Optimizing Flink job restart times for task recovery and scaling operations with Amazon EMR on EKS - Amazon EMR

Optimizing Flink job restart times for task recovery and scaling operations with Amazon EMR on EKS

When a task fails or when a scaling operation occurs, Flink attempts to re-execute the task from the last completed checkpoint. The restart process could take a minute or longer to execute, depending on the size of the checkpoint state and the number of parallel tasks. During the restart period, backlog tasks can accumulate for the job. There are some ways though, that Flink optimizes the speed of recovery and restart of execution graphs to improve job stability.

This page describes some of the ways that Amazon EMR Flink can improve the job restart time during task recovery or scaling operations on spot instances. Spot instances are unused compute capacity that's available at a discount. It has unique behaviors, including occasional interruptions, so it's important to understand how Amazon EMR on EKS handles these, including how Amazon EMR on EKS carries out decommissioning and job restarts.


Task-local recovery is supported with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.14.0 and higher.

With Flink checkpoints, each task produces a snapshot of its state that Flink writes to distributed storage like Amazon S3. In cases of recovery, the tasks restore their state from the distributed storage. Distributed storage provides fault tolerance and can redistribute the state during rescaling because it's accessible to all nodes.

However, a remote distributed store also has a disadvantage: all tasks must read their state from a remote location over the network. This can result in long recovery times for large states during task recovery or scaling operations.

This problem of long recovery time is solved by task-local recovery. Tasks write their state on checkpoint into a secondary storage that is local to the task, such as on a local disk. They also store their state in the primary storage, or Amazon S3 in our case. During recovery, the scheduler schedules the tasks on the same Task Manager where the tasks ran earlier so that they can recover from the local state store instead of reading from the remote state store. For more information, see Task-Local Recovery in the Apache Flink Documentation.

Our benchmark tests with sample jobs have shown that the recovery time has been reduced from minutes to a few seconds with task-local recovery enabled.

To enable task-local recovery, set the following configurations in your flink-conf.yaml file. Specify the checkpointing interval value in milliseconds.

state.backend.local-recovery: true state.backend: hasmap or rocksdb state.checkpoints.dir: s3://STORAGE-BUCKET-PATH/checkpoint execution.checkpointing.interval: 15000

Task-local recovery by Amazon EBS is supported with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.15.0 and higher.

With Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS, you can automatically provision Amazon EBS volumes to the TaskManager pods for task local recovery. The default overlay mount comes with 10 GB volume, which is sufficient for jobs with a lower state. Jobs with large states can enable the automatic EBS volume mount option. The TaskManager pods are automatically created and mounted during pod creation and removed during pod deletion.

Use the following steps to enable automatic EBS volume mount for Flink in Amazon EMR on EKS:

  1. Export the values for the following variables that you'll use in upcoming steps.

    export AWS_REGION=aa-example-1 export FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=111122223333
  2. Create or update a kubeconfig YAML file for your cluster.

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name $FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION
  3. Create an IAM service account for the Amazon EBS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver on your Amazon EKS cluster.

    eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --name ebs-csi-controller-sa \ --namespace kube-system \ --region $AWS_REGION \ --cluster $FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME\ --role-name TLR_${AWS_REGION}_${FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} \ --role-only \ --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy \ --approve
  4. Create the Amazon EBS CSI driver with the following command:

    eksctl create addon \ --name aws-ebs-csi-driver \ --region $AWS_REGION \ --cluster $FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \ --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:role/TLR_${AWS_REGION}_${FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME}
  5. Create the Amazon EBS storage class with the following command:

    cat ≪ EOF ≫ storage-class.yaml apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 kind: StorageClass metadata: name: ebs-sc provisioner: ebs.csi.aws.com volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer EOF

    And then apply the class:

    kubectl apply -f storage-class.yaml
  6. Helm install the Amazon EMR Flink Kubernetes operator with options to create a service account. This creates the emr-containers-sa-flink to use in the Flink deployment.

    helm install flink-kubernetes-operator flink-kubernetes-operator/ \ --set jobServiceAccount.create=true \ --set rbac.jobRole.create=true \ --set rbac.jobRoleBinding.create=true
  7. To submit the Flink job and enable the automatic provision of EBS volumes for task-local recovery, set the following configurations in your flink-conf.yaml file. Adjust the size limit for the state size of the job. Set serviceAccount to emr-containers-sa-flink. Specify the checkpointing interval value in milliseconds. And omit the executionRoleArn.

