Getting started with EMR Serverless from the console
This section describes working with EMR Serverless, including creating an EMR Studio. It also describes how to submit job
runs and view logs.
Step 1: Create an EMR Serverless
Create a new application with EMR Serverless as follows.
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EMR console at
In the left navigation pane, choose EMR Serverless to navigate
to the EMR Serverless landing page.
To create or manage EMR Serverless applications, you need the EMR Studio
If you already have an EMR Studio in the AWS Region where you want to
create an application, then select Manage applications to
navigate to your EMR Studio, or select the studio that you want to use.
If you don't have an EMR Studio in the AWS Region where you want to create
an application, choose Get started and then Choose
Create and launch Studio. EMR Serverless creates a
EMR Studio for you so that you can create and manage applications.
In the Create studio UI that opens in a new tab, enter the
name, type, and release version for your application. If you only want to run batch
jobs, select Use default settings for batch jobs only. For
interactive workloads, select Use default settings for interactive
workloads. You can also run batch jobs on interactive-enabled applications
with this option. If you need to, you can change these settings later.
For more information, see Create a
Select Create application to create your first application.
Continue to the next section Step 2: Submit a job run or interactive
workload to submit a job run or interactive workload.
Step 2: Submit a job run or interactive
- Spark job run
In this tutorial, we use a PySpark script to compute the number of occurrences of
unique words across multiple text files. A public, read-only S3 bucket stores both the
script and the dataset.
To run a Spark job
Upload the sample script
into your new bucket with
the following command.
aws s3 cp s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/emr-containers/samples/wordcount/scripts/ s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket
Completing Step 1: Create an EMR Serverless
application takes you to the Application
details page in EMR Studio. There, choose the Submit
job option.
On the Submit job page, complete the following.
In the Name field, enter the name that you want to
call your job run.
In the Runtime role field, enter the name of the role
that you created in Create a job runtime role.
In the Script location field, enter
as the S3 URI.
In the Script arguments field, enter
In the Spark properties section, choose
Edit as text and enter the following
--conf spark.executor.cores=1 --conf spark.executor.memory=4g --conf spark.driver.cores=1 --conf spark.driver.memory=4g --conf spark.executor.instances=1
To start the job run, choose Submit job .
In the Job runs tab, you should see your new job run with
a Running status.
- Hive job run
In this part of the tutorial, we create a table, insert a few records, and run a
count aggregation query. To run the Hive job, first create a file that contains all
Hive queries to run as part of single job, upload the file to S3, and specify this S3
path when starting the Hive job.
To run a Hive job
Create a file called hive-query.ql
that contains all the queries
that you want to run in your Hive job.
create database if not exists emrserverless;
use emrserverless;
create table if not exists test_table(id int);
drop table if exists Values__Tmp__Table__1;
insert into test_table values (1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(3);
select id, count(id) from test_table group by id order by id desc;
Upload hive-query.ql
to your S3 bucket with the following
aws s3 cp hive-query.ql s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket
Completing Step 1: Create an EMR Serverless
application takes you to the Application
details page in EMR Studio. There, choose the Submit
job option.
On the Submit job page, complete the following.
In the Name field, enter the name that you want to
call your job run.
In the Runtime role field, enter the name of the role
that you created in Create a job runtime role.
In the Script location field, enter
as the S3 URI.
In the Hive properties section, choose Edit
as text, and enter the following configurations.
--hiveconf hive.log.explain.output=false
In the Job configuration section, choose
Edit as JSON, and enter the following JSON.
"classification": "hive-site",
"properties": {
"hive.exec.scratchdir": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket
"hive.metastore.warehouse.dir": "s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket
"hive.driver.cores": "2",
"hive.driver.memory": "4g",
"hive.tez.container.size": "4096",
"hive.tez.cpu.vcores": "1"
To start the job run, choose Submit job.
In the Job runs tab, you should see your new job run with
a Running status.
- Interactive workload
With Amazon EMR 6.14.0 and higher, you can use notebooks that are hosted in
EMR Studio to run interactive workloads for Spark in EMR Serverless. For more
information including permissions and prerequisites, see Run interactive workloads with EMR Serverless through
EMR Studio.
Once you've created your application and set up the required permissions, use the
following steps to run an interactive notebook with EMR Studio:
Navigate to the Workspaces tab in EMR Studio. If you
still need to configure an Amazon S3 storage location and EMR Studio
service role, select the Configure studio button in
the banner at the top of the screen.
To access a notebook, select a Workspace or create a new Workspace. Use
Quick launch to open your Workspace in a new tab.
Go to the newly opened tab. Select the Compute icon from
the left navigation. Select EMR Serverless as the Compute
Select the interactive-enabled application that you created in the previous
In the Runtime role field, enter the name of the IAM
role that your EMR Serverless application can assume for the job run. To learn
more about runtime roles, see Job
runtime roles in the Amazon EMR Serverless User
Select Attach. This may take up to a minute. The page
will refresh when attached.
Pick a kernel and start a notebook. You can also browse example notebooks on
EMR Serverless and copy them to your Workspace. To access the example notebooks,
navigate to the {...}
menu in the left
navigation and browse through notebooks that have serverless
in the
notebook file name.
In the notebook, you can access the driver log link and a link to the Apache
Spark UI, a real-time interface that provides metrics to monitor your job. For
more information, see Monitoring
EMR Serverless applications and jobs in the
Amazon EMR Serverless User Guide.
When you attach an application to an Studio workspace, the application start
triggers automatically if it's not already running. You can also pre-start the
application and keep it ready before you attach it to the workspace.
Step 3: View application UI and logs
To view the application UI, first identify the job run. An option for Spark
UI or Hive Tez UI is available in the first row of options
for that job run, based on the job type. Select the appropriate option.
If you chose the Spark UI, choose the Executors tab to view the
driver and executors logs. If you chose the Hive Tez UI, choose the All
Tasks tab to view the logs.
Once the job run status shows as Success, you can view the output
of the job in your S3 bucket.
Step 4: Clean up
While the application you created should auto-stop after 15 minutes of inactivity, we
still recommend that you release resources that you don't intend to use again.
To delete the application, navigate to the List applications page.
Select the application that you created and choose Actions → Stop to
stop the application. After the application is in the STOPPED
state, select the
same application and choose Actions → Delete.
For more examples of running Spark and Hive jobs, see Using Spark configurations when you run EMR Serverless jobs and Using Hive configurations when you run EMR Serverless jobs.