Configuring alerts in Amazon OpenSearch Service - Amazon OpenSearch Service

Configuring alerts in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Configure alerts in Amazon OpenSearch Service to get notified when data from one or more indexes meets certain conditions. For example, you might want to receive an email if your application logs more than five HTTP 503 errors in one hour, or you might want to page a developer if no new documents have been indexed in the last 20 minutes.

Alerting requires OpenSearch or Elasticsearch 6.2 or later.


This documentation provides a brief overview of alerting and highlights how alerting on an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain differs from alerting on an open source OpenSearch cluster. For full alerting documentation, including a comprehensive API reference, a list of available request fields for composite monitors, and descriptions of available trigger and actions variables, see Alerting in the OpenSearch documentation.

Alerting permissions

Alerting supports fine-grained access control. For details on mixing and matching permissions to fit your use case, see Alerting security in the OpenSearch documentation.

In order to access the Alerting page within OpenSearch Dashboards, you must at least be mapped to the alerting_read_access predefined role, or be granted equivalent permissions. This role grants permissions to view alerts, destinations, and monitors, but not to acknowledge alerts or modify destinations or monitors.

Getting started with alerting

To create an alert, you configure a monitor, which is a job that runs on a defined schedule and queries OpenSearch indexes. You also configure one or more triggers, which define the conditions that generate events. Finally, you configure actions, which is what happens after an alert is triggered.

To get started with alerting
  1. Choose Alerting from the OpenSearch Dashboards main menu and choose Create monitor.

  2. Create a per-query, per-bucket, per-cluster metrics, or per-document monitor. For instructions, see Create a monitor.

  3. For Triggers, create one or more triggers. For instructions, see Create triggers.

  4. For Actions, set up a notification channel for the alert. Choose between Slack, Amazon Chime, a custom webhook, or Amazon SNS. As you might imagine, notifications require connectivity to the channel. For example, your OpenSearch Service domain must be able to connect to the internet to notify a Slack channel or send a custom webhook to a third-party server. The custom webhook must have a public IP address in order for an OpenSearch Service domain to send alerts to it.


    After an action successfully sends a message, securing access to that message (for example, access to a Slack channel) is your responsibility. If your domain contains sensitive data, consider using triggers without actions and periodically checking Dashboards for alerts.


Alerting integrates with Notifications, which is a unified system for OpenSearch notifications. Notifications let you configure which communication service you want to use and see relevant statistics and troubleshooting information. For comprehensive documentation, see Notifications in the OpenSearch documentation.

Your domain must be running OpenSearch version 2.3 or later to use notifications.


OpenSearch notifications are separate from OpenSearch Service notifications, which provide details about service software updates, Auto-Tune enhancements, and other important domain-level information. OpenSearch notifications are plugin-specific.

Notification channels replaced alerting destinations starting with OpenSearch version 2.0. Destinations were officially deprecated, and all alerting notification will be managed through channels going forward.

When you upgrade your domains to version 2.3 or later (since OpenSearch Service support for 2.x starts with 2.3), your existing destinations are automatically migrated to notification channels. If a destination fails to migrate, the monitor will continue to use it until the monitor is migrated to a notification channel. For more inforation, see Questions about destinations in the OpenSearch documentation.

To get started with notifications, sign in to OpenSearch Dashboards and choose Notifications, Channels, and Create channel.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a supported channel type for notifications. In order to authenticate users, you either need to provide the user with full access to Amazon SNS, or let them assume an IAM role that has permissions to access Amazon SNS. For instructions, see Amazon SNS as a channel type.


Compared to the open-source version of OpenSearch, alerting in Amazon OpenSearch Service has some notable differences.

Alerting settings

OpenSearch Service lets you modify the following alerting settings:

  • plugins.scheduled_jobs.enabled

  • plugins.alerting.alert_history_enabled

  • plugins.alerting.alert_history_max_age

  • plugins.alerting.alert_history_max_docs

  • plugins.alerting.alert_history_retention_period

  • plugins.alerting.alert_history_rollover_period

  • plugins.alerting.filter_by_backend_roles

All other settings use the default values which you can't change.

To disable alerting, send the following request:

PUT _cluster/settings { "persistent" : { "plugins.scheduled_jobs.enabled" : false } }

The following request configures alerting to automatically delete history indexes after seven days, rather than the default 30 days:

PUT _cluster/settings { "persistent": { "plugins.alerting.alert_history_retention_period": "7d" } }

If you previously created monitors and want to stop the creation of daily alerting indexes, delete all alert history indexes:

DELETE .plugins-alerting-alert-history-*

To reduce shard count for history indexes, create an index template. The following request sets history indexes for alerting to one shard and one replica:

PUT _index_template/template-name { "index_patterns": [".opendistro-alerting-alert-history-*"], "template": { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1, "number_of_replicas": 1 } } }

Depending on your tolerance for data loss, you might even consider using zero replicas. For more information about creating and managing index templates, see Index templates in the OpenSearch documentation.