AWS managed policies for Elastic Load Balancing - Elastic Load Balancing

AWS managed policies for Elastic Load Balancing

An AWS managed policy is a standalone policy that is created and administered by AWS. AWS managed policies are designed to provide permissions for many common use cases so that you can start assigning permissions to users, groups, and roles.

Keep in mind that AWS managed policies might not grant least-privilege permissions for your specific use cases because they're available for all AWS customers to use. We recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining customer managed policies that are specific to your use cases.

You cannot change the permissions defined in AWS managed policies. If AWS updates the permissions defined in an AWS managed policy, the update affects all principal identities (users, groups, and roles) that the policy is attached to. AWS is most likely to update an AWS managed policy when a new AWS service is launched or new API operations become available for existing services.

For more information, see AWS managed policies in the IAM User Guide.

AWS managed policy: AWSElasticLoadBalancingClassicServiceRolePolicy

This policy includes all the permissions that Elastic Load Balancing (Classic Load Balancer) requires to call other AWS services on your behalf. Service-linked roles are predefined. With predefined roles you don't have to manually add the necessary permissions for Elastic Load Balancing to complete actions on your behalf. You cannot attach, detach, modify, or delete this policy.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSElasticLoadBalancingClassicServiceRolePolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: AWSElasticLoadBalancingServiceRolePolicy

This policy includes all the permissions that Elastic Load Balancing requires to call other AWS services on your behalf. Service-linked roles are predefined. With predefined roles you don't have to manually add the necessary permissions for Elastic Load Balancing to complete actions on your behalf. You cannot attach, detach, modify, or delete this policy.

To view the permissions for this policy, see AWSElasticLoadBalancingServiceRolePolicy in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingFullAccess

This policy gives full access to the Elastic Load Balancing service and limited access to other services via the AWS Management Console.

To view the permissions for this policy, see ElasticLoadBalancingFullAccess in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingReadOnly

This policy provides read-only access to Elastic Load Balancing and dependent services.

To view the permissions for this policy, see ElasticLoadBalancingReadOnly in the AWS Managed Policy Reference.

Elastic Load Balancing updates to AWS managed policies

View details about updates to AWS managed policies for Elastic Load Balancing since this service began tracking these changes.

Change Description Date

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingFullAccess - Update to an existing policy.

Elastic Load Balancing added a new action to grant permissions to use zonal shift. This action was added to the Elastic Load Balancing full access policy. It is associated with the arc-zonal-shift:* API operations.

November 28, 2022

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingReadOnly - Update to an existing policy.

Elastic Load Balancing added a new action to grant permissions to use zonal shift. This action was added to the Elastic Load Balancing read only policy. It is associated with the arc-zonal-shift:GetManagedResource, arc-zonal-shift:ListManagedResources and arc-zonal-shift:ListZonalShifts API operations.

November 28, 2022

AWS managed policy: AWSElasticLoadBalancingServiceRolePolicy - Update to an existing policy.

Elastic Load Balancing added a new action to grant permissions to use peering connections. This action was added to the service-linked role policy, for Elastic Load Balancing control plane. It is associated with the ec2:DescribeVpcPeeringConnections API operation.

October 11, 2021

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingFullAccess - Update to an existing policy.

Elastic Load Balancing added a new action to grant permissions to use peering connections. This action was added to the Elastic Load Balancing full access policy. It is associated with the ec2:DescribeVpcPeeringConnections API operation.

October 11, 2021

AWS managed policy: AWSElasticLoadBalancingClassicServiceRolePolicy - Update to an existing policy.

Elastic Load Balancing added a service-linked role policy (for the control plane) for the Classic Load Balancer. This update is for version 2 (default).

October 7, 2019

AWS managed policy: ElasticLoadBalancingReadOnly

Provides read-only access to Elastic Load Balancing and dependent services. This is the version 1 (default).

September 20, 2018

Elastic Load Balancing started tracking changes

Elastic Load Balancing started tracking changes for its AWS managed policies.

July 23, 2021