    flinkConfiguration: task.local-recovery.ebs.enable: true kubernetes.taskmanager.local-recovery.persistentVolumeClaim.sizeLimit: 10Gi state.checkpoints.dir: s3://BUCKET-PATH/checkpoint state.backend.local-recovery: true state.backend: hasmap or rocksdb state.backend.incremental: "true" execution.checkpointing.interval: 15000 serviceAccount: emr-containers-sa-flink

When you're ready to delete the Amazon EBS CSI driver plugin, use the following commands:

# Detach Attached Policy aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name TLR_${$AWS_REGION}_${FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy # Delete the created Role aws iam delete-role --role-name TLR_${$AWS_REGION}_${FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME} # Delete the created service account eksctl delete iamserviceaccount --name ebs-csi-controller-sa --namespace kube-system --cluster $FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION # Delete Addon eksctl delete addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster $FLINK_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --region $AWS_REGION # Delete the EBS storage class kubectl delete -f storage-class.yaml

Generic log-based incremental checkpointing is supported with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.14.0 and higher.

Generic log-based incremental checkpointing was added in Flink 1.16 to improve the speed of checkpoints. A faster checkpoint interval often results in a reduction of recovery work because fewer events need to be reprocessed after recovery. For more information, see Improving speed and stability of checkpointing with generic log-based incremental checkpoints on the Apache Flink Blog.

With sample jobs, our benchmark tests have shown that the checkpoint time reduced from minutes to a few seconds with the generic log-based incremental checkpoint.

To enable generic log-based incremental checkpoints, set the following configurations in your flink-conf.yaml file. Specify the checkpointing interval value in milliseconds.

state.backend.changelog.enabled: true state.backend.changelog.storage: filesystem dstl.dfs.base-path: s3://bucket-path/changelog state.backend.local-recovery: true state.backend: rocksdb state.checkpoints.dir: s3://bucket-path/checkpoint execution.checkpointing.interval: 15000

Fine-grained recovery support for the default scheduler is supported with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.14.0 and higher. Fine-grained recovery support in the adaptive scheduler is available with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.15.0 and higher.

When a task fails during execution, Flink resets the entire execution graph and triggers complete re-execution from the last completed checkpoint. This is more expensive than just re-executing the failed tasks. Fine-grained recovery restarts only the pipeline-connected component of the failed task. In the following example, the job graph has 5 vertices (A to E). All connections between the vertices are pipelined with pointwise distribution, and the parallelism.default for the job is set to 2.

A → B → C → D → E

For this example, there are a total of 10 tasks running. The first pipeline (a1 to e1) runs on a TaskManager (TM1), and the second pipeline (a2 to e2) runs on another TaskManager (TM2).

a1 → b1 → c1 → d1 → e1 a2 → b2 → c2 → d2 → e2

There are two pipelined connected components: a1 → e1, and a2 → e2. If either TM1 or TM2 fails, the failure impacts only the 5 tasks in the pipeline where the TaskManager was running. The restart strategy only starts the affected pipelined component.

Fine-grained recovery works only with perfectly parallel Flink jobs. It's not supported with keyBy() or redistribute() operations. For more information, see FLIP-1: Fine Grained Recovery from Task Failures in the Flink Improvement Proposal Jira project.

To enable fine-grained recovery, set the following configurations in your flink-conf.yaml file.

jobmanager.execution.failover-strategy: region restart-strategy: exponential-delay or fixed-delay

The combined restart mechanism in adaptive scheduler is supported with Flink on Amazon EMR on EKS 6.15.0 and higher.

Adaptive scheduler can adjust the parallelism of the job based on available slots. It automatically reduces the parallelism if not enough slots are available to fit the configured job parallelism. If new slots become available, the job is scaled up again to the configured job parallelism. An adaptive scheduler avoids downtime on the job when there are not enough resources available. This is the supported scheduler for Flink Autoscaler. We recommend adaptive scheduler with Amazon EMR Flink for these reasons. However, adaptive schedulers might do multiple restarts within a short period of time, one restart for every new resource added. This could lead to a performance drop in the job.

With Amazon EMR 6.15.0 and higher, Flink has a combined restart mechanism in adaptive scheduler that opens a restart window when the first resource is added, and then waits until the configured window interval of the default 1 minute. It performs a single restart when there are sufficient resources available to run the job with configured parallelism or when the interval times out.

With sample jobs, our benchmark tests have shown that this feature processes 10% of records more than the default behavior when you use adaptive scheduler and Flink autoscaler.

To enable the combined restart mechanism, set the following configurations in your flink-conf.yaml file.

jobmanager.adaptive-scheduler.combined-restart.enabled: true jobmanager.adaptive-scheduler.combined-restart.window-interval: 1m