
The appdeploy
, configdeploy
, and restartappserver
folders contain
, enact
, and post
subfolders. In each phase of an operation, all scripts in the
folder are run in alphabetical order, then those in the enact
folder, and then those in the
When an instance is launched, Elastic Beanstalk runs preinit
, appdeploy
, and postinit
in this order. On subsequent deployments to running instances, Elastic Beanstalk runs appdeploy
hooks are run when a user updates instance software configuration settings. restartappserver
hooks are run only when the user initiates an application server restart.
When your scripts encounter errors, they can exit with a non-zero status and write to stderr
to fail the operation. The message
that you write to stderr
will appear in the event that is output when the operation fails. Elastic Beanstalk also captures this information in
the log file /var/log/eb-activity.log
If you don't want to fail the operation, return 0 (zero). Messages that you write to
or stdout
appear in the deployment logs, but won't appear in the event
stream unless the operation fails.
Packer instance cleanup
In certain circumstances, such as stopping the Packer builder process before it is finished, instances launched by Packer are not cleaned up. These instances are not part of the Elastic Beanstalk environment and can be viewed and terminated only by using the Amazon EC2 service.
To manually clean up these instances
Open the Amazon EC2 console
. -
Make sure you are in the same AWS Region in which you created the instance with Packer.
Under Resources, choose
Running Instances, whereN
indicates the number of running instances. -
Click in the query text box.
Select the Name tag.
Enter packer.
The query should look like: tag:Name: packer
Select any instances that match the query.
If the Instance State is running, choose Actions, Instance State, Stop, and then Actions, Instance State, Terminate.
Platform.yaml file format
The platform.yaml
file has the following format.
version: "version-number
type: provisioner-type
template: provisioner-template
flavor: provisioner-flavor
maintainer: metadata-maintainer
description: metadata-description
operating_system_name: metadata-operating_system_name
operating_system_version: metadata-operating_system_version
programming_language_name: metadata-programming_language_name
programming_language_version: metadata-programming_language_version
framework_name: metadata-framework_name
framework_version: metadata-framework_version
- namespace: option-def-namespace
option_name: option-def-option_name
description: option-def-description
default_value: option-def-default_value
- namespace: "option-setting-namespace
option_name: "option-setting-option_name
value: "option-setting-value
Replace the placeholders with these values:
Required. The version of the YAML definition. Must be
. provisioner-type
Required. The type of builder used to create the custom platform. Must be
. provisioner-template
Required. The JSON file containing the settings for
. provisioner-flavor
Optional. The base operating system used for the AMI. One of the following:
- amazon (default)
Amazon Linux. If not specified, the latest version of Amazon Linux when the platform is created.
Amazon Linux 2 isn't a supported operating system flavor.
- ubuntu1604
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- rhel7
- rhel6
Optional. Contact information for the person who owns the platform (100 characters).
Optional. Description of the platform (2,000 characters).
Optional. Name of the platform's operating system (50 characters). This value is available when filtering the output for the ListPlatformVersions API.
Optional. Version of the platform's operating system (20 characters).
Optional. Programming language supported by the platform (50 characters)
Optional. Version of the platform's language (20 characters).
Optional. Name of the web framework used by the platform (50 characters).
Optional. Version of the platform's web framework (20 characters).
Optional. A namespace under
(100 characters). option-def-option_name
Optional. The option's name (100 characters). You can define up to 50 custom configuration options that the platform provides to users.
Optional. Description of the option (1,024 characters).
Optional. Default value used when the user doesn't specify one.
The following example creates the option
.options_definitions: - namespace: "aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:custom:application" option_name: "NPM_START" description: "Default application startup command" default_value: "node application.js"
Optional. Namespace of the option.
Optional. Name of the option. You can specify up to 50 options provided by Elastic Beanstalk.
Optional. Value used when the user doesn't specify one.
The following example creates the option
.option_settings: - namespace: "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment" option_name: "TEST" value: "This is a test"
Tagging custom platform versions
You can apply tags to your AWS Elastic Beanstalk custom platform versions. Tags are key-value pairs associated with AWS resources. For information about Elastic Beanstalk resource tagging, use cases, tag key and value constraints, and supported resource types, see Tagging Elastic Beanstalk application resources.
You can specify tags when you create a custom platform version. In an existing custom platform version, you can add or remove tags, and update the values of existing tags. You can add up to 50 tags to each custom platform version.
Adding tags during custom platform version creation
If you use the EB CLI to create your custom platform version, use the --tags
option with eb
platform create to add tags.
~/workspace/my-app$ eb platform create --tags mytag1
With the AWS CLI or other API-based clients, add tags by using the --tags
parameter on the create-platform-version command.
$ aws elasticbeanstalk create-platform-version \
--tags Key=mytag1
--platform-name my-platform
--platform-version 1.0.0
--platform-definition-bundle S3Bucket=amzn-s3-demo-bucket
Managing tags of an existing custom platform version
You can add, update, and delete tags in an existing Elastic Beanstalk custom platform version.
If you use the EB CLI to update your custom platform version, use eb tags to add, update, delete, or list tags.
For example, the following command lists the tags in a custom platform version.
~/workspace/my-app$ eb tags --list --resource "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2:my-account-id
The following command updates the tag mytag1
and deletes the tag mytag2
~/workspace/my-app$ eb tags --update mytag1
--delete mytag2
--resource "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2:my-account-id
For a complete list of options and more examples, see eb tags
With the AWS CLI or other API-based clients, use the list-tags-for-resource command to list the tags of a custom platform version.
$ aws elasticbeanstalk list-tags-for-resource --resource-arn "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2:my-account-id
Use the update-tags-for-resource command to add, update, or delete tags in a custom platform version.
$ aws elasticbeanstalk update-tags-for-resource \
--tags-to-add Key=mytag1
--tags-to-remove mytag2
--resource-arn "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-2:my-account-id
Specify both tags to add and tags to update in the --tags-to-add
parameter of update-tags-for-resource. A nonexisting tag is
added, and an existing tag's value is updated.
To use some of the EB CLI and AWS CLI commands with an Elastic Beanstalk custom platform version, you need the custom platform version's ARN. You can retrieve the ARN by using the following command.
$ aws elasticbeanstalk list-platform-versions
Use the --filters
option to filter the output down to your custom platform's name.