End of support notice: On November 13, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for Amazon Elastic Transcoder. After November 13, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the Elastic Transcoder console or Elastic Transcoder resources.
For more information about transitioning to AWS Elemental MediaConvert, visit this blog post
Read Pipeline
To get detailed information about a pipeline, send a GET request to the
GET /2012-09-25/pipelines/pipelineId HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.
Elastic Transcoder endpoint
.amazonaws.com:443 x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID
/Elastic Transcoder endpoint
/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature
Request Parameters
This operation takes the following request parameter.
- pipelineId
The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to get detailed information.
Request Headers
This operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For information about common request headers, see HTTP Header Contents.
Request Body
This operation does not have a request body.
Status: 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length:
number of characters in the response
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Pipeline":{ "Id":"Id for the new pipeline
", "Name":"pipeline name
", "InputBucket":"Amazon S3 bucket that contains files to transcode and graphics to use as watermarks
", "OutputBucket":"Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket
", "Role":"IAM role ARN
", "AwsKmsKeyArn":"AWS-KMS key arn of the AWS-KMS key you want to use with this pipeline
", "Notifications":{ "Progressing":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process the job
", "Complete":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing the job
", "Warning":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition
" "Error":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition
" }, "ContentConfig":{ "Bucket":"Use this plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket, or use OutputBucket
", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Canonical|Email|Group", "Grantee":"AWS user ID or CloudFront origin access identity
"| "registered email address for AWS account
"| AllUsers|AuthenticatedUsers|LogDelivery", "Access":[ "Read|ReadAcp|WriteAcp|FullControl", ... ] }, {...} ], "StorageClass":"Standard|ReducedRedundancy" }, "ThumbnailConfig":{ "Bucket":"Use this plus ContentConfig:Bucket, or use OutputBucket
", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Canonical|Email|Group", "Grantee":"AWS user ID or CloudFront origin access identity
"| "registered email address for AWS account
"| AllUsers|AuthenticatedUsers|LogDelivery", "Access":[ "Read|ReadAcp|WriteAcp|FullControl", ... ] }, {...} ], "StorageClass":"Standard|ReducedRedundancy" }, "Status":"Active|Paused" }, "(Automatic) Warnings": [ { "Code": "6000|6001|6002|6003|6004|6005|6006|6007|6008", "Message": "The code message
" }, {...} ] }
Response Headers
This operation uses only response headers that are common to most responses. For information about common response headers, see HTTP Responses.
Response Body
The JSON string in the response body returns the values that you specified when you created the pipeline. For more detail about the individual objects, see Settings that You Specify When You Create an Elastic Transcoder Pipeline.
Elastic Transcoder also includes the following values and warnings, if applicable:
- (Automatic) Id
Identifier for the pipeline. You use this value to identify the pipeline in which you want to perform a variety of operations, for example, creating a job or a preset.
- (Automatic) Status
The current status of the pipeline:
: The pipeline is processing jobs.Paused
: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.
(Automatic) Warnings
When you create a pipeline that uses resources in other regions, Elastic Transcoder returns one or more warnings. Your pipeline is still created, but might have increased processing times and incur cross-regional charges. The warnings are in the following format:
- Code
Message — the message associated with the warning code.
The following is a list of valid warning codes and their messages:
- 6000
The input bucket and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the input bucket and the pipeline.
- 6001
The ContentConfig bucket and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the ContentConfig bucket and the pipeline.
- 6002
The ThumbnailConfig bucket and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the ThumbnailConfig bucket and the pipeline.
- 6003
The SNS notification topic for progressing events and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the SNS notification topic and the pipeline.
- 6004
The SNS notification topic for warning events and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the SNS notification topic and the pipeline.
- 6005
The SNS notification topic for completion events and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the SNS notification topic and the pipeline.
- 6006
The SNS notification topic for error events and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the SNS notification topic and the pipeline.
- 6007
The AWS KMS key and ContentConfig bucket specified for this pipeline are in different regions, which causes outputs using s3-aws-kms encryption mode to fail. To use s3-aws-kms encryption mode, use the same region for the KMS key and the ContentConfig bucket.
- 6008
The AWS KMS key and ThumbnailConfig bucket specified for this pipeline are in different regions, which causes outputs using s3-aws-kms encryption mode to fail. To use s3-aws-kms encryption mode, use the same region for the KMS key and the ThumbnailConfig bucket.
For information about Elastic Transcoder exceptions and error messages, see Handling Errors in Elastic Transcoder.
The following example request gets the pipeline that has the ID
Sample Request
GET /2012-09-25/pipelines/1111111111111-abcde1 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.
Elastic Transcoder endpoint
.amazonaws.com:443 x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID
/Elastic Transcoder endpoint
/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature
Sample Response
Status: 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length:
number of characters in the response
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Pipeline":{ "Id":"1111111111111-abcde1", "Name":"Default", "InputBucket":"salesoffice.example.com-source", "OutputBucket":"salesoffice.example.com-output", "Role":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Elastic_Transcoder_Default_Role", "AwsKmsKeyArn":"base64 encoded key from KMS
", "Notifications":{ "Progressing":"", "Complete":"", "Warning":"", "Error":"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111222333444:ET_Errors" }, "ContentConfig":{ "Bucket":"salesoffice.example.com-public-promos", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"marketing-promos@example.com", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"Standard" }, "ThumbnailConfig":{ "Bucket":"salesoffice.example.com-public-promos-thumbnails", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"marketing-promos@example.com", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"ReducedRedundancy" }, "Status":"Active" }, "Warnings": [ { "Code": "6000", "Message": "The input bucket and the pipeline are in different regions, which increases processing time for jobs in the pipeline and can incur additional charges. To decrease processing time and prevent cross-regional charges, use the same region for the input bucket and the pipeline." }, {...} ] }