Configure Apache Log4j2 properties for Amazon EMR Serverless - Amazon EMR

Configure Apache Log4j2 properties for Amazon EMR Serverless

This page describes how to configure custom Apache Log4j 2.x properties for EMR Serverless jobs at StartJobRun. If you want to configure Log4j classifications at the application level, see Default application configuration for EMR Serverless.

Configure Spark Log4j2 properties for Amazon EMR Serverless

With Amazon EMR releases 6.8.0 and higher, you can customize Apache Log4j 2.x properties to specify fine-grained log configurations. This simplifies troubleshooting of your Spark jobs on EMR Serverless. To configure these properties, use the spark-driver-log4j2 and spark-executor-log4j2 classifications.

Log4j2 classifications for Spark

To customize the Spark log configurations, use the following classifications with applicationConfiguration. To configure the Log4j 2.x properties, use the following properties.


This classification sets the values in the file for the driver.


This classification sets the values in the file for the executor.

Log4j2 configuration example for Spark

The following example shows how to submit a Spark job with applicationConfiguration to customize Log4j2 configurations for the Spark driver and executor.

To configure Log4j classifications at the application level instead of when you submit the job, see Default application configuration for EMR Serverless.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \ --application-id application-id \ --execution-role-arn job-role-arn \ --job-driver '{ "sparkSubmit": { "entryPoint": "/usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar", "entryPointArguments": ["1"], "sparkSubmitParameters": "--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --conf spark.executor.cores=4 --conf spark.executor.memory=20g --conf spark.driver.cores=4 --conf spark.driver.memory=8g --conf spark.executor.instances=1" } }' --configuration-overrides '{ "applicationConfiguration": [ { "classification": "spark-driver-log4j2", "properties": { "rootLogger.level":"error", // will only display Spark error logs "": "classpath for setting logger", "logger.IdentifierForClass.level": "info" } }, { "classification": "spark-executor-log4j2", "properties": { "rootLogger.level":"error", // will only display Spark error logs "": "classpath for setting logger", "logger.IdentifierForClass.level": "info" } } ] }'

Log4j2 in sample Spark jobs

The following code samples demonstrate how to create a Spark application while you initialize a custom Log4j2 configuration for the application.

Example - Using Log4j2 for a Spark job with Python
import os import sys from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext from pyspark.sql import SparkSession app_name = "PySparkApp" if __name__ == "__main__": spark = SparkSession\ .builder\ .appName(app_name)\ .getOrCreate() spark.sparkContext._conf.getAll() sc = spark.sparkContext log4jLogger = LOGGER = log4jLogger.LogManager.getLogger(app_name)"pyspark script logger info") LOGGER.warn("pyspark script logger warn") LOGGER.error("pyspark script logger error") // your code here spark.stop()

To customize Log4j2 for the driver when you execute a Spark job, you can use the following configuration:

{ "classification": "spark-driver-log4j2", "properties": { "rootLogger.level":"error", // only display Spark error logs "logger.PySparkApp.level": "info", "": "PySparkApp" } }
Example - Using Log4j2 for a Spark job with Scala
import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession object ExampleClass { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark = SparkSession .builder .appName(this.getClass.getName) .getOrCreate() val logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass);"script logging info logs") logger.warn("script logging warn logs") logger.error("script logging error logs") // your code here spark.stop() } }

To customize Log4j2 for the driver when you execute a Spark job, you can use the following configuration:

{ "classification": "spark-driver-log4j2", "properties": { "rootLogger.level":"error", // only display Spark error logs "logger.ExampleClass.level": "info", "": "ExampleClass" } }

Log4j2 considerations for Spark

The following Log4j2.x properties are not configurable for Spark processes:

  • rootLogger.appenderRef.stdout.ref

  • appender.console.type



  • appender.console.layout.type

  • appender.console.layout.pattern

For detailed information about the Log4j2.x properties that you can configure, see the file on GitHub.